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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi everyone challenger 38 checking in for the last time on this challenge. Weight 79 kg so target met and exceeded. Life has got very complicated but I hope to start the Christmas challenge with good goals set out. Good luck everyone and remember any change in eating habits which is positive is a good thing even if we don't lose as much as we want x
I finished this on 70.9kgs yesterday from 72.5kgs start, so hurrah for the loss, not the 7lbs I wanted but at least 5lbs down.

I think I'll give challenges a rest until Spring, I know my dark months' nibbling tendencies so I'll try to stick with 5:2 fasting to stay within 70-72kgs, and be gentle on myself mentally.

Good luck everyone :0)
No 43 checking in (sorry for absentness). Final weigh in was 10 stone 3lb. Total loss of 4lb. Pft. No where near my target. Must try harder. At the mo it feels like I'm never going to reach my interim goal. But I will dammit.
Final weigh in of 12st 3lb so a loss of just 2lb.
I am hoping the Christmas challenge will see me being more successful. I have now realised I was being too ambitious to set a 14lb target :frown:
Congrats to those of you who succeeded x
I have lost 3 lb this week . Overall in this challenge I lost 6.25lb. Which considering I had holidays etc is not too bad. Downwards we go!
Last check in for me too and I have lost the princely sum of 4lbs. I had wanted to lose 10 but that was not to be, but I am telling myself that if I hadn't joined in the challenge I would have put on weight.
I must now consider my goal for the Christmas challenge!
Good luck to us all.
Was in a hurry when I posted the other day but also wanted to add: 'congrats' to all the losers and 'keep on plodding' to all those that didn't do as well as they'd liked. Also big thanks to @cblasz for keeping the challenge going :grin:
Slimmer wrote: Last check in for me too and I have lost the princely sum of 4lbs. I had wanted to lose 10 but that was not to be, but I am telling myself that if I hadn't joined in the challenge I would have put on weight.


Yes, me too, 4 lb. disappointing, but certainly better than putting on weight!
Thanks for running this challenge @cblasz :like:
Sorry I didn't do my bit 94*5kgs leaving *5 short and I'm off on my hols in a few hours, no doubt returning with even more to lose in time for xmas :clover: Sue
Thanks@cblasz sorry for being a party pooper :oops:
Happy trails@Sue.Q x
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