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Re: Anyone in the US?
22 Jul 2015, 14:09
Yes, I have come to see leaving food behind as cheaper than paying for treatment of obesity related diseases. It took some time to not feel "i paid for it, I have to eat it - NOW" It's especially bad on vacation, when you just can't take it home.
Re: Anyone in the US?
22 Jul 2015, 15:32
I'm down another pound! All from giving up coffee (creamer) and switching to plain Earl Grey tea. I was researching and they say tea is an appetite suppressant. It is so weird. Even when I started 5-2 on my non fast days I craved food every hour. Now I can go a few hours without thinking about food. You know looking back to when the weight started back on (2 years or so back) it was when i started drinking coffee (creamer). I hope this is a start of a new tread for me. No weight loss since Christmas till this week. I love 5-2 because I know I can do this for life.
Re: Anyone in the US?
25 Jul 2015, 21:45
ferretgal wrote: @Canoegal, coffee stains teeth just as much as tea, if not more. Great that you've found something simple that works for you. I'm lucky in that I enjoy black coffee and plain tea...though I occasionally have condensed milk in my coffee (my friend and I call it "pure evil" for a reason!)--not on a light day though!

Hi everyone... don't get to this site often but when I do I check out the US thread. I also drink a lot of teas and a whole pot of coffee every morning. I will share with you my routine for whiter looking teeth...
I put some baking soda in a little cup to brush on my teeth.
First, I floss and rinse my mouth with hydrogen peroxide (the label says it can be used for mouth rinse).
Second, I add toothpaste on my toothbrush and dip it into the baking soda. The toothpaste flavor covers the baking soda saltiness. My teeth feel and look cleaner... and it is easy.
I do this routine after I drink my coffee in the morning. I also finish off with oil pulling using coconut oil.
If your teeth are stained... try this out. Hope it helps.
Re: Anyone in the US?
26 Jul 2015, 17:23
Tammae, Unfortunately, over the long term the combination of baking soda and peroxide might wear away your tooth enamel. Then you are really going to be miserable as eating will hurt. Check with your dentist about this the next time you have an appointment. I have been told that too much tooth bleaching and obsessing about unnaturally white teeth is causing a lot of problems with enamel wear.

Re "American" portion sizes. I guess I am very lucky to live in a rural region with locally owned restaurants where portions don't look anything like what I saw in those pictures. We don't have most of those chains and no one I know would eat the things that are shown in the pictures. Not so surprisingly, our state is one with one of the lowest rates of obesity in the country.
Re: Anyone in the US?
27 Jul 2015, 06:25
I don't go out to eat very often, maybe 2-3 times a month. One of our favorite places (my son's and mine, but our carnivore friend likes it too) is a local vegetarian Chinese restaurant that features "fake meat"; it's so weird, being able to eat everything on the menu! We always get the combo meals--3 people aren't really enough for a proper family style--and of course it's twice what I can/would want to eat in one sitting. My solution is to eat what doesn't save well (soup, some veggies, egg rolls, etc) and "save" the stuff that's fine as leftovers; I just plan to stop at about the halfway point and box up the rest; my son does the same. Our friend used to eat "the whole thing" while we watched in horror/amazement. We haven't been there since he started 5:2, but at another restaurant, he took half his sandwich home, and has mentioned how he "just can't eat so much" as he used to...

Oh, and I should mention--I have to have a plan, because I tend to eat like a wild animal...left over from when I worked in food service and had to eat in 10 minutes. :bugeyes:
Re: Anyone in the US?
27 Jul 2015, 17:10
lovemyparrot wrote: Just for us, and mostly for fun - the 30 worst foods in America - ... ica-beware

Who orders or buys this stuff anyway??

I have never eaten any of this stuff - it looks gross! Anyhow my foam roller arrived. I bought it on Amazon and it came the next day. It is gloriously painful but so far it is helping to keep me moving.
Re: Anyone in the US?
27 Jul 2015, 19:44
The gyrations needed to foam roll all of the various areas of the body count as an exercise all by themselves.
:like: :bugeyes: :bugeyes:
Re: Anyone in the US?
27 Jul 2015, 21:28
@Rawkaren, I know what you mean! A friend of mine--who is most definitely in the naturally skinny group; the bitch LOSES WEIGHT when under stress, imagine!--calls this sort of thing "food porn." Disgusting! I don't eat even normal fast food, haven't for years. Just doesn't appeal to me anymore, doesn't require any "willpower."
Re: Anyone in the US?
29 Jul 2015, 19:57
Hi! Just popping in to introduce myself. East Coast USA here. :) Been going 5:2 for three weeks, though today is only my third fast. So I guess I've been more 6:1. I'm slow on the draw, I guess. Even so, lost a pound a week so far (after the initial whoosh that I lost with a few weeks of a standard calorie restricted diet before I started 5:2). I have about 20 more pounds to lose before I will go in to maintenance. Looking forward to chatting here!
Re: Anyone in the US?
30 Jul 2015, 00:37
nutfmuffin wrote: Hi! Just popping in to introduce myself. East Coast USA here. :) Been going 5:2 for three weeks, though today is only my third fast. So I guess I've been more 6:1. I'm slow on the draw, I guess. Even so, lost a pound a week so far (after the initial whoosh that I lost with a few weeks of a standard calorie restricted diet before I started 5:2). I have about 20 more pounds to lose before I will go in to maintenance. Looking forward to chatting here!

Welcome to the forum, @Nutfmuffin! Congratulations on your weight loss :-)
Re: Anyone in the US?
30 Jul 2015, 17:47
still here still down that 4 pounds. Today is a fast day and I'm feeling good. I tried explaining 5-2 to my mother who really wants to loose weight and she had no interest in what I was saying. So many people think fasting is unhealthy and it drives me nuts. 2 fasts a week is good for us! I tell my kids (who are always hungry all day long lol) that feeling hungry sometimes is a good thing and to drink more water. Well have a great day everyone. And welcome nutfmuffin!
Re: Anyone in the US?
30 Jul 2015, 18:51
Welcome, @nutfmuffin! If you post in the Introduce Yourself topic, that will get more circulation...and if you are looking for support, tell us a bit more about you and your particular challenges.
Re: Anyone in the US?
31 Jul 2015, 14:56
I'm still here! I've wasted yet another month just going thru the motions. I'll weigh in tomorrow(first time in a month) and see just what the damages are. I'm expecting them to be shocking. At least I've kept up with my boot camp sessions and used an eating window most of the month for at least a few days each week. I have become addicted to hummus and pretzels and have practically lived on it for the past 2 months. I have sworn off buying it at all in August. I need to have a focus on protein and veggies to get this last 25 lbs moving.

Sounds like you all are doing well and welcome to any newbies!

Have a good weekend!
Re: Anyone in the US?
01 Aug 2015, 03:57
I'm excited. Sprouts (and other establishments) are now carrying Coyo, a dairy and sugar free yogurt which has been in Aus and the UK for quite some time. I have had withdrawal symptoms but now its here! It tastes like pure indulgence and sometimes it is my fast day meal. One whole coconut per pot. Enjoy!
Re: Anyone in the US?
01 Aug 2015, 09:43
Yep, coyo is the bees knees, though not easy to find always worth the search :0)
*Sorry just butting in from Blighty. Waves*
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