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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Come on Claire, I've been wondering where you had got to and missing you. You did so well last year. Come on, the evenings are getting lighter and the days warmer. You can do this. Have a look round at the campsite and join in. Even if it's the middle of the night there is always someone to chat to. You can often find @debs patrolling the insomniacs tent. Just make healthy food choices and you can't go wrong. @sue.q and I have been learning all about new ideas for veggies, she is becoming quite the expert :grin: I agree with @wildmissus stay with us. Good luck
I do 16:8 and have found it very successful. But: I do try to have at least one day a week when I fast for least 20 hours and at the same time keep carbs to a minimum and so that one day tends to be lower calorie.

If you find having an 8 hour window is too long (ie you don't lose weight) then you'll need to shorten your window on at least some days.

I find that I rarely have a full 8 hour window. Usually it's about 6 to 7 hours. I have a light lunch, maybe a snack and a normal dinner. No snacks after dinner plus no breakfast makes for a big drop in carb intake which I think is an important part of losing weight.

Good luck with your journey.
Hi Claire - great to hear from you and I think doing 16:8 is a great idea! Not the best time of year to be trying to lose weight what with the cold and miserable weather tempting us all with 'comfort food'. Keep us posted, so we can all offer you our support. Good Luck........
:heart: Welcome back @Claire23 Again!!
I sent you a pm at Christmas and you never even opened it but I had a good "cleanup" last week and its gone forever. :shock:
Right first things first 16:8 if you do very cautious ones you can lose weight and it will teach you once again how to solve your food addiction so only two meals in that window that's what is needed so bulk up on lots of salads + veggies also make your nibbles in those 2 groups small steps
at a time.
As it happens you've missed nothing at all because half your forum buddies me included are in no mans land/limbo or just getting nowhere sweet fa.
This time last year i was in a very bad way indeed phisio twice weekly and losing mobility therefore I know how you feel right now and believe me you do not want to be in the state you're in now 20 years down the line and you know better than anyone I weighed in at 19stone = 266lbs
= 8 month later = 50lbs lost =
Now 10 months later still roughly same as I was early Dec.
Come on Claire you know what you need to do as
Wendy Darling said we're trying the lower carb veggies now and I have no made most of my recent fasts meat free because we've found veggies fill us up so much more so maybe you could find something different on all your days and just see the difference you'll feel.
All these tents will do your head in but worth popping into a few " The low carbers" is worth a peep find yourself a fasting buddie there are members waiting.
:clover: Good Luck Claire and let's once again do it together one last time we both need this to work this year
You know you want to and by god WE both NEED to. :heart: Sue
If you keep a food journal try and work out what triggers falling off the wagon. Plus is there a goal you could work to eg holiday etc. I only started in January so hello and good luck. :)
Hi Claire. Good too see you back here.

Come on girl, you know you can do it. We will all be here to help you.

Good luck.

Thanks everyone
I said this last time but I have to do this, I don't want to tip the scales at 20 stone
Update your tracker @Claire23 Then watch your BMI going in a downwards direction to keep your motivation up.
:heart: Sue
Hi Claire

I am still hanging around, not posting much because I've not much to say, I am having a blip as well, a big blip that started in November :confused: and I am not on a downward track yet, just managing not to add on any more, so you see its happening to a few of the forum oldies.
Keep with the forum Claire you can get the support you need. But try to keep your stress level down, don't beat yourself up it won't help.

Nice to see you back :smile:

Chris x
Hi @Claire23 think it has mainly been said in the above posts. Welcome back. If you get back into the swing of it your eating patterns do change.

I find fluid fasting with teas and yes a small milk and sweetener like stevia can work to start the day and reduce headache from caffine withdrawal that's if you are a tea/coffee drinker. Then move onto a miso or bullion for some salt. All the wAy when you are tempted to eat have some sips of water. There are myriad herbal teas. I found liccorice, ginger and lemon and roobios with vanilla were strong satisfying flavours for my taste buds. At about 1pm I make myself a proper bullet coffee with teaspoon of coconut oil butter, 1 teaspoon of butter or cream. I don't like black so I use half unsweetened almond milk. This coffee just kills my appetite and any thoughts of food, it is weird and you have to remind yourself to drink even water. This takes me to about dinner time, so it works for 4 hours. I can make out the rest of the day with fluids such as good quality mineral water and goodly splash of fresh lime juice. Then if still needing something will treat myself with a hot low cal choc and almond milk as a bedtime drink

Fluid fasting means the appetite doesn't get switched on during the fast day. I figure if you just have a couple of successful fast under your belt you will find your fasting mojo again. All the best and stick with the forum. Join a buddy group. Right now @Jo05 is wanting to form another group. I am a member of one and the support offered really helps
Hi Claire

What are you finding particularly difficult this time around? Going without food for hours and hours or stopping at 500 calls when you do start eating?
Hi @Claire23 - wise words from everybody on here my sweet.

I met the Valentines Challenge and lost 5kg after putting on over Christmas, and now I have gained over 1kg back on over the last couple of weeks.

I have not put the Easter challenge on hold, but am not thinking of about it - I am just trying to take one day and one step at a time, the best thing I do at the moment is to stay within 16/8 - I just have to stop eating too much garbage during the 8 waking hours! Can you believe I am a diabetic type 2 and still grab for biscuits and sweets? !!!

You can do this, and so can I - I am hovering in the Scenic tent for the moment until I can get out of this rut I am in, but it's only temporary, I did it before, you did it before - we can do it again.

Take care,
cheers Maggie :smile: :smile: :heart: :heart:
@Claire23 Welcome back, I'm so glad you have returned. :heart:

You are receiving great advice and support. Take it in, live it and in time feel proud.

I always visit the site at least twice a day, it keeps me motivated and on track. I hope that helps you.

Keep talking to us! :smile: I'm off to see what's happening in the really short tent ..........

Speak soon.

Nice to see your pretty face again x 16:8 seems to be the most appealing t o you at the moment,so stick with that,see where you go from there. Good gets tricky at times but we get there in the end x
Hi claire23, I have just read your posts and you sound as though you are convinced you are going to fail, I don't think at this stage 16:8 will work for you. I think you need to take smaller steps otherwise if you tell yourself you will last to 12 before you eat, and then can't last that long, you will feel as though you have failed.
In my personal opinion, I would start by taking each day as a new day and seeing how long you can last before you start eating. Each day that you last a bit longer will be a huge success and hopefully you can use that as a stepping stone to take it further.
Use distraction, dog walking, whatever it takes to keep your mind off food.
I really hope you can kick some goals soon. Good luck. Debs :clover: :heart:
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