The FastDay Forum

Group Challenges

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Yeah, I lost some more weight yesterday. :smile: I think all in all I have lost about 2 kilos since starting fasting on Ash Wednesday. My BMI is now 23.16. Which is still quite high for me. But at least I have nearly 40 days to have a go at reducing it :grin: . I have done this before so I know that initially I will lose some weight, and then nothing for a fortnight and then gradually
again more weight loss. To get the 40 days till Easter, Sundays are not counted in. So I am going to have breakfast tomorrow :smile: It feels good to share my progress with you people. Thanks. And Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow :heart:
I'd like to join, please. My goal is to give up candy for Lent. I would also like to lose 3 pounds. I just recently burst through into the 130s and I know my body well enough by now to know that I'll be here for a long time before I lose more weight, but I'm still going to try.

Starting weight (2-10-16): 137.8 lbs
Goal weight by Easter: 135 lbs

Good luck to all.
Not really sure what I can give up for lent, lol. I don't drink or smoke or snack, and I've not taken sugar or milk in tea or coffee since I started fasting last May. I can offer to "cut back" on coffee, but I'd still need one early morning as I can't drink green tea on an empty stomach (aka. fasted) without feeling/ being sick. So if cutting back to one black coffee a day is sufficient, I'll do that lol.

Aside from that, keep up my current and somewhat taking exercise regime, and keeping within my fasting windows. I didn't lose anything on the Valentine's Challenge for several reasons I won't bore anyone with reiterating, but looking to try and lose the rest of the weight I'd like to lose by Easter certainly.

(weigh-ins will be fortnightly. I do ADF so I prefer weighing in after a fasted Saturday;

SW: 9 st 3 (14/02/16)
GW: 8 st 12 (25/03/16)

Or as close to that as possible. Fingers crossed I lose *something* this time lol.
Good morning. I weighed myself this morning and am setting my starting weight at 168.5. I'm going to be conservative with my goal and try to get to 164. I hope to surpass that though. I plan to stick with a 12-8 eating window and get in 8500-9000 steps a day. And I think I will try to cut back on sugar. I also need to work on drinking more water!

Thanks so much and good luck everyone!
I know I'm late but I think I will give up white bread for the challenge please.
My goal is to spend more time in reading about food nutrition. I thought about getting audio books on cd but they can be so expensive. Anyone know a good source for delivery to Australia?
thanks for this challenge, can I please join?
I will continue with being sugar-free (no sweets, chocolates, cakes, biscuits, anything that has sugar) that I started on the 1st February as well as doing a 'dry' Feb. My goal is to also not have any Hot Cross buns until 25th March and to see 2kg less on the scales after a successful Valentines Day challenge.

@Juliana.Rivers - I love reading about nutrition - so much information these days, its a total minefield - I will keep a look out for you. Well done. :like:

All the best everybody
Juliana.Rivers wrote: My goal is to spend more time in reading about food nutrition. I thought about getting audio books on cd but they can be so expensive. Anyone know a good source for delivery to Australia?

If available there, book downloads are far cheaper than actual cd format, at least in the US. Also, check out your library. I never check out physical books (I can never remember to take them back :oops:), but I get audio, video and ebook downloads all the time.

As far as my goals are concerned, I'm at about 60% over the first 5 days. I knew it would take me a few days to get going well on the whole30, but I have no excuse at all for the walking fail (one day 1.8 miles, another day only .9). Today I walked to Whole Foods for coconut aminos to make up for it.
Welcome to a new week Lenten Losers. Firstly I must apologise that I have been missing in action for the past few days but I was in Melbourne with my husband visting our son and daughter-in-law who have just announced that they are expecting our first grandchild so as you can imagine you lovely people have not been front of mind!

Nice to welcome some new members to the challenge - see below - and it is interesting to see how diverse our objectives are. I am looking forward to checking in on Wednesday when I will be a week into the challenge. I managed to keep to my vegan objectives this weekend quite easily and even found some yummy coconut milk ice-cream as a treat! I'm really quite enjoying it and as my daughter is doing it too we have had fun swapping recipes.

1 @Pilchards
2 @Juliana.Rivers
3 @WarriorPrincess
4 @BeautyNovice
5 @ADFnFuel
6 @loversghost
7 @cblasz
8 @Margotsylvia
9 @ravingkiko
10 @katkin
11 @pamie123
12 @SammyIAm
13 @Flic
14 @Carieoates
15 @Maggiee

I had a good strong fast day to day and have been doing well with my objective of 5 days out of 7 meeting my fitbit goal.

How is everyone else doing?
Congratulations to you, Pilchards, for your expected first grandchild!!! I have 2 adult children. The youngest of them is 31today and still there are no signs of any grandchildren. :bugeyes:
Today begins the first full week of my Lenten fast. I had a kinda break from my window/Vegetarian/fasting yesterday, since it was a Sunday. Today I haven't had other than black tea and water as yet. I have a Lentil Veg Soup to make for tonight yet. Yum!
At the moment I am feeling rather empty :neutral:
On-wards we go! :clover: :smile:
Am I right in thinking that tomorrow (Feb 16) is our first progress check-in day?

Hi @ADFnFuel I am making Wednesday our check in day so that our late joiners have a few days under their belts before their first check in but if you want to check in today do so by all means. There are no hard and fast rules.
I haven't joined a challenge for a while as I was maintaining quite well but I cannot shift the 2kg that were gone for a very long time. After a fast yesterday (probably ended up 700-800 calorie day) I weighed 69.7kg which I'm not happy with. I walk our dog about 4km five times a week, do weight sessions at the gym three times a week, cycle to work daily, so there's not much room for more exercise. I eat real food but probably too much (and I enjoy baking). I'm not willing to give up alcohol, except for fast days so all I can think of is giving up chocolate. This will be even harder than fasting twice a week.
Welcome to @Wmr309 member number 16 for the Lenten Losings Challenge. Tomorrow will be our first check in day so can all members please update us on how you are going with your challenge?

1 @Pilchards
2 @Juliana.Rivers
3 @WarriorPrincess
4 @BeautyNovice
5 @ADFnFuel
6 @loversghost
7 @cblasz
8 @Margotsylvia
9 @ravingkiko
10 @katkin
11 @pamie123
12 @SammyIAm
13 @Flic
14 @carieoates
15 @Maggiee
16 @Wmr309
#9 checking in. It's Tuesday here, but Wednesday there. My goals are in my signature. I'm giving myself 1 point for each:
Whole30 day
day I walk 2 miles
successful fast day
I'm currently running 9 for 14 or 64%. I walked a couple of days but didn't meet my goal and I really fell apart on the eating front on my 1st fast day and that carried over to the following day as well. It's a process. I'll get there.
I can't wait to hear how everybody is doing.
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