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Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
29 Mar 2015, 11:34
Good morning all!

I'm spending the weekend at my sister's, and not fasting! We are off to Sunday brunch in an hour or so and then I have a 3 hour drive home. We have had a fun weekend, as usual.

I'll be in for my normal Monday fast tomorrow. Enjoy your Sunday!
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
29 Mar 2015, 11:36
Sounds like you've had a wonderful weekend @Lori Enjoy your brunch and have a safe journey home!
I'll be here tomorrow for the Monday fast too! :wink:
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
29 Mar 2015, 16:02
Enjoy your food today DODOers, I'll be out of sync this week, but when I get back from pool strutting I shall join back in making sure I'm doing the same days as you guys. Don't like this doing it on my own thingy, need to feel the DODO luv n support x
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
29 Mar 2015, 16:19
Never fear, we are always here! Whether you're in sync or not, you'll always have my luv and support! :wink:
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
30 Mar 2015, 16:12
Monday fast is half over.......whew! Sometimes around 3 o'clock is the hardest part of the day. Lots of tea and water in my future as it's only Noon here.

How's your fast going @nursebean ? Hope you're having an easy one!

Wish I was pool strutting with Minsmum! Oh well...I'll be doing that in 3 weeks when I'm on the cruise with my friends! Can't wait to feel the warm sun on my skin! It's been a long, cold winter.

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
30 Mar 2015, 18:42
What?! Another one swanning off to hotter climes? Where are you off to Lori?
The fast day is almost at an end. I've had my lamb moussaka and am now waiting to munch on some Cheerios. Should keep me going for the rest of the evening. How you doing? Fasting well? ;)
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
30 Mar 2015, 18:44
Hi there DODOers, how's the fast been today??
@Lori hope you had a good weekend at your sisters. How's hubby doing? A cruise, wow, never done one of them. Minsdad keeps going on about us doing one, but I don't know something inside just says no! I have no idea what puts me off them. Have you done one before. Recommend??
I know what you mean about the sun on your skin, I need my bones warming up. Better get the suitcases down from the attic or we could be travelling lite!
Hey Beanie @Nursebean how's it going?
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
30 Mar 2015, 19:00
@Minsmum !! I thought you were already strutting! When do you go?

Cruising......I love cruising! I have probably done 10, with the most recent being a 12 day Mediterranean last October. I've done many in the Caribbean and back in 2009 we did a British Isles. Love them all!! I would live on a cruise ship if I could!

This time I'm leaving the hubby at home and going with a group of 20+ girlfriends from all over the country(USA). My roommate is coming from Alaska! This group gets together every other year and does something, but this is our first cruise together. I'm flying to Tampa Florida on 16 April and a few of us are spending a little time at St Petersburg beach before we board the cruise ship on 20 April. It is only a 5 night cruise, so I'll be flying back home on 25 April.
There! That was probably more than you wanted to know! :lol:

@nursebean My fast is going ok. The husband just called me and asked if I wanted to go out to eat tonight. He didn't even blink an eye when I reminded him that I was fasting. He's picking up our 11 year old grandson from school and he has to get him something to eat before he goes to an activity this evening. I told him to take the boy out and the 2 of them should have dinner together. That leaves me to my omelet without having to prepare something for anyone else!

My, my, I'm gabby this afternoon! Sorry for the long ramble. Have a wonderful evening!
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
30 Mar 2015, 19:37
I'm flying Friday..... Count down has begun :)

Mmm may have to check out a cruise. Like the idea of an all girlie escape x
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
30 Mar 2015, 20:30
A cruise with 20+ girlfriends?! Wow that is going to be SOME holiday! How lovely to meet up every other year. You must really look forward to your girlie hols! Well done on sticking with your fast. It's so easy to give up at the merest suggestion of food isn't it!
I've had a great fast today thanks @Minsmum even to the point where I left some Cheerios...woohoo!
Blimey, only 4 more sleeps until your hols. Bet you can't wait! Xx
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
30 Mar 2015, 21:55
Plans changed yet again as hubby was home when I got home. Sort of put me in a bad mood as I thought I'd only have me to worry about for dinner. It was no problem, really, as he's not feeling 100% and is happy with a light dinner. I ate my allotment and then fixed him a small dinner. I'm just having one of those grouchy days. Not sure why....just generally ticked off! Probably hormonal...dang menopause. :confused:

"See" you tomorrow!
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
31 Mar 2015, 05:00
Lori wrote: Monday fast is half over.......whew! Sometimes around 3 o'clock is the hardest part of the day. Lots of tea and water in my future as it's only Noon here.

Around 3 is the hardest for me, too. I usually have my miso soup about then, or 4 if I can hold out that long. I'm fasting MWF this week, skipping the weekend since I'm in Tokyo, then starting nursebean's challenge.
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
31 Mar 2015, 07:03
Oh dear @Lori I hope you feel less grouchy Marx today ;)
@MaryAnn glad we're in sync this week...for a while. Hope you have a good time in Tokyo or is it all work?
I'm pleased to say I can eat what I like today but at the moment just don't feel hungry!
Have a great day my little DODOs ;)
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
31 Mar 2015, 08:35
Thanks, @nursebean! It's no work and all sakura, wine and cheese! But mostly sakura! Fingers crossed for good weather...
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
31 Mar 2015, 13:17
Oh, well that sounds perfect @MaryAnn (although I've no idea what Sakura is. Is it an alcoholic beverage?! :confused: )
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