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Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 11:16
@loversghost Yes, it's the waist measurement more than the BMI that is really relevant for both diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Cutting down on carbs as well as fasting is the best way of reducing the waist measurement and the diabetes risk because by keeping carbs low you are reducing your circulating insulin levels, and high insulin levels is the main driver for causing type 2 diabetes.

You say you want to get to a BMI of 20.9, but perhaps you should concentrate on a waist size target and see what your BMI is when you get there!

I'm lucky to be hourglass shape so my waist is well under 50% of height but my BMI is is still overweight; other forum members have reached a healthy BMI but their waists are being recalcitrant!

@Manderley...I'm not sure how that works...are you saying you are 61 cm? (!!) metres? (!!!) tall??? I remember Moogie saying that in the Netherlands they say you should weigh your height minus 1m, so if you are 1.65m tall, you should weigh 65kg. That seems to make more sense...what am I missing?
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 11:19
No, I am 1.61m so, I "should" be 51 kgs. My height minus 1.10m. For me it's so natural that I forget the 1m detail :grin:
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 11:26
Great question Gill. Best wishes for you and your daughter at this tough time for you both.

While absolutely chuffed about my progress I have always had in my mind to get to about 73kgs and the high end of healthy BMI of 25. Absolutely agree with Caroline that as we age we need some protective fat. So I am 1.7kg off where I wish to be and I am inching there and maintaining that will be my next goal
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 11:28
Hope all goes well for you and your daughter Gill
At my slimmest I was just under 8 stone, right at the bottom of the healthy BMI range I think, but I have a small frame and was not skinny. However that was over 40 years ago and no way am I aiming for that. My BMI is now in the normal range, but I still need to lose around 10lbs I would guess to get rid of more fat round my middle-I am aiming for a comfortable size 12.
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 11:30
Eek Manderley that's very light, I'm 1m64 but could not be 54 kilos, my lowest ever is 58 and that was when I had some health problems.

I've been thinking about my target weight a lot recently, I was aiming for 62 kilos which is what I weighed before I had children and the weight I naturally settled at for ages, but was also thinking 60 would be good. I'm now between 63 and 64 kilos, and I've been there for ages, I'm not losing anything at all, partly lack of motivation but also I'm thinking this is maybe the right weight for me? I've decided to give myself to Christmas to get to 62, but if by Christmas I'm still the weight I am now I think I'll give up and stick here, I don't want to become obsessed and I think a part of me will always want to be thinner.
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 11:33
Manderley wrote: No, I am 1.61m so, I "should" be 51 kgs. My height minus 1.10m. For me it's so natural that I forget the 1m detail :grin:

Ah ha! Now I understand!

As Nicky says, that would be too light for me. Height minus 1m would be nearer the mark (65kg)
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 11:45
I would like a waist height ratio below 50%!
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 11:49
I want to have a BMI of under 25. When I get there, I'll be happy.
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 11:54
I have never been overweight as such, but weight crept on over the last few years and made me feel a bit "blobby". I just want to (comfortably) fit back into my size 10 jeans and feel a bit lighter. I also now notice a huge difference in my exercise classes - I can jump higher and bounce around without those extra kilos!!

Although I do have a target weight on my tracker, I'm not really too bothered by the actual number, or by BMI. I'm fit and healthy and it's more about size and shape (hello pear shape!).
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 12:11
Two different physicians have given me two different numbers. One 53kg, the other 55kg. (Granted those numbers are pretty close.) When I hit 55kg I will see how I am faring and take it from there. Maybe aim for 54kg which would allow for the slight swing that one gets through the course of the month. I'll worry about it when I get there.
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 12:17
I am 5ft 6 and a medium build (and an hourglass) but have always been heavier than my friends. When I started university I remember the doctor wouldn't believe I was 10st7 (then a size 10-12) and made me get on the scale. I was right.

I am dense, much like a dying star. :cool:

I am currently 13 stone (size 14) and aiming to be just under 11 stone, ideally, as I am no longer a teenager (far from it). That's a BMI of about 24 and will probably make me a 12 on bottom and a 10 on top, and I won't be bony or anything. I am not keen on the look of visibly bony chest plates some women seem to favour.

I'd rather look like a glamour model than a catwalk model (hahaha)
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 12:27
My thoughts go out to your daughter and your family. Hope, hope she pulls it of.

How thin? As thin as possible without getting wrinkled and having body skin that is firm. My goal (I am 177cm) is 70kg an dI think it is obtainable. In my 20th I was down to 58kg, but that was probably not healthy and - that would be a goal never to be reached. For me skinny isn't attractive anymore, but slim is.
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 12:28
Mmm, I am probably one of the lightest members on this forum at just under 7st (97.5 lb) BMI 19.2 and 5' short! I am obviously happy with my weight and definitely do not want to go any lower. Since my youngest son was born 30 years ago my weight has never varied by more than 5 lb maximum and I know my present weight , for me, is ideal. I eat really well, (can eat hubby under the table any day!), exercise 3 or 4 times a week and feel great! :wink:

For anyone wondering why I'm even here it is for the health aspect of fasting one day a week as a day of clean eating really appeals to me. My grandmother, father and uncle were all diabetics so that's obviously something I want to avoid, plus I had polio in my right leg as a child and not being overweight makes sure I'm mobile as there is less to carry around!
As long as we are aware of dieting to extremes and striving for unrealistic targets I think it is up to the individual to decide their optimal weight loss.
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 12:28
I think my problem is having a sister who is "skinny". I mean she is probably not even 8 stone (and she's had two little boys!). I have always tried to be as small as her and failed miserably all the time. The lightest weight I ever recorded on me was 8st: 13 (sorry I will try and use Kgs but I'm old fashioned I guess). This was when I was in my early 20s. Since then its gone up, then down, then up, up and up. My heaviest was just over 13 stone (last year). I would love to be as near to skinny without actually being skinny (if that makes sense). My lowest BMI would be around 8:8 I think...but I'm just not sure I'd make it. D'you know, I don't think I've ever really gone longer than 3 months on any of the diets I've followed. I've been on this "diet" for about a month now. Can I make it? I sure hope so...I really do

Bean :bugeyes:
Re: How slim do you want to be?
15 Nov 2013, 12:31
Manderley wrote: No, I am 1.61m so, I "should" be 51 kgs. My height minus 1.10m. For me it's so natural that I forget the 1m detail :grin:

Wow. That would make me 50kgs which I think would be too small for me. I'm scared what the weight loss might do to my face as I'm fairly wrinkle free for my age. I'm aiming for about 55kg, but I'm going to check how my face is wearing at 57kg!
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