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Re: Some one shoot me PLEASE
16 Aug 2014, 22:34
Well I can beat that. Beef and hoseradish sandwich with lovely granary seeded bread followed by scone with butter and blackcurrant jam. How about that for sugar :shock: :cool: Then, after roasted pepper with rice stuffing for tea, just had to have the mini tarte au citron with tomorrow as sell-by date that leapt out of the fridge and onto my plate.

But I didn't start eating until 3pm, and absolutely no breakfast :lol: :lol: :lol: so that's ok then - not!
Re: Some one shoot me PLEASE
16 Aug 2014, 23:21
Ladies! Please! I'm seriously laughing at some of this...clippity clippity clop, back on the horse, being my favourite :-) I shall be using that on myself! Now take a step back anyone feeling like a pig. Take another look at Eat, Fast, Live Longer, I refreshed myself this week and it brings things back. If we fast we can eat whatever we like on feed days. Sure if you want to lose weight faster then eating less sugar etc on feed days with 3 weekly fasts will be quicker. But remember we chose to do this fasting or reduced calorie eating on certain days a week because it's easier and more sustainable than dieting 7 days a week and often becoming obsessed with being able to eat the evil foods :-)

Remember too, there is no one who we would allow to talk to us the way we talk to ourselves. Remember you are a hero for getting as far as you have and you will continue in this way because you won't give up. Now clear the crap out of the house, it's not good for the family to be eating rubbish either...and clippity, clippity, clop.... :razz:
Re: Some one shoot me PLEASE
17 Aug 2014, 00:07
I laughed from BANG from @rawkaren onwards. Agree with GMH (would tag but the dastardly yellow line doth obscure my tag button) we are permanently not fasting just in our particular method for our particular goals.

Scuba chick ( sorry still can't tag due to pesky yellow tag obscuring fast day line) agree that it does seem for me too I am either feasting or fasting. I do think my perception about food has markedly altered since starting 5:2. I would not trade it though as I now treat carbs as treats not staples. My gut is happier for the reduced wheat. Aldi has a lot to answer for as my addiction to their chocolate is growing. Luckily they do good veg of which I eat heaps too.

This is a fun thread thanks :lol:
Re: Some one shoot me PLEASE
17 Aug 2014, 00:41
Hi all - I 'm a hero then :lol: :lol: :lol: :cool: :cool: :cool:
(Bloody yellow banner :shock: )

Re 'clippety clop' - I do believe this was the invention of @CandiceMarie
(I can tag :wink: :razz: )

As for spreading the word re Aldi Moser Roth - blame me and @Wendy darling who I do believe is currently stuffing herself with baklava, greek honey and yog, and probably ouzo on Kos at the moment.

@mariondot40 - you were saying ... :bugeyes: :lol:
(PS and you are also a hero by definition :like: )
Re: Some one shoot me PLEASE
17 Aug 2014, 07:03
I like the advice to not eat anything white, nice simple guideline! Eat your colours, stick to an eating window, it all falls into place. Good laugh guys, just what I needed
Re: Some one shoot me PLEASE
17 Aug 2014, 07:43
Drat I am reminded now about my chocolate stash and it's a non fasting day so I can have my treat after dinner and a wine as the sun has gone down
Re: Some one shoot me PLEASE
17 Aug 2014, 08:06
Oh dear mariondot, I have those days too, I just want to shovel white stuff into me (no not THAT sort of white stuff) and eat sugar like it is going out of fashion. I have a few days of restraint, normally very low carb. And then wham! Interestingly, since I have been having half a cup of soaked oats every morning, with some fruit and greek yoghurt, it hasn't been quite so bad, so maybe I am better not going ultra low carb as I am undone every time.

Karen, step away from the gun!!

Get back on that horse, you know you can do it!
Re: Some one shoot me PLEASE
17 Aug 2014, 10:06
@Debs, I've also been doing overnight oats for breakfast and it keeps me full for so long and I love it. My current recipe is equal portions of jumbo rolled oats and whole milk, a heaped tablespoon of greek yogurts, Sainsbury's muffin mix (which is dried apple, sultana and cinnamon). In the morning I add toasted flaked almonds and honey. I make it in a jam jar.

@SilverDarling, as soon as we got home from our holidays the washing machine went on and we were in Aldi's. I now have a stash of chocolate and it IS all your fault!
Re: Some one shoot me PLEASE
17 Aug 2014, 10:11
@wildmissus might try that in the winter - can it be made up in advance, and reheated in microwave? Sounds delicious :bugeyes: :shock: :wink:
Re: Some one shoot me PLEASE
17 Aug 2014, 10:17
I have found if I eat chocolate (90% only these days) after mid afternoon it stops me getting to sleep before midnight :0.
Also I inadvertently woffed a gluten free Bakewell tart at 6pm yesterday and had the same sleepless problem :0.
So being Very Low sugar now means there is an enormous reaction to eating any. I've even changed my toothpaste to Sarakan to remove the evils.
Just shows what hateful addictive stuff it is :0@

Have a happy Sunday m'dears :0)
Re: Some one shoot me PLEASE
17 Aug 2014, 10:46
@SilverDarling, it is supposed to be eaten cold. I haven't tried heating it but will probably give it a go when the weather gets colder - just warm it in the microwave and it'll just be like porridge. I usually make it up on a fast day evening and put it in the fridge so that first thing in the morning I've got something to grab. I also think it is something easy that could be make up the night before and taken to work and there are so many difference things you could add to it - google 'overnight oats'.
Re: Some one shoot me PLEASE
17 Aug 2014, 10:57
Like some others in this thread, I have the problem of overindulging in white carbs (generally chocolate, but can also be sweet and savoury biscuits and bread) as well as too much dried fruit and nuts, and then fasting to remedy.

As I have commented in other threads, fasting does seem to be the magic remedy for me to overeating and has resulted in me being able to maintain for 8 months now, BUT it is not a healthy way to do things (well the fasting is, NOT the overeating). It remains my challenge to get evening overeating under control.

But for those of you just having a day or two of excess - as others have said, this WOL copes with that, just enjoy the food you have and get back to regular fasts as soon as it suits. :)
Re: Some one shoot me PLEASE
17 Aug 2014, 11:19
Interesting your reaction to eating 90 % chocolate after noon @Azureblue. I find I can get away with stirring a heaped dessertspoon or so of cocoa powder into my Greek yoghurt in the early evening and sleep OK. But actual sugar, keeps me awake I am sure. Was out for a meal on Friday evening and had the dessert, no chocolate in it but certainly sugar, it raised my heart rate for ages.

Do you find you react to sugar in salad dressing? I don't want naked salad when I eat out, but I am sure most chefs add sugar or honey or Apple juice to it.

The true but depressing answer to how much sugar, as in added sugar, is none. But nobody should shoot themselves from having some, or even a lot, from time to time.
Re: Some one shoot me PLEASE
17 Aug 2014, 11:29
@juliewil10 i too love the simplicity of " avoid anything white"..
Choccy is brown tho can be white,so we are ok long as we only eat the brown sort! :lol:
I think i must be the only one here who so far hasnt tried Aldi choccy?
@Carieoates! :lol: :lol: love it..
@wildmissus i like yr overnight oats recipe x
@Sassy1 i too suffer from the awful " looking for something to wuff on all evening long" syndrome.. :curse: x
Re: Some one shoot me PLEASE
17 Aug 2014, 12:05
Definitely brown and the darker the better. I haven't tried Aldi as we dont have it in NZ but we do have Whittakers which is very very good
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