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Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 12:45
Manderley wrote: No, I am 1.61m so, I "should" be 51 kgs. My height minus 1.10m. For me it's so natural that I forget the 1m detail :grin:

hi Manderley

sorry to butt in on your post, but i cant help thinking 51kg for your height is a bit low? i mean iam just 5'2, if that, and my ideal weight is 55kg, which i would be very happy with,50 kilos is the weight i was when i was a teen lo, about 12 or 13, maybe i am being very thick here, sorry! i just know, like Karen, that 50kg would probably look skeletal on me just caught my eye because you are a good 5cm taller than me, arghhhh... what do i know!
sorry lol! :-)
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 12:50
I would like to be a genuine size 10 i.e. fitting easily into this clothes size rather than it just fitting. In some shops that would probably make me an 8 but there is such a variation between brands!

My goal weight is 58kg and at 5'5" that would give me a BMI of 21.3 which I think would suit me. I have a small frame but with fair sized boobs and if my waist is too round I look like a dumpling with stick legs!

This might change with age, more weight may suit as the years go by. Incidentally I am the same age as your daughter (34) and reading your posts has reminded me how a few pounds to lose is really a very insignificant worry. Sending her and all your family much love :heart:
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 12:52
It was a "rule" I grew up with but even if I don't reach it, it's fine by me. 55 kgs is thin enough. My next weight, on Christmas Day, will be my definitive goal. What worries me are not the wrinkles as much as the soggy skin
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 13:04
My waist is 52% and my BMI is 27.95. I would like both to be at the "healthy" range then I will see what's going to be next. Weight and clothes size isn't always an good indicator. That said I also feel that BMI is not the best either. But that's another thread isn't it!
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 13:42
This post has made me a little excited at the idea of ever being "slim". I don't seem to be moving much weight on his. I blew my first attempt and I've been back on it 100% for 3 weeks and lost 2lbs but for me my initial goal is 11st. I would love love love to be 10.5 stone but that just seems like impossible considering I'm currently 15stone 9lbs.
Sticking with it though, might just take a while to adjust but I have nothing to loose trying.
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 13:45
Firstly, thoughts with you and your daughter.

Secondly – this time last year I’d have said I wanted to be 9 and a half stone. Then I got there and said 9 stone. Now I’m 9 stone 1.5 and still not bloody happy! People say I look fine, but they don’t see me naked :oops:

Different websites say different things, but apparently I should be anywhere between 102-130 lbs (46.3kg - 59kg). I’m petite and don’t carry weight very well, but for me personally 7 stone 4 (102 lbs) would be far too thin. I think I’d be happy around about 8 and a half stone ultimately, but saying that if I get to a point where I like what I see before I get there, then I’ll happily try to maintain.

Basically: I just want to be at a point where I'm comfortable with myself :smile:
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 13:50
:heart: :heart: Hi Gillb lovely pics yesterday :heart: :heart:
Way back in April when I found this WOL + this forum :heart:
I set my tracker and "goal" at 12 stone which is nowhere near any book/charts would say but in my opinion hell of a lot better than the 19 stone that I'd reached :shock: :shock:
I would love to get down to 11st but would be very pleased to reach my initial goal of 12st and for the first time in my life I now know I will make it to my goal :heart: :heart: :heart: Sue
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 14:46
Hugs and love to you and your daughter, Gil, I've been thinking about you often :heart:

I've reached my goal and am happy where I am at US size 12 down from 14. As an elder, I don't want to get too thin, both for health and aesthetic reasons. Seems there's some research somewhere that elders do better after illness or injury if they are not too thin.

Thanks for this thread!
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 15:16
My initial goal was to be in the mid range of a healthy BMI, but I would be happy just being under a BMI of 25 as long as I manage to get to the magic 50%waist to height ratio. That is the real challenge for me since I am the queen of all apples.
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 15:17
Cheers for that, Caro! I hadn't actually considered taking more account of my waist measurement but I think you're right - currently my waist is 46.6% of my height so ok but I still have a tyre so I think I should change my 'aim' a bit and focus less on the BMI and more on the waist measurement in order to reduce my risk.

Thank you :-)
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 15:18
10 years ago, I lost 85+ pounds and was a US size 6, 132 lbs (60kg, BMI 22 (I think) and looked fantastic. I'm 5'5" (1.65m). I always thought I was big-boned until I actually got slim and I think I'm just medium so 132-135 lb range will be just perfect. Any lighter and I'd completely lose my boobs, they nearly disappeared but my late husband thought my body looked like Marilyn Monroe's :cool: :)

Gill, I think of you and your daughter often and always send a few prayers and best wishes to you both as you go through this trying time. :heart:
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 15:21
loversghost wrote: Cheers for that, Caro! I hadn't actually considered taking more account of my waist measurement but I think you're right - currently my waist is 46.6% of my height so ok but I still have a tyre so I think I should change my 'aim' a bit and focus less on the BMI and more on the waist measurement in order to reduce my risk.

Thank you :-)

Glad to be of service!

Remember though that it is the waist measurement above your belly button that represents the amount of abdominal fat, so if your spare tyre, like mine, is below the belly button, it won't be doing you any harm healthwise (just not looking too good poking over the tops of the jeans! ;-))
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 15:43
I was at the 50% waist to height ratio while obese, which is confusing...
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 16:17
Manderley wrote: No, I am 1.61m so, I "should" be 51 kgs. My height minus 1.10m. For me it's so natural that I forget the 1m detail :grin:

Yikes! I'm 1.49m so that means I should be 39 kilos? Double yikes! Even 49 kilos (~108.25lbs) would take me lower than my 110lbs target that folks are muttering at me for being "too low"! So, 39kg (82lbs)? I don't think so. :)

Thoughts are with you and your daughter @GillB xxx
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 16:33
rawkaren wrote:
Manderley wrote: No, I am 1.61m so, I "should" be 51 kgs. My height minus 1.10m. For me it's so natural that I forget the 1m detail :grin:

Wow. That would make me 50kgs which I think would be too small for me. I'm scared what the weight loss might do to my face as I'm fairly wrinkle free for my age. I'm aiming for about 55kg, but I'm going to check how my face is wearing at 57kg!

I'm just ruminating on this @Manderley. Is it a French calculation? I have always marvelled at the beauty of my French colleagues and how perfectly petite they are. Maybe this calculation is your secret vs. BMI?
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