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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Re: Jumped ship
08 Sep 2013, 12:48
Still haven't jumped back on board, but managing to maintain a steady weight, albeit quite a bit above my target, so not too despairing. Enjoying not fasting and sticking to 16.8 mot days. Sleep improved and feeling quite relaxed about the next target. Planning to get back to fasting, just not yet. If I haven't started back by the end of the month I will post to request the captain to make me walk the plank!
Ohh, aaarrr!
Re: Jumped ship
08 Sep 2013, 13:26
Hi Dhana,

I've been thinking about you lately , wondering how you are getting on so it's nice to see you pop in for a chat. You missed a great on-line party the other night when none of us could sleep. Silverdarling showed us her cherry and Caroline photographed her buns and posted it, the wine flowed and we had a great time.

Don't be a stranger, you don't have to fast to enjoy the friendships, just keep posting and having fun with us til you feel like getting back on board again,take care xx :heart: :heart: :heart:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Jumped ship
08 Sep 2013, 15:28
Hang on in there Dhana if you're maintaining that's not to bad :victory:
And yes what a great party/sleepover you missed :like:
Walking the plank !! Now that's something you should avoid coz you know who'll be on your tail with the Big Ugly Smelly Wetfish :shock:
Good Luck with the next few weeks :clover: Sue
Re: Jumped ship
08 Sep 2013, 17:00
Take it easy and follow your feelings. You won't succeed if you aren't up to it 100% and maintaining is not bad at all. :-)
Re: Jumped ship
08 Sep 2013, 19:54
BB i did a duplicate post yesterday or maybe it was today
No idea where the delete button is either but..
You can go to Edit on the duplicate,and delete what you wrote,and maybe just write sorry for the dupe or perhaps think of something else you want to say in that box x
Re: Jumped ship
08 Sep 2013, 21:19
I'm almost in the same boat.
Last month, I did 3 days of 'fasts' per week, but eating 750 cals, roughly, per fast day.
I'm still losing (so much so, that when I came to wear a pair of 'longs' today, the pair I'd had in mind fell off! I have no beckons....)
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