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Member 119 here. The pressure is off since I decided to go onto maintenance, I'm feeling positive and I'm being more careful with what I eat. I had a successful fast day yesterday which took my weight down to maintenance level :smile: so smiles all round :smile: :smile:
Isn't it amazing how taking the pressure off yourself results in a much more positive attitude. Glad to hear it, Coffeetime xx
coffeetime wrote: Member 119 here. The pressure is off since I decided to go onto maintenance, I'm feeling positive and I'm being more careful with what I eat. I had a successful fast day yesterday which took my weight down to maintenance level :smile: so smiles all round :smile: :smile:

Excellent news that you are now relaxed about the maintenance journey you have to Dec 25.. Life has enough stresses than putting more on yourself. keep going
dimmit wrote: Hello there, number 5 checking in....

I've recently started daily weighing, it's fascinating! Lots of peaks and some troughs.

I've lost 800g since joining the Christmas club, that means 700g more to get to the magic SEVEN-ZERO on the scales. The lowest weight ever was last week at 70.4, so let's hope I don't sabotage this slow downward trend with all those Christmas goodies hovering in my line of vision every time I go shopping.

Well done to everyone!


Awesome that you are daily weighing! doesnt take long at all and the ups and down are nothing to worry about. if you plug them all into progress tracker, focus on the purple line cause that really shows whats happening overall.
@PennyForthem , don't you dare. They are all mine. Though some of them are younger than my youngest son and all I want to do is mother them. There's a couple of older ones that are ooh, la, la.
Mainly I'm getting looks because I'm bigger, older, and still going after the initial burst of enthusiasm has worn off.
Member # 84 checking in:

FINALLY, the weight is moving down after 10 days of a kind of plateau. :razz: .

This morning the scale showed 70,6kg meaning a loss of 0,500kg more.. :victory:

Christmas Club

Start weight 23rd October: 74,5 kg
Weekly weigh in every Saturday.
2nd November: 73,5 kg
9th November: 72,6 kg
16th November 71,5 kg
21st November 71,1 kg
28th November 70,6 kg
Weightloss this week : 0,500 kg
Weight loss all: 3,9 kg

BMI now: 25…………….. yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Pia :heart:
Oh dear a plateau for me this week.
Not particularly unexpected. I won't type up the list of foods I ate at the weekend for fear of Ballerina hunting me down for that public flogging...
Still 1 month to go, onwards and downwards! x
And breathe....
What a hectic, stressful day. Not fasting, but might as well have been, as food was not on the list of priorities today.
However, relaxing now with a Thai veg red curry, then I do it all again tomorrow.
Might lose another pound at this rate!
I did see the '69' appear on the scale a week ago but all that excitement must have caused weight gain (not the pasta one night, curry another, wine on most days...). One week later, after two good fasts I'm currently weighing 70.4kg. This is still below my goal I'd set before CC so I should be happy but now that I have been under 70 I sooooooo much want to get back there.
Member 124 checking in with a loss of 300g this week. Slowly but surely, I'm getting there, but not too sure I'll get that last 600g off before Xmas. We'll see!
Member number 54 checking in - down to 71.5kg (from 75.8) this week so a total loss of 4.3kg since Oct when I joined. God Bless low carbing!!
Attention Club members, December 1 is looming so be ready to weigh, on that day or no more than say 2 or 3 days after to do a bit of a "stocktake" on how you are going towards your personal target. With less than 4 weeks to go i think its the right time. I completely missed out on the time to do any update to the group tally but of course will once all the figures are in early December. With so many posts of weight loss, we must have reached the 100kg mark hey! well done

@pist1958 Pia, great loss for the week!

@PennyForthem Penny, Breathe!

@Spanner.. yes onwards and downwards. watch out for @Ballerina

@Wmr309 I just cant wait to see 69 something. ive hit 70.1 quite a few times this week. im sure the scales know! youll get there Wmr309 again

@MelbMandy Mandy, excellent on your 300g loss. 800kg is definitely foreseeable

@loversghost whoah1! a total of 4.3kg thats so crazy good! Low carbing is a good way, yes. i have only bought 1 tiny loaf of bread on Monday for the week and theres still some, though my lovely Turkish neighbour from up the street tempted me with home made bread which i just couldnt deny myself. didnt seem to affect the scales too much form me, as i generally ate in low quantities

keep going everyone.. dec 25 is drawing real close.

and not too many cocktails!
Hi Christmas Clubbers, member 32 here. I have finally, (finally at last eventually) lost some weight so can report. Have had a plateau since the C Club began and although this loss is only 200grams that gets me over 10 kilos lost since April. :smile:

I have been very good with my eating all this time and weighing every day as requested and have watched the same kilo come and go repeatedly!

Now I am hopeful that the scales will continue to be kind and I lose more before the special day..... :geek:
Judio wrote: Hi Christmas Clubbers, member 32 here. I have finally, (finally at last eventually) lost some weight so can report. Have had a plateau since the C Club began and although this loss is only 200grams that gets me over 10 kilos lost since April. :smile:

I have been very good with my eating all this time and weighing every day as requested and have watched the same kilo come and go repeatedly!

Now I am hopeful that the scales will continue to be kind and I lose more before the special day..... :geek:

wow wow wow 10kg!!!! thats fantastic for you. well done
Good Morning all

Last Friday I reported in for the first time at 93.3 and my stats showed an increase.

Today I am at 92.5 a loss of 0.8 :smile: so hopefully going the right way. Won't make my Xmas target though. :razz:

It will soon be time for my 6mths bloods so I will be reporting on my diary page why I think I started going the wrong way.

Chris x
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