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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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It would be good to see you back TML.
I missed whatever happened, but I hope that you'll come back to the forum soon if you feel like it, I always enjoy reading your posts!
Hi TML :heart:
Hope you start to feel a little better firstly in health soon :heart:
Secondly I hope to see you returning to the forum soon :heart:
We have missed your posting and your bubbly personality :heart:
We can however understand that something/someone has upset you greatly, and I'm sure all the good members begging your return and that the other people/person should disappear and not you. !!!
Take care of yourself and keep in touch. :clover: Sue x. :clover:

Edit: meant to say good luck with your maintenance plan and I'm very
Pleased you are at least carrying on with 5:2 in some way :heart:
dhana wrote: I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who comes onto the forum looking for that sassy avatar running around London, shopping and spreading fun!! Please let her know that the forum isn't the same without her and we want her back here, being sassy, silly, funny and informative. She has been the backbone of this forum, from the early days, and it's really not the same without her posts. Please everyone, surely it's not just me missing her??? Maybe she'll come back if she knows we're missing her....LOTS!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

Just when I think I am here too much, I miss this. Where did she go??

From this it sounds as thought she has left the forum and not just on vacation.

Tell me its not so.
Zamale she's on no vacation no way !!!
dhana wrote: Take care of yourself and you'll always get a very warm welcome when you are ready to return. As you probably know we Scots have a very special wish for dear friends who must depart for a while and that is "Haste Ye Back". :heart: :heart: :heart:

Seconded :like: :heart: :smile: Good to hear from you @TML13and hope you continue to do well. Don't forget about us, and as dhana says you will always be very welcome on here. Good luck with your progress towards those skinny jeans :clover: :heart: :clover: :heart: :cool:
I am sorry to hear it was sparked by some sort of conflict. There are so many sites where that is an ongoing problem. By comparison there seems to be very little of it around here. Most posters are supportive and friendly. TML13, I do hope whatever it is gets resolved in such a way that you feel welcome here again. :smile:
Good luck my friend :cry: :cry: :cry:

Ballerina x :heart: :cry:
Apparently I also missed whatever happened, which is unusual because we have so few issues here and I always do my best to resolve them.

I've been running forums for a long time though and I know sometimes people need a break, even if things haven't been fraught - but very often they'll be back somewhere down the line. Real life tends to come first and we all have times where we're too busy, have better things to do or just need a break from online life!
I missed it too, but have not been around that long. It's such a shame as I think this is one of the nicest forums I have ever participated in and people seem to be so supportive here. Come to think of it, I have only ever participated in one other. Good luck TML. :heart:
TML wrote......

"I am not sure if I should share many details regarding my absence because I have a feeling that if I do my reply will vanish and I don't find it fair for those of you who took the time to write and for Dhana, whom so kindly dedicated an entire post to me. So, I will tell you this:

I stopped posting because I was deeply hurt and insulted and mistreated. Although I can't say with certainty that I will never return, for now I just don't feel like posting, my enthusiasm is gone.".........

I think it is fair to say that life,or being busy is NOT the issue here but I respect Thalia's stand and feelings and wish her all the best,

Ballerina x :heart:
@TML13 it's is such a shame you got to feel so hurt as over time we saw you just seem to shrug off the flack you encountered as you candidly and forthrightly went along ( bit like your avatar) giving us lots of doses of you solid opinions, along with lots of laughs. I am sorry our combined efforts have not swayed your return. You have been so much fun I was relieved to see you were back only to be disappointed

Best of luck I will miss you too
I only read this now as I was a bit busy these past few days and didn't really paid as much intention as usual and this is really sad. :(

I really hope Thalia will come back when she will feel stronger and that her enthusiasm will come back. Whatever happened, I hope she knows that there are people who really like her and miss her dearly. I am one of these people.

Thalia, you were there for me when I was feeling down - you and others, of course - and it really helped me a lot. It's one of the big strenght of this forum, there are a lot of lovely people who will give you a hand if you need it. So please, don't forget that there are a lot of hands for you here

But take your time, we'll be here when you'll be ready to come back :heart:
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