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not doing great, loss is 1.4kg so far. Going to aim for a 3kg loss in total now as will "really" count calories on the non feast days.
Still BMI gone under 25 so can't complain, also clothes feel a lot looser I haven't been taking any measurements though.
14788 views on this thread so far, I wonder if we'll make it to 15000 by Christmas? That could be another goal - more celebrations to add the the Christmas festivities!
:party: :present: :star: :clown: :booze: :musical: :drink: :star: :reindeer: :party: :present:
Number 80 checking in again. I am stuck on 61.2k at the moment, but still going for 60k target for Christmas. I think I am eating a bit over my 450 calorie limit on fast days, otherwise being terribly good :angel: ....trying gluten free and more ketogenic diet for a week, just to see what happens. Good luck everyone.
Hi @Juliana.Rivers

Have you tried a tool like Libra on your phone? it really smooths out the ups and downs and generally speaking it just heads south.
I havent done the Libra thing yet but in pre Christmas rush at work so may do it after Christmas.

The progress tracker on this forum is the other alternative .. as its a line of best fit it defintely doesnt go up and down. be prepared for it to be a bit higher than any low recordings.

I don't use a mobile phone so I'm not able to use any of the apps. I go by my actual weight, the trend line is a bit confusing - my brain is old and wearing out! :grin: :grin:
Just popped in to say how well everybody is doing. Congratulations everybody I am still maintaining although after a bad few days I am at the top end of my weight swing.i am on a repair day today and will be very careful for the rest of the week and that should sort it. Downward and onward . :grin: :lol:
Member #62 checking in. Official weigh day and after last week's gain I am now at a new low.Only 1.2 lbs off my adjusted Christmas target. But I am going to a conference for 3 days next week so probably only 1 fasting day and more socialising than normal. The following week I have 3 dinners out with various groups. So I think I am going to be cautious and stick to my revised target of 11 stone 12.
Hello from #26. My weight is completely stalled. I am not going to change my goal though because miracles happen. I just want to see a 69 on the scales. The lowest I've got is 70.6 but this week looks like this:
25.11 - 72.9;
26.11 - 71.2
27.11- 71.5
28.11- 71.7
29.11 -71.8
1.12 -72.2
2.12 -71.2
Yesterday was a fast day, so maybe i'll get a lower weight this morning. I can't seem to say goodbye to 72, It keeps on re-appearing. Meanwhile, I am slipping out of the pants I bought in August, the smaller size ones, so that is encouraging. I'll just keep plugging on; no other plans appeal to me. Eventually, I will get there, but realistically, not before Christmas.
Hi everyone,

Member no 6 checking in - haven't posted in a while but have been reading the threads.

We started walking a police puppy in February of this year and I didn't lose a blooming ounce for 6 months, despite counting calories, fasting and walking loads every day.

4 months ago our police puppy was diagnosed with Hip Dysplacia and the police have said they don't want him any more so we decided we would keep him as we could not let him be put down :(

So I joined the challenge to get under 70 kg by Xmas, and as of last Tuesday I was 10 st 10lb which meant I was 68.04kg : :smile:

The only thing I've done differently this past few months compared the previous 6 months is 16:8 as well as 5:2.

I walk Hakka (police dog) from 9 till 10.15, then take both him and my other dog to park for another hour which means I don't get to eat before 12. I can't eat early, altho I do have a cup of tea or two when I get up. I've never been one for breakfast so its suiting me really well. ........although not sure how the lead up to xmas is going to go :eat:

I've lost 13lbs over the past 2 months and my fitbit says I walk approx 25,000 + steps every day - no other exercise ?

Debbie xxx
Sallyo wrote: Hello from #26. My weight is completely stalled. I am not going to change my goal though because miracles happen. I just want to see a 69 on the scales.

Ditto! Keeping to a target of 69.9, despite being stuck at 71.1, I have faith!
It's been a terrible week weight wise for me. No fasting lots of wine and carbs. Well I will try to reign it in before Christmas but I think 70 kg by then might be a bit optimistic.
I went to update the post 1 with the group weight loss tally last night but this forum had issues so havent done it it. Will try again tonight.

keep on losing weight everyone and if you havent reviewed your target yet, please do. !
Number 38 checking in for the December review.

My review of goal has got me by the short and curlies. I honestly don't think I can achieve much more of a loss than I have done so far. I am having to up my medications (side effects= weight gain) and am having a great deal of trouble getting myself off this plateau. So, to stop the stress making my eating worse, I will just aim to not put on any weight between now and Christmas.
Julieathome wrote: Number 38 checking in for the December review.

My review of goal has got me by the short and curlies. I honestly don't think I can achieve much more of a loss than I have done so far. I am having to up my medications (side effects= weight gain) and am having a great deal of trouble getting myself off this plateau. So, to stop the stress making my eating worse, I will just aim to not put on any weight between now and Christmas.

Yes, that is a very "acceptable" goal to have for yourself. Just to maintain under current circumstances. If any other clubber needs to do same, feel free to make that your official goal. Most have had between 1 or do months of club membership and have probably lost at least something and that something may be enough for now.

Remember Jan 2 or 3 of 2014 will the beginning of a brand new phase (I dont mention Jan 1 as its usually post NYE party recovery)

Dont worry i wont start up a 2014 club or anything. :grin:

Have thought of a club to start up in here which is a bit different. more in 2014.
Not entirely unexpected but I've gained weight; 300 grams since last weigh in on Friday and 1.1kg since my lowest weight over a week ago. Done several successful fasts, been four times to the gym this week for interval training, drink plenty of water, not ToM, so not sure what's happening. However, I have got to wear a belt with my suit pants that were getting tight four months ago so am not worried.

Total weight loss since start CC is 2kg.
carorees wrote:
Sallyo wrote: Hello from #26. My weight is completely stalled. I am not going to change my goal though because miracles happen. I just want to see a 69 on the scales.

Ditto! Keeping to a target of 69.9, despite being stuck at 71.1, I have faith!

We all seem to be in the same boat!
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