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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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So what happened?
I fell off the wagon with a massive bump this time :cry:

Weighed myself yesterday and I am 19 stone 7 pounds, been reading my posts from when I came back of the wagon in Nov and just so mad with myself as I have put on 2 stone since then.

I have thinking about just doing the 8 hour diet to ease me in.....please help I am so uncomfortable and so unhappy I dont know what to do
Take a deep breath and think of the lesson you learned: you did 5:2 for a reason. It worked, as is not only shown by what you lost, but also by what you gained without it. Count to ten and take a jump: on the wagon again. The ride will not only be fun, but it will really be worth it (and you have lots of company)
I dont think I can cope with the 5:2 I cant even cope just to eat 3 meals a day :(
Hi Claire

you have taken the first step and came back :-) you have done this before so you can do it again, one step at a time, and go from there, I am not sure how best to advise you but maybe just one fast for a couple of weeks to start with and see how you go?
am sure others will be along soon with other suggestions, sorry am not much help, write things down if that helps ( I do, I am a list nut hehe )..
good luck, and don't give up! you can do this :-)
I just cannot believe I have let myself get into this state, I cannot even walk my dog as fell over last week and ended up in A & E
Oh dear @Claire23 don't despair! We all go through bad patches. I almost completely gave up after Christmas but, knowing this is now my only chance of finally getting slim, I went from doing 5:2 to doing the EOD diet. This is thanks to @Debs who did a review about Krista Varaday's book. So I downloaded the book and gave it a go. Well, I haven't looked back. It's so much easier fasting every other day because you've always got tomorrow! I just realised today that this is the longest 'diet' I've stuck with...ever! Although, to be honest, it's not really a diet it really is a way of life.

So maybe ADF or EOD would suit you. Having such a big gap between fasts might lead to too much temptation, whereas if you fast every other day, YOU are in control!

Oh I wish you all the best whatever you decide, but don't give up on really does work, however you fast! By the way, I have so far lost 6 pounds in 5 weeks...better than nothin I spose! :wink:

Bean :smile:
Claire, You and I are in the same boat. I too jumped ship in Nov. I have gained seven pounds. I have tried unsuccessfully to get back on track. I come on the site to motivate myself but fail, too. I am thinking back to when I first started 52 and how hard it was to resist the temptations. But somehow I did it because I was committed and scheduled. I think the best way to get back on track is to commit yourself again. It took me a long time to start in the first place so don't be hard on yourself. And I am going to make this a lifetime commitment not a weight loss exercise.
Thanks guys - whats ADF or EOD ?
Did you notice the new buddies tent? Perhaps looking for a buddy or two might help. fastonbury-glamping-grounds-f34/fast-diet-buddies-tent-is-now-up-t11260.html?hilit=buddies

ADF/EOD fasting every other day (might seem a bit ambitious)
Hi Claire, we've never met as I just joined in January! I had a bad week last week and gained 4lb in that week alone-I too beat myself up over it! You say you're struggling to limit yourself to 3 meals a day? Why not try 16:8 and have a late brunch? You could even have a breakfast of an options hot choc? I would also suggest maybe fasting one day a week to ease back into it, I do my fasts on work days because I know I won't have time to worry about food!

Don't be so hard on yourself, everyone goes through good and bad periods and being a negative nelly (can you tell I'm a teacher?!) will only make you feel worse. Take a few deep breaths, smile and summon up the courage you had when you first started this WOE.
Claire23 wrote: Thanks guys - whats ADF or EOD ?

Alternate Day Fasting or Every Other Day.
See the ADF thread.
Like PJK says I think the two of you should buddy up.

@Claire23 and @clairemarie it's great, bean and myself just chit chat about anything and everything in the one place. It's not just about what you need it's also every rewarding being able to help others. The two of you know that you can do it and maybe working together, encouraging, suggesting may give you a bit more confidence to restart. Just a thought.

Anyway what a do you have to lose......... :clover: :heart:
I think I am going to start with 16:8 and take it from there. My window will be 11am-7pm. I think once I have dropped some pounds it will hopefully motivate to do the actual 5:2 again. Going to update my details tomorrow and weigh myself again - its not going to be pretty

Thanks for the encouragement guys
Claire, if you ever feel like you are falling off the wagon whatever happens keep with the forum. There are quite a few of us struggling at the moment but I personally feel that by sticking with the forum I am limiting any weight gain. I will get back into the swing of things and I'm sure you will as well. Take a look at the Scenic Route Tent.
Thanks wildmissus, its good to know I am not the only one
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