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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Re: Jumped ship
25 Aug 2013, 22:10
Oh I'm here too! The last few weeks I've managed my Monday fasts just fine, but things keep getting in the way of my fasts later in the week. Feels like my mojo has disappeared. I'm trying a reset, and doing a juice fast this week and hopefully a total change will kickstart my mood and energy and motivation.
Re: Jumped ship
25 Aug 2013, 22:50
He says he didn't stop in any pubs in Sterling. He and two coworkers took the train and were only there for the afternoon. They were staying in Glasgow and didn't need to be part of the Thursday afternoon meetings :like:

We're all hopefully going together in April! Hubby's trying to work out the meeting schedule (he's doing a big project with Scottish Power -- all you Scottish electricity users bought a handy gadget he invented to help transmit power across your lovely country). He's probably going twice in 2014, and I'd better be going at least once :grin: :heart: :clover: :razz:
Re: Jumped ship
26 Aug 2013, 00:40
Hey,coffeebrain,I am like you.havntnbeen able to fast for months but am happily doing 16/8 and maintaining at the lowest weight I have been or years.
It's quite interesting,had a huge choc blowout three times last week but then noticed the next dy I ate less than normal,naturally.
Weighed myself today,no gain!
A small part of me would like to lose a bit more though but it's not happening
Re: Jumped ship
26 Aug 2013, 08:30
Well it hasn't happened to me yet, tho today's fast was a shocker...more on that later. I jut like to look at it like this: I eat like a pig, no holding back and too much wine last week (will cut back this week), but I realise there is no such thing as a free lunch (bfst, dinner, cakes, wine etc!), so my compromise is to fast 2 days a week. I prefer this to eating sensibly :>)

The fast shocker: decided to try (for the 2nd time - last time was bad too) eating nothing till dinner (for the health benefits). OMG, stomach was rumbling so loud on the train on the way to work that I thought I was in danger of being asked to leave the quiet carriage. Had coffee, starving and stomach rumbling all morning and feeling 5.5 hours after waking I ate an apple - better...for 3 hours, then I bought bread for tomorrow and attacked it like a wild beast! Finally got home and had my 'souper' that I should have had for bfst, now I'm full and feel good - came in around my 500 cals. Now I'll stick to what I know - weird as it may seem, vegie soup for breakfast keeps me full all day @ 70 cals.

Dhana you are close to normal weight range - could you try to aim for that as a goal...and bloody well have ur fishnchips on feed day and who cares! ps no shandies - it's sacrilegious to water down beer ;>)
Re: Jumped ship
26 Aug 2013, 10:06
I was watching The Men Who Made Us Thin last night and the presenter was saying how the change in the definition of overweight from over a BMI of 27 to BMI over 25 was not really scientifically justified. I wonder how many of you who are feeling jaded have a BM Iof 27 or less? Maybe those who do should consider maintenance?

I also agree with Tracie that mixing it up a bit can restore enthusiasm. And, of course remembering that it's not all about the weightloss!
Re: Jumped ship
26 Aug 2013, 10:38
Blimey, canny say that I jumped ship but life threw me off board twice. I was too stubborn to not climb back tho. ;-)

Caroline, I had no idea what a BMI was till I came here and personally I don't pay any attention to it. BMI is just a number. I just want to be happy with how I look and how I feel. :-)
Re: Jumped ship
26 Aug 2013, 17:00
well first proper fast day for a long time- feel ready to concentrate & focus on this WOL again- this site is great for motivation [smile]
Re: Jumped ship
26 Aug 2013, 18:51
Sarahg, I'm glad someone else is doing this too! Yes, it's wonderful to just eat and not worry within the 8 hour timeframe. Now I don't pig out, but I admit there's a time or two I'll overeat, and like you, my appetite seems to normalize for the next day.

What I've really noticed is how acclimated my body has become to this eating timeframe. I used to have to eat late at night all the time, just snack and snack away. Those days are over and I don't miss them.

I'm also more clear-headed in the morning. It didn't happen overnight though. It took a good three months. But what I did notice right away was that I wasn't walking around hungry all the time. I still can't believe it.
Re: Jumped ship
26 Aug 2013, 20:35
Ahoy, mateys!

Now listen up, as I'm only going to say this once. I'll not have the lot of you jumping ship and leaving me here on this deserted island with only the coconuts (and coconut oil.) Haul your hineys back on board and get your sails right! And, that's an order.

If you don't; I'll wrestle up the ghosts of Davy Jones Locker! You thought those wet fish were scary, didja? Just you wait!
Re: Jumped ship
26 Aug 2013, 20:51
Ooh er missus, that's me told and I'm now safely back on board and ready to set sail into calmer waters, who's with me? :victory: :victory:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Jumped ship
26 Aug 2013, 21:51
Nothing smart to add, but this thread is really helpful, so I thank all posters!

I do think that when you have a lot to lose and are trying to go about it healthfully and really make lasting change, it is only natural that motivation will flag occasionally. Just ride out the low mo-jo and maximize those days when it all feels effortless.
Re: Jumped ship
26 Aug 2013, 22:01
Dhana I wish I could say I would meet you in Glasgow this week but my daughter is coming home from Australia for a couple of weeks. I could however meet you last week in September to give you some support. I do struggle a bit on non fast days but I would rather shut my fingers in a door that break my fast, they are my lifesaver. I hope you can get into that frame of mind, only two days a week and at least you will maintain while enjoying the other 5days with a clear conscience :dazed: :neutral: :grin: :grin: :lol: :lol: YES YES YES YOU CAN DO IT.
Re: Jumped ship
27 Aug 2013, 08:00
Nessie, Yes we must meet up again, we need to find a different restaurant this time, one that will serve me a lunch of dry bread and water as penance! I will send you a PM. :smile: Actually , if anyone else can make it to Glasgow for a lunch or coffee towards end September let me or Nessie know.
Re: Jumped ship
27 Aug 2013, 08:56
If only... sigh...
Re: Jumped ship
27 Aug 2013, 09:30
I will have to put in my apologies re the lunch date as not going to Scotland anytime soon drat which is a bit sad for my Scottish genes ( grandad Scottish)
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