The FastDay Forum

Group Challenges

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A couple of us have been talking about a new challenge as @juliana.rivers' Valentine's Day Challenge draws to a close so here it is.....

Today is the first day of Lent which is traditionally a time to give up something in the 40 days up to Easter. Whilst this way of eating is not about giving up but rather gaining a new way of life I thought it was a suitable time to remind myself to eat mindfully for 40 days.

My goals for the challenge are:
a) to lose 2 kgs in the 40 days between Wednesday, 10 February and Friday 25 March
b) to lose 2.5 cm (1 inch) from my waist
c) to achieve my fitbit goal of 13,200 steps per day on 5 days each week

Challenge members so far are
1 @Pilchards
2 @Juliana.Rivers
3 @WarriorPrincess
4 @BeautyNovice
5 Who will be the next to join up??

All you need to do is post your goals for the 40 days be it weight loss, maintenance, fitness whatever and I'll add you to the list. It would be good if all group members can agree to check in at least once a week to update the others on their progress and generally offer words of wit and wisdom and encouragement.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Pilchards aka Julia x
Thank you so much @Pilchardsfor setting up a 40 day challenge.. its a nice Lenten, Easter "giving up" something theme.

Well my 40 day challenge has nothing to do with reducing numbers on a scale apart from not being higher than my current weight (but im not on maintenance as i need to shift 2 kg at least) . I want to find more info and inform myself about calorie counting and a comment by @ADFnFuel in this thread.
Where he says.." There are substantial and dramatic biological differences to carefully consider when carbs, fats, and protein are digested. Learn these and weight control becomes much easier"
My challenge is to give myself 30 minutes a day to study digestion and food. There is so much to learn at a technical level and i need to part with 30 minutes of TV viewing time in the evening to really enrich my knowledge and understand my own battle with losing those last few kilos even though I am eating well and fasting.

I promise to post any important snippets of info to share with you all.

Now how is that for something different in a challeng goal?
OK. Please add me to this challenge with a 4-5kg goal. This would change my BMI to under 24.
OK I'm in please. I'd like to get back to 62kg (currently 65.3) and have resolved to give up chocolate for Lent (which should help!) Also to keep my carbs under 100g per day when possible.
That is great and welcome to @ADFnFuel and @loversghost

Challenge members so far are
1 @Pilchards
2 @Juliana.Rivers
3 @WarriorPrincess
4 @BeautyNovice
5 @ADFnFuel
6 @loversghost
7 ..................insert your name here...........

Some interesting goals so far. I look forward to us all supporting each other for the next few weeks.
I'm in. Thank you for doing this challenge. I'm going to wait with my goal though until I finish out the Valentine's Day Challenge. I will weight myself on Sunday to get my ending weight for that one and my starting weight for this one! My birthday is the end of March, so that's a great ending time for me!
Count me in, definitely! I have so been looking forward to this Lent, that I am glad it is finally here. I will do 40 days of window fasting. (No breakfast, no lunch). I have been putting on weight ... so I do need this fast. Thank you for starting the thread! :smile:
Count me in. I have 2 goals:
Walk 2 miles every day, shine or rain (the give-up being 40 minutes of my time)
Do a Whole 30 (the give-up being grains, sugar, processed foods...details here, WOW, their site has really changed since I last visited - so polished and commercial)
I'm sure doing the 2 will result in a 3rd - lost weight!
I thought about volunteering to host the challenge, but thought I had better participate in one first.
Good luck everybody!
I'm in. No carbs Monday to Thursday inclusive & no chocolate throughout. Already 5:2ing so this is in addition.
Good morning all from sunny Sydney! I generally check in here twice a day - morning and evening as I work full time so don't be disappointed if I don't get back to you straight away.

Nice to welcome some new members to the challenge
1 @Pilchards
2 @Juliana.Rivers
3 @WarriorPrincess
4 @BeautyNovice
5 @ADFnFuel
6 @loversghost
7 @cblasz
8 @Margotsylvia
9 @ravingkiko
10 @katkin

Day two of the challenge here today for me and a fasting day. Planning on nothing but black tea and coffee until this evening when I will have a portion of Ella Woodwards Potato, Quinoa and Chickpea curry. What are your plans?
Midway through day 1 here in Seattle. I have taken my walk, I'm eating clean (not a fast day) and I updated my signature as a reminder to myself what's going on - hope it makes things easier on Pilchards too.
Hi I would love to join the challenge. Am giving up sugar for lent so that is a challenge in it self. Along with 5:2 should be interesting. I have a birthday in March so would be good to start a new year with a weight loss and hopefully more energy.
Currently 81.5kg.
Welcome to Lenten Losings member number 11 @pamie123. Interesting to see that you are giving up sugar for lent - it certainly is the big bad wolf these days. My daughter has challenged me to be vegan for 40 days so effectively I have given up eggs and cheese as I eat quite a vegetarian diet anyway. It will be interesting to see if the cheese particularly has any effect on my weight as I do love my cheese and bikkies - particularly with a nice glass of wine on a Friday night!
1 @Pilchards
2 @Juliana.Rivers
3 @WarriorPrincess
4 @BeautyNovice
5 @ADFnFuel
6 @loversghost
7 @cblasz
8 @Margotsylvia
9 @ravingkiko
10 @katkin
11 @pamie123
This is my 3rd day of Lenten window fasting and it is getting easier. I have given up all chocolate and sweets and desserts and I am getting used to that as well. Nothing like fasting to cut the bind :grin:
The first day I lost a kilo, and today I had not lost anything. What will tomorrow bring? It is 13:30 and I've had nothing but black tea and water so far....
The ground was completely bare yesterday, but it snowed in the night and we woke up into a new winter wonderland. Snow everywhere. And I was looking for evidence of crocuses... :frown:
But it is inevitable that spring will come and the days are getting lighter...
And I will be losing some more weight.
There is hope....
Hi Pilchards.
I guess you are looking at labels as I am, its surprising what sugar is in. I am coeliac and dairy intolerant so have soy milk , have after a little searching found a milk that doesn't have sugar. Its certainly challenging. I'm thinking that your vegan challenge is somewhat more difficult than mine. Good luck.
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