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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Come on @mariondot40! Don't do what I did and regain some of your lost weight! This time around, I am not giving up on visiting the forum, I am not using visitors and visiting as an excuse to not fast and I am going to weigh regularly and take action if the scales show an increase!

If you are maintaining without fasting, then perhaps you have modified your eating enough not to need to fast on a regular basis. I know that you won't get the additional benefits that fasting is supposed to bring but this WOE is designed to fit you, not the other way around. Perhaps an occasional fast when you have had a 'splurge' would be enough and much lass stressful than trying and failing on a regular basis.

However, having said that, I'm really glad that you've decided to jump in today. Your headache might be down to caffeine withdrawal if you usually drink tea or coffee through the day or perhaps you need more fluids on board as it's hot today. Have you signed in on the 'Fasting Today' thread. There's not many of us on there today but we are cheering each other on towards the finishing line and some food!

Good luck with whatever you decide. Just keep in touch and keep the faith in IF! :smile:
Whoop whoop i got through my fast and Im well pleased with my self, even went to Morrisons this morning and bought some of there stuffed mushrooms to eat on my next fast day next week :-)
Well done Marion!

Speaking for myself, after a break and several failed fasts, as soon as I got one good fast under my belt I was fine. Keep up the good work!
Well done, now do it again, and again, and............ :victory:

Ballerina x :heart:
There you go..b ack on your horse again,clippetty clop! :lol: x
Well done @Mariondot40 We all knew you could do it and now you've proved we're all right :like:
Well how can so many of us be wrong/ never!!
Move on to next week and whatever you do keep up forum life keep visiting us and join in keep fasting
and more importantly keep in touch. :like: :clover: :heart:
*puts wet fish away*
good on you! well done!
like Ballerina says, now do it again and again... ;)
Well done Marion windows maybe until you can fit in some good fasts. Mondays are good to aim for and lots of people do a Monday fast so you will be in good company. It is good to rehab too but as said don't let it bolt or slide away. Loving the encouragement from this forum to you
Whoop even managed to loose a pound after that fast was not expecting that, will be floating on air all day and not even hungry yet!!
Thats depressing news @Carorees particularly in light of the fact that I've just put on 11 pounds from my 2-week holiday!

Does anyone else find that once you hit target or have a really good weight loss, that you seem to somehow fall back into your old ways? I think that probably happened to you Marion @mariondot40 but at least it sounds as though you're back on the wagon and the weight will just drop off...again!

Good luck with it all anyway. Perhaps you can direct those boot up the bums to me now.

Silly Bean :bugeyes:
Im due to go on holiday on the 23rd of this month for TWO wks as we are going to Wales in our touring caravan, but I will still do my fasting day or may be I should say fastings days because try as I do all my good intentions seem to go out of the window things like fresh cream cakes, sweets and bloody chocolate lol.
But I will be taking my bathroom scales along to weigh in (sad I know) to keep an eye on my weight, its hard to loose weight for some but its even harder to keep it OFF :curse: will have to make sure I get lots of walking done while a way :-)
Hi Marion, you are doing well so far and Beanie Bobs need you to set her a good example, no,pressure of course but you need to keep going. I always take my inch tape on holiday with me, weighing scales are just not practical in my cabin bag, :shock: :lol: and measure my waist every morning, just as accurate, or frightening, as scales. It certainly concentrates the mind, good luck and enjoy your holiday

Ballerina x :heart:
Ballerina wrote: Hi Marion, you are doing well so far and Beanie Bobs need you to set her a good example, no,pressure of course but you need to keep going. I always take my inch tape on holiday with me, weighing scales are just not practical in my cabin bag, :shock: :lol: and measure my waist every morning, just as accurate, or frightening, as scales. It certainly concentrates the mind, good luck and enjoy your holiday

Ballerina x :heart:

That's what I do too!
I am sad too, and take my scales with me to the holiday cottages. At least with self-catering facilities you should be able to work some fasting in, could you pick one day each week when you don't eat out, and then have something a bit more special the day after? Anyway, even if it doesn't work out, enjoy the holiday knowing that you fully intend to begin fasting again when you get back.
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