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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I have had no really negative comments but then I didn't tell people what I was doing, but when it became obvious how much weight I had lost, and how well I looked, the questions started. Funnily enough all my slim friends see nothing wrong with it, or my weight loss, but strangely, all my overweight friends INSIST on telling me that I MUST NOT lose any more weight! They proclaim, quite proudly, that they could never do such a thing, which is, frankly, obvious.

It seems to me that if you can't, or won't, do something then rubbishing it will make the reality of your own shortcomings painful to face up to, a sort of survival tactic I suppose.

Ballerina x :heart:
My theory as to why this WOE has taken off in the UK and not the US is that Dr M has been such a well respected Doctor and medical reporter for 30 years in the UK (and cute!) Noone knows him in the US. Imagine if Dr Phil or Dr Oz presented the same documentary. It would be a different story.
<<They proclaim, quite proudly, that they could never do such a thing, which is, frankly, obvious.>>


BTW, I agree with TheFrog. Only results can answer firmly.
I am a Registered Nurse and I often need to offer advice on weight loss. I am pleased to know a way that works. Genuine advice from a slim nurse counts for more than my half-a***d fat mans advice. I guess it was obvious to my clients that I wasn't committed to the advice I was offereing.

I can justify my stance with science and the knowledge that other sound minds, doctors and nurses, have embraced the 5:2 diet.

Of course people can doubt, there will always be fat people. The point is this is a very easy option that has a great potential. One day I think health services will offer this, amongst other diets (it doesn't suit everyone).

I say go for it. Ignore the critics. We are pioneers...
Ballerina, I had that response from overweight 'friends' when I lost lots of weight before. Given that I was never even a true size 10 or in the healthy bmi range, it was so clearly, obviously bitterness/jealousy/female dog-like behaviour :wink:
thanks Denversuz,

It could become like one of those presents none of the hobbits really wants and which they keep giving to one another, even in the original wrapping!
I think if you are concerned about what people critical of 'fasting' are saying, don't use the word, "fast," at all. It's not really what we do, technically-speaking, and it's so far away from what people mean by 'starvation' that I find the term distracting.

Unfortunately, 'intermittent caloric restriction' doesn't sell books like 'fast diet' does...

I prefer to describe what we do as 'eating less and exercising more,' which is not at all controversial, and I like the term 'repair day' or 'light day' to 'fast day.' Tell them that repair days serve at least two functions: (1) they help to create a weekly caloric deficit (I.e. eating less), and (2) they help to manage your appetite/hunger while you are eating less.

There are of course other benefits to not eating for 16-24 hours before 'breaking your fast' instead of the normal 8-12 hours everybody does most days, and phrased in that way, because there is nothing controversial about 'breakfast,' it comes off as less-severe.

In fact, technically-speaking, nobody ever skips breakfast. Whenever you break your daily fast, that IS breakfast! :-)
Interesting post, so true!

A good friend of mine is always complaining about her weight. So when I saw the programme, got really interested and started 5:2 myself and also linked it to her...nothing. I just found out she never watched the programme herself and what is even more irritating, I think she hasn't been listening to me at all. I have been telling her how good I feel etc etc and when we last met, she was like "you are so slim!" but when we talked about it, I felt like she was not believing a word I said. When I said a fast day gives my body a rest, she was talking how it is a really bad shock to it. And so on. Frustrating, I must say! To listen to person who hasn't tried something herself but has a strong opinion, a negative one, about it and won't hear anything else.

Well, maybe I'm done talking 5:2 with her...and just feel good about this wol myself.
And discuss this with you good people :smile:
Note to tell mum; she always screams at me that eating pizza at 5pm on a Sunday because I woke up at 4.30 is not breakfast.
Although, to be fair, the word for breakfast in Greek is the same with the word for morning. ;-)
A lot of people at work are now beginning to notice that I've lost a bit of weight. Initially I had some rather negative comments about skipping lunch on fast days but now they are more interested. OH is really supportive too after expecting it to be one of my fads he has realised that this is going to be forever and that it works.
Ak like your explanation BruceE but when did common sense ever win over sensationalism?
Most of the people I know work so hard that they don't have time to eat lunch. It's fairly common here in Greece for those who work to go from breakfast to late lunch/early dinner around 7pm, even later. Since there is no "lunch time" here, nobody has the time to eat something and eating in your office is not common. It would be funny if I heard criticism from one of those people but, on the other hand, they would probably look at me in a strange way if I HAD lunch.
I too have had a variety of responses. Just yesterday told a close friend and had to listen to 10 min of lecture on how I'm hurting myself. I guess I misjudged and will be more careful as to whom I speak about my process. Keep up the good work!
Navwoman wrote: I have become used over the years to hugely differing responses to what I eat because I have many food allergies and intolerances. In the past two months a very close friend I have known for several years and often stay overnight at her house literally turned on me 'I know you have food allergies that are life threatening, but this is my house and this is my fridge and I should be able to put what I want in it' was the reply when I asked her not to buy any pork chops or beef mince because the smell makes my tongue swell and can lead to anaphylactic shock. She has known for 8 years that I only eat chicken and in that time have been rushed to the A&E department on three occasions!! So, my advice is to say that this way of eating suits you, you feel great and it works. Sometimes envy produces such negative comments.

Did you ask her not to buy it when you were there? Or, just not to buy it full stop?

I completely understand if you were staying over and she wanted to buy some whilst you were there, but if you asked her to basically never buy things she eats because you sometimes stay over, that's a whole different kettle of fish.

No judgement, just trying to understand the context?

I too have suffered from people not understanding the 5:2 WOE, so the only people who now know are my family and very close friends!
I have always encountered hostility, whatever eating plan I have been on! Funnily enough, none of these critics have been slim themselves!

There is always a certain amount of jealousy when we are seen to be trying to keep fit and look healthier.

Very annoying and disappointing.
I think the negative reaction by some people can be a mixture of fear and jealousy. The term Fasting seems to strike fear into the hearts of many people who think they'll starve or weaken on fast days and jealousy regarding the fact that people who have adopted this eating plan are demonstrating a level of control that maybe they think they couldn't adopt.
I don't worry about what others say as I'm doing this for myself and my health.
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