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Re: Three 16:8 questions
24 Aug 2013, 07:00
TML13 wrote: He he he I'm here!

So, on the 3rd of September I'm leaving for a weekly business trip. I will include lots of pleasure because I will be staying at a very nice resort with A SPA!!! I have full board&drinks and I am waiting to see the meal times in case I can do 16:8 or at least 14:10. I won't worry about it though.

...Luckily, I am one of those weirdo's who eat less at buffets compared to a la carte so I'm probably lucky. :-)

Haha I wish I had a 'business trip' like this. We want piccies please! The spa sounds good - will they have any coconut oil do you think??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously it will be a good 'test' of 5:2 and 16:8 and if other results are anything to go by, you wont gain much, if at all. We will require frequent updates tho for our education and entertainment!
:wink: :lol: :wink: :lol: :doh:
Re: Three 16:8 questions
24 Aug 2013, 07:35
I'm off on two short breaks in quick succession (my holidays are like buses, nothing for ages and then two come along at once!). In both cases, I'm staying with friends who are dedicated foodies, so there's going to be tons of great food (to say nothing of alcohol!).

So I'm going to try 16:8, on the basis that skipping breakfast is likely to be least noticed and cause the least protest. This is a new phase in my on-going experiment with this WOL so it's going to be interesting for me to see what happens weight-wise at the end of the next two weeks.
Re: Three 16:8 questions
24 Aug 2013, 07:36
I did 5:2 for weight loss and any perceived health benefits. It was spectacularly successful for me on the weight loss front but I did not want to spend the rest of my life counting calories, even for one day a week but I was keen to keep availing myself of any long term benefits of fasting, hence, 16/8 raised it's ugly head and the rest, as they say is history. For me to be able to fast regularly without counting calories would be impossible if I was not doing 16/8. The time frame is important as without it I would never be fasting except when asleep and the general opinion of the experts seems to be that is not a long enough time frame to burn fat.

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Three 16:8 questions
24 Aug 2013, 11:23
Silverdarling, it will be kinda of an undercover/spying trip. Canny say more but it has to look like a vacation. Although I will spend some hours on my laptop and phone.

I just realised the problem with 16:8. It is not the 8 hours window that's the problem, it is the 16 hours between the windows. And I explain: yesterday, I had dinner at midnight. It was OK since my lunch was at 6pm. But, today, I have to have lunch at 16.00 in order to conclude my 16 hours of not eating window. :-(
I have to adjust things a bit today, in order to have my eating windows between let's say 2-10 or 3-11.

I wanted to add something, regarding 16:8. I am pretty sure it works because I've seen it working for years when I was a child. My great aunt used to do it when she wanted to lose weight. She had a big breaky, a medium lunch, a fruit around 5pm and then nothing till her breaky next morning.
I'm also pretty sure that skipping dinner works better than skipping breaky, especially for us with thyroid problems. Don't ask me why, I can't explain it, I just know it because I've done it. Not that I could do it again, because I am now used to going to bed very late and waking up late so I can't do with no dinner.

Also, I do have a last question: I doubt that I will manage doing 16:8 on Saturdays. Will I be OK if I do it 6 days a week? Is it adjustable like 5:2 or does one have to follow it daily, like other diets, in order for it to succeed?
Re: Three 16:8 questions
24 Aug 2013, 11:42
Then it sounds perfect! :-)
Re: Three 16:8 questions
24 Aug 2013, 14:33
I wouldn't worry about the 16, just the 8. After all, if you are fasting for under 16 hours one day,you will fast for more than 16 hours the next (or vice versa)!
Re: Three 16:8 questions
24 Aug 2013, 14:41
As an experiment, I did 16:8 this week while the hubby was in Scotland on business. Well, I did 16:8 some of the days, 14:10 some of the days, 12:12 one of the days and one I just didn't diet at all.

So basically I skipped breakfast for five of six days.

I did drink coffee in the morning, with just a tablespoon of whole milk in it.

I lost 0.2 pounds - which I'm quite pleased with. I don't lose weight every week, because I have thyroid issues. So considering it was an easy easy week at home with my son, I'm quite pleased with the results.

Now I'll be going back to fasting on Monday, but then we go on another trip, so I may do 16:8 (ish) while we are gone. I don't expect there to be a decent breakfast at a holiday inn in Nebraska anyway, so no harm skipping it.

All in all, I'm happy with it and may do it again on school holidays when I have my son home. He's a skinny boy, who needs encouragement to eat, so I'm constantly making him lovely food and it's hard to fast while doing that! At least when he's in school, I have a break from the kitchen until it's dinner time :-)
Re: Three 16:8 questions
24 Aug 2013, 20:49
carorees wrote: I wouldn't worry about the 16, just the 8. After all, if you are fasting for under 16 hours one day,you will fast for more than 16 hours the next (or vice versa)!

REALLY?????????????? thhis is getting soooooo easy!!! :grin: :heart: :like:
Re: Three 16:8 questions
24 Aug 2013, 20:59
It is and it will be interesting to get your feedback
Re: Three 16:8 questions
24 Aug 2013, 22:07
TML13 wrote: Silverdarling, it will be kinda of an undercover/spying trip. Canny say more but it has to look like a vacation. Although I will spend some hours on my laptop and phone.

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: hahahaaaaaa!
Can't imagine you undercover / spying, TML!!! And you having to pretend it's a vacation, how hard is that LOL ..... cue Pink Panther theme!!!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: 8-) 8-) 8-)

I see you as something like Capucine in the movie , LOL!


But seriously (!) we look forward to your feedback on 16:8, between spying bouts :shock: :wink:
Re: Three 16:8 questions
24 Aug 2013, 22:15
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I believe that the 3 body types are the key to all of this. I became quite interested in the Ayervedic Dosha - body types (Vata, Ptta & Kapha)when I was a bit younger. They are quite specific in how one looks (hair colour, curls/straight, face colour, temperament, body shape etc) - this determines how you eat as well. It also will help you to get back to your type, if you are overeating. So for someone like Ballerina who did 16:8 naturally as a younger person and is probably Vata (I think that's the naturally thin one ;>) I lived with a guy who was Vata and he would forget to eat - come home starvin g saying he'd skipped bfst, gotten so involved in his photography that he'd had no lunch. He was thin & wiry. So it will suit some people and not others is my thought. The reason also that some people starve on 5:2 and others find it easy. Of course there is the lifestyle component - I'd be hauling an esky around the dog parks, fighting dogs for my food LOL, or drinking wine @ 4pm to fit in my window. AND of course to me vaguely counting cals twice a week is simple, watching my diet 7 days a week sounds painful. So each will suit some and some will suit none! Whatever is easiest for you.

Here's a fun quiz to find out ... your-dosha
Re: Three 16:8 questions
24 Aug 2013, 23:54
I got 6 each for a b and c LOL
Re: Three 16:8 questions
25 Aug 2013, 07:38
Sorry if I'm getting repetitive, hope not. But can you eat a regular days TDEE in that short 8 hour window? Say 1400-1600 cals?

Re: Three 16:8 questions
25 Aug 2013, 07:39
zamale wrote: Sorry if I'm getting repetitive, hope not. But can you eat a regular days TDEE in that short 8 hour window? Say 1400-1600 cals? To still reap the benefits of longevity and weight loss?

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