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Re: People can be so tactless
07 Mar 2013, 18:16
I have changed my fasting hours this week, I previously did 24 hour lunch to lunch next day but I didn't lose last week, in fact I gained, so I sulked a bit and didn't fill in my tracker. Anyway today is my second fast day and this week I am doing them over two sleeps making 30+ hours each fast day. So at work this lunch time I only had my berries and sheep yogurt with cinnamon which is usually my pud after a salad on a normal day. So the comments started, 'is that all you are having' you'll go into starvation mode etc etc. So I watched my collegues eating their low fat fruit yogurts (15gms of sugar in a pot of Activia = 3 teaspoons. Their 'healthy' low fat cereal bars full of sugar etc. And I had a little smile to myself, they have seen me drop 4 stone by me watching my sugar intake and they know I have started 5:2, but people who are struggling with their weight think I am strange for going against 'govenment guidelines/ brainwashing, I don't eat anything low fat, no fruit(high in sugar) only a few berries, eat butter and cook with dripping, only natural products as granny used to use. My point is this do your own thing if you are happy with it never mind what others think or say, it works for me, I feel energised. If you are curious my Cholresterol is fine, not that I'm bothered what it measures, its sugar that makes you fat not fat read Zoe Harcombe for more info, there is a free ebook on her web site that will amaze you. Enough said. Oh fudge I have let my boiled eggs burn dry while writing this. :frown:
Re: People can be so tactless
07 Mar 2013, 18:24
I had an issue at work today. It is fast day for me and I keep my calories for dinner. When I came into the staff area this afternoon to put the kettle on for me and my 2 colleagues I was told there was cake for me. Oh no what was I to do! :frown:

My female work colleague who is also a 'friend' and believes in 'eat small and often' would really run me down if she knew about me 5:2ing. I would never hear the end of it, she would do her best to sabotage my efforts and yes it is very much a case of her not wanting me to be slimmer than her. Thankfully the cake was one that you cut a slice off, so I just cut a small slice but not noticably too small. It was very nice and I'll just adjust my calories a bit and I may well have gone to 550 cals but it doesn't matter.

I'm absolutely certain she has noticed my weight loss but won't say anything. At morning tea time she has commented that I don't always have something to eat but I just respond buy saying I had a big breakfast or I'm not hungry which she has accepted.

My secret is safe. :smile:
Re: People can be so tactless
07 Mar 2013, 22:30
The orthodox view seems to be that unless you are eating enough to stop yourself ever experiencing hunger your body will somehow begin to consume itself, you'll lose muscle through catabolisation and you will put on twice as much weight once you 'return to a normal diet'.

Any deviation from this sets alarm bells ringing and and the spectre of 'eating disorder' arises. This is why friends, colleagues, relatives etc all feel entitled to criticise any diet that doesn't conform to 3 square meals a day.
Re: People can be so tactless
08 Mar 2013, 15:26
Everyone seems to be having trouble with their mothers' negative reactions; it is the opposite with me, my daughter is adamant that this WOE is not sustainable and may well lead to an eating disorder! Funny really; she is extremely careful what and how much she eats; with good reason, given that she appears to be intolerant to some foods. The plain and simple truth is that I have tried all the other 'diets' with very limited results and, at the age of 64, decided that I was sick of going up a dress size every 12 months and needed to try something different! I have now lost a stone (more or less) and, despite the odd blip, am confident that this is the way forward for me. The other reaction I've had, from a friend who is about my age, is that I shouldn't get anywhere near 10 stone, (which is the upper end of my ideal BMI range), as my face will start to 'hang'! Well, I'll be doing my facial exercises to stop that happening! :smile:
Re: People can be so tactless
09 Mar 2013, 12:00
I've already had the 'you don't need to lose any more weight' from a few people. Why do they do this? I do need to lose more weight. I am overweight by a stone at least. It's not said in a 'you look fabulous as you are' kinda way more in a 'don't lose any more or I'll look even fatter!'
Just makes me more determined to be honest :razz:
Re: People can be so tactless
09 Mar 2013, 12:10
chriso57 wrote: its sugar that makes you fat not fat read Zoe Harcombe for more info,

Loved your post Chris - my thoughts exactly. Couldnt stick to the harcombe diet as I found it too extreme but there is a huge amount of good information in her book. I can bore for england on the subject of the evils of sugar (and white bread) :grin:
Re: People can be so tactless
09 Mar 2013, 12:15
Ah fun and games isn't it? TBH I have told everyone I'm doing this "diet" and thankfully no-one has criticised me to my face for it. If I were to face your obstacles i.e. unsupportive friends, colleagues or family I'd just nod along, not get into an argument about it and just carry on :smile:
Re: People can be so tactless
09 Mar 2013, 12:44
PennyForthem wrote: I've just seen a friend for lunch; we are creatures of habit, going to the same place and ordering soup and a sandwich.
Today, for the first time ever, I couldn't finish my sandwiches - and they were delicious. I left all the bread but ate the rare roast beef (and polished off the home made soup).

I endured a few comments about eating disorders and then was told I'm becoming obsessive (yes, I am very focused). I held my tongue. I was laughed at for counting calories and 'skipping meals'.

I'm very fond of her (she doesn't cook, doesn't calorie count and is bigger than me) but she seems hell bent on not wanting me to continue.

What is wrong with wanting to lose weight? I know you'll all say, "Nothing!"

Have you come across people like this?

oh yes, pennyforthem , I'm married to one. He will have to be left to make his own mind up but eventually he will get tired of feeling tired, achy and stuffed into his clothes.
Our health is our most precious gift and wanting to retain it as long as possible is not an issue to be ridiculed about.
I can get a bit religous about food and diet but not being that way was got me here in the first place.
Maybe your friend will keep quiet as time goes by and she realises maybe she needs to lose wieight for vanity or more importantly health reasons.
Whatever her remarks ,I would bin them and carry on with what you are doing.
She's probably wanting you to not continue because the onus will be on her to do soemthing too when you have been successful in reaching your goal.
Re: People can be so tactless
10 Mar 2013, 09:13
BBT053 wrote: My Mum can tell me I'm fat, worry I'm not eating enough and offer me cake, all in the same sentence!

I try the reasoned argument and it works mostly, sometimes you just have to let them talk, nod and then do your own thing (or chuck a strop, which I still can do.)

I think our mums must be related lol!
Re: People can be so tactless
08 Apr 2013, 19:13
I've found that not telling anyone even my family
Is a good approach for the reasons that you mention.
As I fast during the day and eat an evening meal with
Them they haven't noticed!!!
My husband noticed the black coffee change and asked
About it I just said sometimes I fancy it like that!
I know it's good to have support and be honest but I'm
Finding this very easy to just keep to myself and feel very in
Control of .
Re: People can be so tactless
08 Apr 2013, 19:23
I know I look better. My OH says I look better. Quite a few nice people say I look better. Some fairly close friends and family have not commented at all, so I know they think I look better too.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: People can be so tactless
08 Apr 2013, 19:25
Just a quick update.
Instead of soup and sandwiches, I now order a rare roast beef salad (no bread and butter).
I can finish that and it makes her feel better to see I don't have left overs.
She never mentions my weight loss, nor do I speak of it now.
It has become (metaphorically) the elephant in the room.
Re: People can be so tactless
08 Apr 2013, 19:43
I read the book whilst at my parents house for a week and at each interesting part I told them exactly what it said. They seem happy that they understand the science behind it and have even said they'll join me if it works for me. Doesn't help with friends etc but if your family are worried, the book may help ease some of their concerns/tempt them to have a go too.
Re: People can be so tactless
08 Apr 2013, 19:47
Perhaps I'll sound cruel but these people aren't our friends. I don't know anybody who would react like that, mainly because I don't bother spending my precious time with those who are unsupportive, jealous, trying to carry me away and eat more than I want to etc.
I haven't told many people about 5:2, because I want to have results before I spread the word. But I'm pretty sure that my real friends will be as excited as I am. As for the rest of the world? I don't give a rat's @rse!
Re: People can be so tactless
08 Apr 2013, 19:49
Dragonbirdy wrote:
BBT053 wrote: My Mum can tell me I'm fat, worry I'm not eating enough and offer me cake, all in the same sentence!

I try the reasoned argument and it works mostly, sometimes you just have to let them talk, nod and then do your own thing (or chuck a strop, which I still can do.)

I think our mums must be related lol!

Our mums too, LOL!!!
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