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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Unfortunately, the number of people who want to see someone else fail to lose weight is, sadly, quite high; even people who are close to them and are supposed to love them (and I speak from experience here).

At least there's this forum to the rescue!
I have had very good responses from people I work with and some are interested in having a go themselves. The bad response I had was from my hairdresser who is I would say mid 40's, uber fit and healthy but has wrinkly orange skin. She almost had a fit when I told her I was doing the 5:2. she said 'why don't you just eat healthy all the time. I had a right go at my friend on facebook because she's on it' I then went on to explain to her about it and she actually thought that 5:2 was fasting for 5 days and eating normally for 2???? say no more.
The reason why I was attracted to this eating plan in the first place was because it is not a fad diet and I have never been on one. My friend introduced me to it, I watched the horizon program and bought the book.
It seems to me my hairdresser is just a bit peeved that I have lost weight when she's been exercising like an athlete and dieting for years in order to do so. It is working great for me and that's all that matters.
If I say I am on this diet it is usually met with interest. People have heard of it and are interested. But the most common comment is "I couldn't do that, I couldn't fast". I think the thought of "fasting" is quite scarey, whereas in reality it is not difficult at all. Its nobody's business anyway.
To be honest with you, of the few people who know I'm on this diet, I can't tolerate the ones who question every bite I eat on non-fast days. Once it was my dad and the other time it was a friend's boyfriend and I soooo wanted to smack them on the head with something! :curse:
I've been doing this since end of February and everyone has got used to the fact. No adverse comments (and a few compliments now that I look a bit trimmer). I've moved to 36 hour liquid fasting and OH has accepted that for 2 days a week I don't join him for an evening meal. I think the fact that Fasting makes no difference to my daily life/activities has stopped the negative comments I had from some people in the beginning. I was going to say that the proof of the pudding is in the eating but there must be a more appropriate saying than that!!
This WOE sorts out the wheat from the chaff quite frankly - the nay sayers are either ignorant or don't want anyone else looking good in case they are suddenly the fattest one :razz: :shock:
This WOE sorts out the wheat from the chaff quite frankly - the nay sayers are either ignorant or don't want anyone else looking good in case they are suddenly the fattest one :razz: :shock:
I'm keeping it fairly quiet, I haven't mentioned 5:2 on my blog or Facebook, and don't tend to tell all and sundry about it. My dad and husband are also doing 5:2, and some of my girlfriends, who started after I told them about it, so that was nice!

I have an auto-immune disease, so I checked with my doctors about 5:2 before starting. One doctor (very awesome sports physician) supports me and thinks 5:2 is great, but he's in the minority. My other doctors think it's 'too extreme', but they don't know anything about it, so I'm doing it anyway!

I figure that once I've been on it for a decent amount of time (6 months +), and if people start to comment on my changing shape, then I'll 'go public'.

I've also set my MyFitnessPal food diary (which I only use on fast days) to be private, I don't want others seeing the low cal count and commenting.

I must say, though, that it seems that many people I talk to now (in Australia) know at least one person who's doing 5:2, so word is spreading fast!
Actually, I haven't told anyone at all that I'm doing 5:2, my other half knows that I'm trying to lose weight but he never asked how and I couldn't be bothered to explain it all, especially as he's French, so the idea of skipping a single meal is completely alien to him! I guess I'll tell people if they ask, or if the topic of dieting comes up, but otherwise I don't tend to discuss what I'm doing just because it would take a lot of explaining and I can't stand people watching what I'm eating!!
Here in the Netherlands 5:2 is not known by people. If I explain what I'm doing they think I'm stupid. They think I'm starving myself and doing no good for my health. Because I have no overweight it's even harder to explain why I'm following 5:2. So..I don't tell everyone. Only the people I care:)
I need some advice dear forum friends.

Anyone who knows my story knows how anti-fasting/anti-exercise/anti-weight loss my mother is when it comes to me. Apparently my mothers logic is that I'm better being morbidly obese than a healthy weight, hence why I have ALWAYS been over-weight. Well, today we all went to visit family and I'm guessing that my mother has been complaining about me fasting to them because as soon as my uncle sat down with us he brought up the Horizon programme the other day about fat v sugar and what the studies showed. Great, I didn't watch this but I know where it's going. Apparently that was ammo enough for my mother to unleash a tirade on me. She started going on about how fasting was a fad diet and that it wasn't healthy and I was starting to look wrinkled (I'm 32 soon, I'm going to develop wrinkles!) Then she started saying it was unhealthy and I do it 3 days a week now, I asked her if she had noticed any side effects "No...Wait, yes! You're tired constantly" "Yeah, my class are a nightmare this year, they are hard work of course I'm tired!" "You spend two hours in the bath because you can't stand to be around food" "No, I spend two hours in the bath to actually relax and be alone for awhile because I can't be alone in this house"......Anyway, it turned into a massive screaming match which has now ended in us not speaking to each other. I can't tolerate this s*** any more, I'm a grown woman and I shouldn't be spoken to in such a manner.

So dear friends, any advice as to how to deal with her when she starts again (because she inevitably will) and I don't want it to cause a massive divide between us?

Thank you for any advice :heart: :cry:
My advise is pretty extreme. I had to cut off all contact with my mother because of her unbelievable rudeness, bigotry and racism. I haven't seen or spoken to her for 3 years. Its going to be a bit awkward when my daughter gets married.
Hi Daydreamer, I just read your post and was so disturbed by the treatment you received by your mother and other family. I think you said that you live in your mom's house which must be really difficult especially if she is trying to bring you down. Remember you are doing something really healthy and worthwhile for yourself. Some people unfortunately do not like to see other people change for the better. I think it comes down issues of control and then there is always the possibility that she is one of those people who does not like to see others succeed or be happy. I think you need to lay some ground rules and perhaps tell your mother that your fasting and eating methods have absolutely nothing to do with her and that she needs to mind her own beeswax. I know easier said than done, but I think you will feel a lot better when you take control and show her that you mean it. I would just leave the room if she starts in. She does not have to like what you are doing but she must respect you which she is not doing. Oh how I would like to give your mum a good kick in the pants! I'm up in Scotland, so quite a drive down to London! Just remember that it gets easier after you stick up for yourself and your mother will probably learn to respect you more. Your not being mean if you stand up for yourself but rather you are taking care of yourself. Good luck!
A general bellowed 'How dare you speak to me like that' may work.
Circumstances can make a big difference,daydreamer. Do you live with your mother? Are you financially dependent on her or she on you?

Regardless of circumstances, though, sometimes the situation is so dire that it's necessary to do what Julie did and cut off contact--at least temporarily. Or maybe see your mother only when non-family members are present. Maybe she would be more polite in front of others.
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