The FastDay Forum

General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

43 posts Page 2 of 3
Come back @TML13 :heart: Where have you been? What have you been up to? Did you run off with the sexy doctor? What is happening in your life? Missing you! :cry:
Personally, I think it is down to the individual. Sometimes life gets in the way and things take over. Some people like to dip in and out and leave when they no longer feel they no longer need support, advice etc. :smile:
TML has been a very generous and prolific poster very supportive of people and amusing us as well. I have to say I really miss her and hope she returns to posting
Ok some people probably don't need the advice I can agree
with that one. But most would still enjoy giving the support to all of us still needing + wanting support and TML13 + chipmonkcheeks in particular gave me loads of support to name but two weird some explanation out there somewhere that is certain. Sue
Well, I hope TML13 is doing well.

In my experience from other weight loss forums when people have left it usually is because they hit a rough spot either in the weight loss journey or their personal life. Not always. But often enough to call it a trend. I don't think begging or pleading is going to help anything as it has already been attempted in another thread and lots of PMs. Also, the poster in question has visited the forum on several occasions and still decided not to participate...which is the choice she has made for whatever reason. I think the participating members should move on and accept that for what it is.

To any past posters reading this who may or may not have been specifically addressed in this thread or another...I wish for you joy and happiness in all your endeavors whether they be weight loss related or about life, love and the pursuit of happiness.
But some of us are just choosing to post to implore someone, we have grown to really enjoy eg TML and whom this thread specifically addresses, to consider coming back into posting mode. I think it is a nice gesture to a fellow poster

I do also heartily agree 43 tweaker that there are others who have moved on, we can't alter their choices but I too genuinely wish them all the best what ever the reasons
I'm not on the forum as often as I was but believe me I am continuing with 5:2.
It's become so much a way of life now that I can't ever seeing me living any other way.
I just don't want to go back to that yo yo dieting that was my WOL for so many years.
The weight is very slow to come off but I don't care. I'm mainly doing this for the health benefits, so as long as its not going back on I'm very happy with my life.

I have actually lost 3 kilos more than shown as when I got my new scales they weighed 3 kilos more, and my original weight hasn't been adjusted on the stats.
Should have said I am on another forum, and recently had someone pm me because I hadn't been on for a while, and it really touched me that someone had missed me.
I think it's a lovely gesture.
I also miss TML and hope she does come back at some time as things are very quiet without her. I have also wondered about PhilT and Dominic as I found them to be extremely interesting and knowledgable posters, just a thought but was Dominic not a Mod?

I would just like to say that although I missed all of the altercation that made TML leave us I find it hard to believe that she was rude to anyone, fiesty and unafraid to state her case, yes, but deliberately rude, no! So I cannot comment on why she was taken to task but from what I've seen in the past it would appear that to reply to an insulting post (and there have been many which I HAVE seen!) invokes wrath and censure which I think is unfair.

Ballerina x :heart:
I have missed tml's posts as well. Philt is still in out 5:2 forum fitbit group but I've not seen his posts on here for a while. I tend to pop in and out when time allows, but often get caught up in things happening around me as I guess everyone does.

I'm sorry if people's feelings have got hurt to the point they don't want to participate anymore. This forum is usually a gentle and supportive place to come to.
I have also missed a few of the 'regulars' who were very inspirational when I started 5:2 in April. I must admit that I don't often log on and I haven't made a comment for a while, but I do have a look at this forum most days, just to keep up to date with what is happening and finding out new ideas and adaptations.
Hiya all and thanks millions for the dedicated post. I'm chuffed! First of all, I miss you too!!!

I can assure you that my absence has nothing to do with being tired of 5:2 or because I'm maintaining or I don't need the support or I don't want to share my support anymore.

5:2 is still part of my life and I always enjoyed posting on the forums until recently. I am still on 5:2 and 16:8 (although not at the moment because I am fighting a very nasty cold and I have to eat every 3 hours in order to take medication) and I am currently aiming to maintain.

I am not sure if I should share many details regarding my absence because I have a feeling that if I do my reply will vanish and I don't find it fair for those of you who took the time to write and for Dhana, whom so kindly dedicated an entire post to me. So, I will tell you this:

I stopped posting because I was deeply hurt and insulted and mistreated. Although I can't say with certainty that I will never return, for now I just don't feel like posting, my enthusiasm is gone.

Thank you all so much for your kind words and for your encouragement but it won't be fair to either you or me if I came back half hearted. I can't promise you that I will come back but I can promise you that if I will, I will be my old self. Hopefully, minus a couple of extra kilos. :-)

P.S. Indeed, Dhana, silence can be deafening sometimes...

Edit to add: I do log on to check my messages and tracker but I don't check the forums so please don't think that I ignore anything that I'm meant to read. I was tagged, hence I saw this thread. I don't find it honest to just read the forums and not post, so I'm not reading any posts. Please don't assume that because you saw me logging in, I have read something on the forums. Thanks. :-)
I didn't see any of what happened because I haven't been around much lately, but whatever it was I'm sorry it happened x
Take care of yourself and you'll always get a very warm welcome when you are ready to return. As you probably know we Scots have a very special wish for dear friends who must depart for a while and that is "Haste Ye Back". :heart: :heart: :heart:
I have never commented on any of your posts, however I have enjoyed reading about your journey on 5:2 over the months. Be happy x you are missed on the forum x
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