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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Jumped ship
25 Aug 2013, 11:38
I have been expanding, slowly but surely, over the past while and it's not because 5.2 has stopped working.
I have stopped being mindful about what I'm eating and drinking too much, too often, especially the red stuff :oops: :shock: I have told myself not to worry, I can easily put my mind to it and get back on track, but I also say to myself you deserve a couple of glasses of wine at the end of the day, and sleeping is so much better after a nice meal, and even "it's not good to lose weight too quickly!". So, fasting once a week, plus a very loose interpretation of 16.8 (ie. when I feel like it!) is my lifestyle choice at the moment and so I should not feel peeved that my weight is creeping back up.
I know I have to jump back on board so what is stopping me? OMG is the shine of 5.2 wearing off? Is this a normal phase I am going through? is it diet fatigue 5 months in?
Part of the problem is I think I look pretty good now, certainly compared to my 14 stone weight at the beginning of this year. I can wear things now that I could not even have contemplated a few months ago, but taking off my rose tinted specs for an honest appraisal I am still too heavy, still in the overweight category, and still a bit off my first target. Why am I in no apparent hurry to reach my goal weight of 140lbs? It is not a very low target, but will do me nicely if I ever get there?
Any ideas how to get fired up about 5.2 again (please spare me the wetfish janeg! :grin: ) think I have lost my mojo :cry:
Re: Jumped ship
25 Aug 2013, 11:50
I can't help but I can relate. I have just spent the weekend shoveling down food and guzzling down wine. I'm still 5:2ing but certainly not losing.
But like you I'm pretty happy where I am as long as I don't gain. Main thing I think is don't stress out about it. If your happy then keep doing what your doing. If not then we might have to get the wet fish on you.
Re: Jumped ship
25 Aug 2013, 12:15
I'm not really losing atm either, I can empathise with the feeling good, not really worrying thing. My goal was around 11/11.5 stone but I'll get there when I get there.

Be ok, I expect if you go above your current set point, you'd refocus quickly.
Re: Jumped ship
25 Aug 2013, 12:20
I'm not really losing atm either, I can empathise with the feeling good, not really worrying thing. My goal was around 11/11.5 stone but I'll get there when I get there.

Be ok, I expect if you go above your current set point, you'd refocus quickly.
Re: Jumped ship
25 Aug 2013, 12:27
I had a weekend away with hubby last weekend. It was lovely to relax and be waited on hand and foot. I told myself it was time out time and I ate what I wanted when I wanted. I didn't drink as it inteferes with the pain meds and at the moment doesn't taste nice either. But when I got back I dived straight into a fast and ended up doing my first double day because it felt so good.

The break did me the world of good, it got me back on the fasting bandwagon. Maybe all you need is a time limit. tell yourself that in 1 week from today you WILL get back on the 5:2 wagon, but this week is totally guilt free. You know in advance that you will put on weight, but forgive yourself that, don't worry about it. You need the break.
Re: Jumped ship
25 Aug 2013, 12:29
I too am in the rut. The obsessiveness I felt in the beginning is gone. I have been wondering what the heck happened and I'll put my mind to it again. But I cannot complete a fast day lately. Thinking about your post it makes me wonder about all those other diets and why we complain...I lost 20 and gained 25. Once you stop you revert back to the ways that got you fat in the first place. The term WOE is used a lot in this form and we must realize in order to be successful that this is not a diet it is a lifestyle change. And change we must. Maybe I will not weigh myself and think about the weight loss and instead think to eat mindfully. After all our body's need to eat is to sustain life not derive pleasure.
Re: Jumped ship
25 Aug 2013, 12:38
Ha! Ha! BBT, I heard you the first time! Anyway, agree it's not worth stressing over, we'll get there in the end. I do find it quite striking though, the different attitudes to losing weight, some posters agonize about not losing fast enough when they are at a lowish bmi already and others are a lot more relaxed, and some like me, possibly relapsed! Good that we're all so different! I do know though that I could not possibly feel constantly deprived, or even come to think of deprived, and that is why this has worked so well for me up until now. I am just going through a phase of wanting my cake and eating it a bit TOO often! :smile:
Yes, I will just have a guilt free indulgent space and jump back on board when my lovely new jeans start feeling tight!
Re: Jumped ship
25 Aug 2013, 13:16
I started weighing myself every day when I started to lose hope. That really lit a fire under my butt and made me start paying better attention again.

Now I'm not super mellow about the weight loss, but I think I've found a nice balance. I lose weight about half of the time, and I generally maintain. I do notice small weight gains that usually disappear in a day or two. My "official" weigh in day is Thursdays. My doctor is thrilled with my progress (especially since he's seen the bloodwork with the low thyroid levels!), despite the fact I've only lost 12 pounds since January. So I figure it took me a while to put on the weight, I don't mind so very much if it takes a while to come off, considering this diet really isn't so hard.
Re: Jumped ship
25 Aug 2013, 13:27
Hi Dhana,

Funnily enough I have been slipping back a little lately, I don't know if it's the weather, post holiday blues or boredom but it has been happening. I was aware of it and made a huge effort to get back on track. I had put on a few pounds so yesterday I did a fast, one meal, not exactly unusual for me, but I made sure it was protein based, carb light and not low fat and I didn't count calories as that stresses me. ( A 3 egg omelette with lots of salad and some grated cheese followed by strawberries and blueberries with d/cream and 175 things if wine for those who can be bothered or are interested) Today I am almost back to where I was so I now know how little effort it takes to kick start again and my modest success has fired me up to not slip back into full packets of biscuits, too much wine, loads of bread, bars, yes plural, of chocolate etc. Set yourself a definite date for a fast, preferably before Christmas,and just go for it, it's all mind over matter but I was in danger of having more matter than mind!

Good luck and get back in that saddle before someone lets you have it round the back of the head with a catering pack from Findus :shock:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Jumped ship
25 Aug 2013, 13:36
I can so identify with you all
I have been unable to fast for weeks now but have been doing a sort of 16/8 and managing to maintain and then this week I lost it had a few choc attacks ,just couldn't stop
Last night I ate so much chocolate that i couldn't sleep
But the good news I woke up feeling sick so have hardly eaten all day.... My first fast in weeks so I might be back on track
Will wait a few days to weigh though
And then fast again in a few days
Re: Jumped ship
25 Aug 2013, 13:47
That's partly the problem - knowing that fasting works so well that I can just remain complacent, admire my new shape and not do the work to keep in shape! Like you I choose to just blame it on the weather! But unlike the weather I can't just wait for it to change, which will be tomorrow probably as it's a bank holiday. I have jut reread this and can't understand a word of it but please don't supersize the wet fish! Talking of which I am going doon the water tomorrow (the Clyde) and looking forward to having a fish supper, heavy on the salt and malt vinegar! :razz:
Re: Jumped ship
25 Aug 2013, 13:49
Naughty Dhana !!! Now it's my turn to encourage you for a change
So you've jumped ship well you can jolly well jump back on board and join in all the fun :victory: put it all behind you that small ''mini break '' you've had and start again as off it was your first day again ( this really helps honest ) read the book again or your earlier posts to see what you was doing + and more importantly what you Was eating for each fastday meal, you know it works, and you have the tools to fix it with, so basically get bloody going + fix it :heart: :heart: or are you waiting for the wet smelly fish to catch up with you. Good Luck. :clover: Sue
Re: Jumped ship
25 Aug 2013, 13:51
DHANA it's a fast day for me!!!!
Bad woman! I can practically smell it!

Oh, a wee trip doon the water would be lovely. Hope you have a smashing time, really enjoy the fish supper (and Irn Bru and then a wee bit of chocolate just to finish it off?) and then get back on track soon enough.
Life is for living!
Re: Jumped ship
25 Aug 2013, 13:59
Hi everyone!

the main thing that stays in my mind are the health benefits - normal blood cholesterol and blood sugar! Uncle Mosley said this was most important and the weight loss is a side effect! :grin:

I am strict on the fast days but yesterday enjoyed many different beers at a local beer festival. I had been looking forward to that for weeks! Next week I will be in Norfolk for a weeks holiday and will not over-indulge but will certainly enjoy my food and drinks!

For me success will be if this time next year, I have maintained my normal blood chemistry and also my 52 pounds weight loss! :lol:
Re: Jumped ship
25 Aug 2013, 14:01
Ha, sorry, it did that thing where it said that there'd been another reply and to submit again and then there were 2 of them. I've never found the delete post button on this forum. :-)
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