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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi Everyone i'm Back
22 Oct 2013, 19:27
Hi Everyone.
Sorry to worry a few of you lovely members who worried
about my sudden disappearance
Reason #1 Forum meltdown
Reason #2 Tablet meltdown and replaced
Readon #3 Weeks holiday on Majorca
Reason #4 free wifi that was to say the least dodgy it let me into the forum a couple of times but wouldnt let me reply or answer pm messages so Sorry
Just had a brilliant week of hot weather in Majorca
(poor me because it was very hot )
The hotel was lovely but the food not so good for me anyway so no fasts + far to many carbs to bulk up with,I did do plenty walks but to hot for long walks but daily to make up fot it, have returned with a throat infection and after a lie-in tomorrow willingly do 2 fast days back2back wed/thurs before the dreaded weigh-in on Friday. Many Thanks :heart: Sue. :heart:
Re: Hi Every i'm Back
22 Oct 2013, 19:30
I wondered where you were. Good to have you back.
Re: Hi Everyone i'm Back
22 Oct 2013, 19:34
Good to see you back safe and sound x
Re: Hi Everyone i'm Back
22 Oct 2013, 19:35
Hi Sue, glad to have you back, hope you feel better soon! Don't worry about the weigh in - the holiday was far more important :wink: :heart:
Re: Hi Everyone i'm Back
22 Oct 2013, 19:39
What a shame the food on your holiday wasn't up to scratch and that you have returned feeling unwell. Speedy recovery and look after yourself!
Re: Hi Everyone i'm Back
22 Oct 2013, 20:15
Hi Sue. Welcome back. I had pretty much the same experience eating wise on holiday but had a lovely time also. I'm glad you had a great week. Don't worry, we will soon get back into the swing of things :)
Re: Hi Everyone i'm Back
22 Oct 2013, 20:32
Thank. everyone :heart:
Well yes i obviously hav'nt starved just bulked up on the wrong foods, No not worried about the predictive gain because i always return filled up with water, food, and wine, but holidays are meant for enjoying so i did enjoy everthing
Sue :heart:
Re: Hi Everyone i'm Back
22 Oct 2013, 20:33
Welcome back! You were missed! Glad you had a good time.
Re: Hi Everyone i'm Back
22 Oct 2013, 20:36
Hi Sue, I wondered where you were, then I remembered that you were on holiday. Glad you had a good time x
Re: Hi Everyone i'm Back
22 Oct 2013, 20:44
Hi Sue good to have you back. There's been a sue shaped hole in this forum. :) Glad you had a great time. Good thinking to weigh after a few fast and well done not stressing about it. Most of us would have jumped on the scale as soon as we got home and then stressed about it all week. Enjoy your first post holiday fast (I bet they're the best ones). A nice detox :)
Re: Hi Everyone i'm Back
22 Oct 2013, 21:08
Arrrhhh Dee well that was a very big hole then :like:
But smaller than last years would have been Lol
:clover: Sue. :clover:
Re: Hi Everyone i'm Back
22 Oct 2013, 21:15
Welcome back Sue - glad you had a good hol - hope the throat infection clears up quickly for you :smile:
Re: Hi Everyone i'm Back
22 Oct 2013, 21:35
It was a big hole sue, but not a physical one, it was the hole that your advice, personality and support is now plugging again. You've helped me a lot over the last month and a half, as I've settled in to this WOL. Thanks, glad you're back.
Oh this is sounding mushy now, maybe I shouldn't of had that glass of wine :confused:
Re: Hi Everyone i'm Back
22 Oct 2013, 21:50
Welcome back Sue....You have been missed.....when I login I always go to the post that have your name on first.You are always helpful and willing to praise and encourage. I will be counting down to my holiday ....4 weeks tomorrow.... Hope your better soon ...nasty throat infection...take care and Happy fasting !!!! :-)
Re: Hi Everyone i'm Back
22 Oct 2013, 22:07
Welcome back. I found the food in Majorca none too diet friendly week before last, but when I finally braved the scales I had managed to lose the gain. Unfortunately I am now at my mothers so I will have another gain to lose as I won't fast around her. At 91 I don't want her to get the idea that skipping meals is ok as for her it wouldn't be.
Thank goodness this woe is easy to pick up again- unlike diets!
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