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Group Challenges

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As of today, I'm pretty much at the weight I started the challenge at which I'm not thrilled about of course, but I'm ok with. A) it is certainly better than having gained and B) I think I'm learning what I need to do and am working towards a healthy WOE that will work for me. I will do one final check in on Monday since that's my official WI day.

Thanks so much @Pilchards for running this and I will happily join in the next one, if someone is willing to take it on!
I've lost 6lb all of which since xmas but about 4 latterly. Will go for something more difficult next time thanks for running yen challenge .
Thanks for hosting the Easter challenge

My goal was about research not weight loss but managed to lose 2kg over the time.. Not eating nearly as much as i used to till the easter hot cross buns arrived.. but we waiting till just 2 weeks ago.. anyway.. last packet bought today.
I am drinking so much more water these days. Just tap water chilled.. At least 1.5 litres a day.. compared with 1/2 a litre before. i think it helps And I havent drunk wine or cider for 6 weeks.

And my 5 day vegetarianism is really helping too. More plant based food, less red meat, chicken and fish. It must be all contributing

re research got some good knowledge in my head.. lates is this detailed study
I've completely failed this one. Returned from holiday 11st 5.5, weight today 11st 5.5. Thank you for running it @Pilchards I know things would have been even worse without it! I'm definitely far from happy at this weight - clothes I was wearing very happily just weeks ago now feel tight & make me look like a sack of potatoes. Will re-start 5/2 with renewed optimism on Tuesday next week. Happy Easter all.
Here are my results
weight: 56.5 kg
lost total during challenge: 6.8 kg
BMI now : 22.07
I am very pleased :smile:
My BMI is where I wanted it to be!!! Great! A very happy Easter to all :heart: :clover: :heart:
1 @Pilchardss Aiming for - 2 kgs, - 2.5 cm 5/7 days fitbit goal. Final result -4.8 kgs, - 4 cm from waist - achieved fitbit target on all but 5 days of Lent.
2 @Juliana.Rivers 30 minutes/day studying digestion and food -continues to inform us. - check out her Facebook Group The 5 Day Vegetarian - really interesting.
3 @WarriorPrincesss Has not managed to lose weight on this challenge - mostly due to a holiday. Has renewed determination to succeed. See you on @ADFnFuel's challenge.
4 @BeautyNovice let us know how you are going - see you on the next challenge?
5 @ADFnFuel Super star performance - 15 lbs (-6.82 kg). Well done and thanks for your support,
6 @loversghost Aiming for 3.2kg loss and giving up chocolate - I hope no news is good news.

7 @cblaszAiming for 4.5 lb loss and 8500-9000 steps per day - Holding steady and learning a lot about working towards a healthy WOE.
8 @Margotsylvia aiming to reduce bmi - Well done on your loss of 6.8 kgs and your ideal BMI and thanks for all your support on the challenge.
9 @ravingkiko Walk 2 miles every day Eat Whole30 - 7/7 6:8 6/7 Whole30 6/7 walking - Has been up and down due to illness but has enjoyed being part of the challenge.
10 @katkin No carbs Monday to Thursday and no chocolate. Has lost 6 lbs over the challenge - well done!
11 @pamie123 Giving up sugar - aiming for weight loss. No news from pamie123. Are you going to join us on the next challenge?
12 @SammyIAmGiving up candy and losing 3 lbs. Hope all is well and we'll see you on here again soon.
13 @FlicAiming for a 5 lb loss. Cutting back on coffee. Let us know how you did.
14 @carieoates Giving up white bread. Has lost 6 lbs since Christmas - about 4 of it in this challenge. Nice work.
15 @Maggiee Aiming for a 2 kg loss. Sugar free and dry Feb - Achieved a loss of 1.5 kg. Well done and see you on the next challenge.
16 @Wmr309@ Aiming for 2 kg - - 600 g so far and pushing hard to make goal of another 1.5 kg by 25 March - How did you end up? I know you were pushing hard at the end. Hope to see you on the next challenge.
17 @BrissieGirlAiming for 2.5 kg loss - how is it going @BrissieGirl?
18 @skinnyli @ Aiming for 2-3 kgs and giving up chocolate - hope you are on track and enjoying your Easter choccies.

I hope that is everyone and that you all enjoyed being part of my challenge. It has certainly taught me that regular activity on here = increased results. I am looking forward to @ADFnFuel 's April challenge and hope you will all support him as you have me.

Enjoy the rest of your long weekends wherever in the world you may be and see you soon on here!
Julia aka Pilchards.
I failed :( We ended up having a lovely evening with neighbours on the Thursday night and that set off a weekend of eating and drinking, incl celebrating my birthday. The scales weren't kind this morning, and I've got another work lunch planned for today...
The relatively new pants are tight which will be my greatest incentive for getting back to where I'd like to be (at least 2 kg lighter and a BMI in the low 21s). I won't fill in my tracker till Friday, and will continue to fill this in every Friday. I'm worried that menopause won't make it any easier...
I feel your pain @Wmr309 - menopause makes it doubly hard to lose the weight. I think we sometimes need to shake our systems up a bit and take them by surprise. I have just followed a vegan regime for the Lenten period and it has made a big difference to my weight. Thought it might be something you could try. Juliana Rivers has a great Facebook group called the 5 day vegetarian which has lots of good ideas. We do lots of entertaining both at home and in restaurants and I actually haven't found it too hard. Are you going to join up for @ADFnFuel's next challenge?
Sorry to have been absent lately. After my initial loss my weight has stayed the same. However I did stay off the refined sugar for the whole of lent. Pretty proud of that. I will now look at the next challenge and try to be more focused.
Pilchards wrote: I feel your pain @Wmr309 - menopause makes it doubly hard to lose the weight. I think we sometimes need to shake our systems up a bit and take them by surprise. I have just followed a vegan regime for the Lenten period and it has made a big difference to my weight. Thought it might be something you could try. Juliana Rivers has a great Facebook group called the 5 day vegetarian which has lots of good ideas. We do lots of entertaining both at home and in restaurants and I actually haven't found it too hard. Are you going to join up for @ADFnFuel's next challenge?

Not sure what I will do next. I feel I've shaken up my system quite a bit lately by eating everything and in much larger quantities than I've done for a while. Just back from my work lunch and the (hot) chips I ate are causing me belly pain. I'm not coeliac but have definitely developed an intolerance to certain foods. I'm going to do more menu planning over the next month in order to feel more nourished and not wanting snacks in between. I'll have more vegetarian meals than vegan but I like eggs and cheese too much to give them up. Perhaps I should stop drinking alcohol during the week (on top of the non-alcoholic fasting days). I only glanced at the ADFnFuel challenge proposal but didn't give it too much thought yet. Thanks for your suggestions @Pilchards
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