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Re: How slim do you want to be?
16 Nov 2013, 09:08
Sending my best wishes to you and your daughter Gillb.

I didn't have a bmi in mind when I started as I've always been in the healthy bracket (borderline top end mostly) but I wanted to reduce my waist as, for my height (162cm) it was big at 87cm and I was afraid of getting diabetes.

So now I'm maintaining with a waist of 74cm and a weight of 54.5-56kg and a bmi of 20.77ish which along with exercise 3-4 times a week and better eating I'm hoping will keep me healthy for a long time to come.
Re: How slim do you want to be?
16 Nov 2013, 09:18
I've done a bit of thinking since this thread started. My new goal is now 11st, 70kg, or 154lb? That's given me 1st 10 to go. (My height in cm minus 1m) Being a pear, my hips are spoiling everything at the moment. All of my clothes are loose at the waist and fit at my bottom with my waist being 52% and my hips not reducing proportionately I'm going to look a bit weird!
Re: How slim do you want to be?
16 Nov 2013, 10:50
I want to be happy, whatever size or shape I am and I feel very happy with my weight but my shape has always been a constant source of angst. Apple shapes are VERY user unfriendly but I feel better than I have in years and only last night some friends commented, out of the blue, that I looked SO well. Being healthy is much more important than anything else in life and with that in mind I send my best wishes and thoughts to you Gill, and your precious daughter

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: How slim do you want to be?
16 Nov 2013, 10:56
@ballerina pear shapes are also user unfriendly. Sure I can put on a dress and hide my enormous thighs but then they rub together causing enough friction to light a bonfire. I guess the thing is we all have bits we don't like. Your right ballerina the main thing is to be happy with ourselves and it's hard but I'm getting there.
Re: How slim do you want to be?
16 Nov 2013, 13:22
I have been thinking about this too recently. I've dropped to a size 12 and my waist is under 50pc waist / height ratio and that was my main concern and reason for losing weight. I've lost nearly a stone, and am about 2-3lb off interim target, but I think I'll reassess once I reach that target. I do want to get reasonably below the waist height ratio, and lose a bit more around the waist, but to be honest, I'm not particularly bothered about the weight, now I can fit into size 12s. I also don't want to look too wrinkly or gaunt around the face which I don't at the moment at 56 (but this will come as well I know!).

Great thread Gill, and some very interesting responses. It does put it into perspective though, given your daughter's situation - so very many thanks for posting, and here's hoping things improve for her very soon :heart: :clover:
Re: How slim do you want to be?
16 Nov 2013, 14:39
I would prefer to be the first lady in this picture. The lean one, rather than the skinny fat one. ... it-debate/
Re: How slim do you want to be?
16 Nov 2013, 15:22
The skinny fat one makes me want to rush her off for a good meal (and a workout after reading the article) OH and I are addicted to our weight training classes and feel it helps us to keep our bodies very fit for our age. My bone density has actually increased in my last two Dexa Scans.

Julie, I hope your upcoming surgery will enable you to become active again--I think about you a lot.
Re: How slim do you want to be?
16 Nov 2013, 15:56
@kencc Interesting data..thanks. I agree that a lower BMI may be healthier if you can keep it stable, but I take issue with you saying that it is simple to do that. While that's true for some, I am thinking about the many people on this forum who have a BMI below 25 who post that they are doing 4:3 plus 16:8 plus low carb in order to try to lose a little more weight. If they have to try so hard to get down to a BMI of 22, they should ask whether it's better to be stable at 25 than to visit 22 before bouncing back up.

Secondly, the waist:height ratio is not so closely related to BMI as you suggest. Frame size and body shape have a big impact. I reached the 50% waist:height ratio ages ago when my BMI was 29.5! Others on the forum still haven't achieved 50% at a BMI of 22!
Re: How slim do you want to be?
16 Nov 2013, 16:52
Food for thought here (I'm fasting today - any food'll do me! :smile:).

The message I'm taking away (not for the first time) is I really need to focus on my waist - still way over 50% even though I'm so close to "normal" BMI. How to get to target waist measurement is the puzzle. More exercise possibly.
Re: How slim do you want to be?
16 Nov 2013, 17:57
Manderley wrote:
rawkaren wrote: I'm just ruminating on this @Manderley. Is it a French calculation? I have always marvelled at the beauty of my French colleagues and how perfectly petite they are. Maybe this calculation is your secret vs. BMI?

I don't know if it's typically French, just that it was what the doctors said 25 years ago. I just search on the internet if it was still accurate and it is. However, I was shocked to see that, for young girls the weight should be 20 kgs less than the height. So it would make my ideal weight at 41 :shock:

I also discovered all kind of formulas with different ideal weight, it's really crazy. It's in French, but I can give you the link, if you want (and translate it, of course), one even calculate your ideal weight with the circumference of your wrist :confused:

Yes please @Manderley. Je peux lire assez bien le français. Merci :like: :like:
Re: How slim do you want to be?
16 Nov 2013, 18:54
Gillb, thanks so much for this thread! And sending :heart: :heart: :heart: for your daughter as well.

I want to reflect my inner health outwardly! Even though I'm a large person, I eat healthfully and exercise everyday. I've been battling my weight for a very long time.

I'd like to win the battle this time. Slowly if need be, with a healthy waist measurement, and a healthy BMI.
Re: How slim do you want to be?
17 Nov 2013, 08:15
Karen, what do I learn, you can read and write French ???? :shock: :shock: :grin:

Here's the link. For me it's a bit silly but why not ? I plan to stay around 55 kgs. For my height and build (I have a big bones structure), it should be fine and, too slim, I would look sick. I also keep in mind that the big goal is to not yoyoing.

My stomach fat is under the belly button so I guess it's a good thing. It's one of the big goal of mine, lose this fat and have a flat stomach. Not a six pack, I find it hideous, but a flat stomach.
Re: How slim do you want to be?
17 Nov 2013, 10:44
Thanks for this thread Gilb, and love and hugs to your daughter, yourself, and all the family at this awful time.
I am 57( how did that happen!)and really do believe as far as the looks question goes that most older women look better with a little bit of padding.
I'm aiming for 65kg which will still have me at a size 12-14 top, 12 bottoms and I'm fine with that, BMI will prob be 25point something.
I'm still religiously moisturising and it seems to be working to keep the wrinkles at bay.
Now that I've lost 12.5 kg I'm really noticing how much more energy I have which is great, and I'm happy to lose the last 3 kg slowly.
Re: How slim do you want to be?
17 Nov 2013, 14:41
I love playing with this online gadget to see what I will look like, or even to confirm that I am actually losing weight, as what I see in the mirror doesn't look any different to 9 months ago. It helps.

I save the images on my pinterest board, so that I can compare them easily
Re: How slim do you want to be?
17 Nov 2013, 15:03
Manderley wrote: Karen, what do I learn, you can read and write French ???? :shock: :shock: :grin:

Here's the link. For me it's a bit silly but why not ? I plan to stay around 55 kgs. For my height and build (I have a big bones structure), it should be fine and, too slim, I would look sick. I also keep in mind that the big goal is to not yoyoing.

My stomach fat is under the belly button so I guess it's a good thing. It's one of the big goal of mine, lose this fat and have a flat stomach. Not a six pack, I find it hideous, but a flat stomach.

Thank you @manderley. So out of all formulas, the range was between 52kg's and 60kg's. Quite a range! Makes me feel a bit better about 57kg as sensible goal.
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