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Re: Three 16:8 questions
25 Aug 2013, 08:34
If you do 16:8 combined with 5:2 fasting, then yes you should lose weight if you eat up to TDEE. However, if you just do 16:8 or your weightloss is v slow with 5:2, you should aim under TDEE at least some days. I would say you gain at least some of the health benefits of fasting as studies of Ramadan fasting suggest this. How much any particular fasting regime helps reduce cancer and Alzheimer risk is not known.

I'm doing 16:8 at the moment and not calorie counting but keeping carbs lowish. I am not going mad in the 8 hours, just having two normal meals. I lose a little weight most days (100-300g) except the days I have cake, wine, dessert etc (i.e. weekends). The Libra app tells me I'm eating about 500 cal under TDEE per day on average to achieve this weightloss.

Hope that helps!
Re: Three 16:8 questions
25 Aug 2013, 08:48
Hi Zamale,

Yes you can. If you don't wish to lose weight then just eat whatever you like but keep within your window, if you wish to lose weight then just eat less. On a fast day a lot of people, myself included when I was fasting, eat only one meal so you could say that they were also eating within a small window. it's all just words so, put simply, skip breakfast and don't nibble in the evening and that should shape your window naturally to 8 hours, or less, less is fine as I often only eat a LARGE lunch and that is it for the day. Although this way of eating comes naturally to me, not so much for others, I really hope to get, if they exist, the long term health benefits

Hope this helps, have a look on the '5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8' as there is loads to read on there and other folks experiences, good and bad but mostly good, it is on the home page, at the bottom in the right hand box or scroll back a page or two on the active topics section as I bumped it up there a day or so ago. Good luck and let us all know how you find it.

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Three 16:8 questions
25 Aug 2013, 10:58
Thanks Ballerina, I thought the 8 hour diet was 16/8. Will look at the links. I need to get real. As I am kidding myself that its ok I am stuck on plateau. If I think about it I am peeved. Just don't know how to make that mind commitment, just thinking aloud. I think I crave more sugar on feed days, need to do soul searching, to get round this, don't want to undo these kgs I ve lost. When I type kgs the speller wants kegs, I didn't lose that much. Kegs are massive.
Re: Three 16:8 questions
25 Aug 2013, 11:14
Hi zamale,

They are the same thing it's just that some people call them different names, there is also the '5 hour diet' which is as it says, 5 instead of 8 hour window, the same thing though.

Good luck

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Three 16:8 questions
25 Aug 2013, 11:22
SianS wrote: TML, I'm new to 16:8 too and I have allowed myself a splash of skimmed milk in my tea.

Chriso57 posted a link to a free IF book on KIndle yesterday ... 161_M1T1DP

It gets good reviews, covers different types of IF and is free :smile:

Since 5:2 for me right now doesnt seem to do it (i have NO idea why) i want to give 16:8 a go, since i dont mind skipping breakfast at all anyways.
But, i live in the Netherlands and amazon wont allow me to purchase this free ebook :(. Can anyone send it to me perhaps over email?
Re: Three 16:8 questions
25 Aug 2013, 12:30
Can you send the book to your PC and change it with a program like Calibre? I use Calibre the other way around to turn PDF and ebooks into Kindle format, I just wonder if its possible to do it the other way? I will have a try.
Re: Three 16:8 questions
25 Aug 2013, 12:55
WEll I tried, but its locked. Sorry. If you can't buy it over there I'm willing to get it for you in paperback and post it to you.
Re: Three 16:8 questions
25 Aug 2013, 13:10
i do think i managed to get it from the USA website of Amazon, it seems to be downloading to my kindle now. If for some reason it wont work, i will let you know. Thanks all for the help and offers of sending it to me ;-)
Re: Three 16:8 questions
25 Aug 2013, 17:44
Silverdarling, I won't exactly pretend it is a vacation, LOLOLOL!!! I wish I could say more but I am not allowed.

Zamale, the way you asked it "can you eat your TDEE in 8 hours?", I was going to reply "I can eat my TDEE in 8 minutes". YES, I can, I'm not just saying it.

Petra, do you need a book? It sounds pretty easy...

Now, off to check my body type.
Re: Three 16:8 questions
25 Aug 2013, 17:49
gillymary wrote: It is and it will be interesting to get your feedback

Not sure if my first feedback will be something to write home about since I will only do it for 13 days and before a trip (I always diet strictly before going away) but I'm sure that it will be indicative and hopefully I will continue 16:8 when I come back.
Re: Three 16:8 questions
25 Aug 2013, 17:57
It says I'm Vata. But in some questions I couldn't find an answer that suited me.
Re: Three 16:8 questions
25 Aug 2013, 18:14
I seem to have settled into a '17/7' variation this week. That's eating between noon and 7pm only. So far so good, down to 70.2kgs today, having wandered up to 71.1 :0@ again.
Reading round the interweb 17 hours seems to be a minimum fast gap for effecting body systems positively.
Hoping for the best as ever :0)
Re: Three 16:8 questions
25 Aug 2013, 18:34
When on holiday I usually to a 6:18. Thank God for sleeping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Three 16:8 questions
25 Aug 2013, 19:20
Hi SianS. Thanks for this link. I've ordered it and look forward to leaning more. Definitely leaning towards giving serious thought to it. Not much left to lose - just 3 or 4 pounds - but seem to be stuck at the moment. So annoying when so close, but I'm not losing hope, or sight of proposed goal. Here's hoping your link might aid my cause. (The Maltesers and Magnum last night probably didn't help!)
Re: Three 16:8 questions
25 Aug 2013, 19:30
Thalia can't count! :-)

I started a 16:8 journal and so far I've done:
One 21:7, one 15.5:8 and one 16.5:5. I have either discovered a hole in time or there is a hole in my math knowledge. ;-)
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