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Re: *Marvellous May*
27 May 2013, 06:07
Morning Marvellous Amigos
I'm finding this tough going. Fasted yesterday and it was hard- my 42nd so it's not as though I've not done it before. Not really that hungry but felt really wiped out and cold. After dinner (and boy, did I need it) lasted about half an hour then had to retire to the pit. Was the same on the last fast when I experience the coldness that many speak of for the first time. I don;t knwo if it's because I'm doing the shred thing or what...
And I weighed yesterday (I've started weekly weighing while doing this exercise thing) and have increased by a kilo. Now, that might be muscle, but as my weight loss is so slow, I can't be sure (by slow I mean a quarter pound a week on a good one!)
I know I'm slimmer, and getting healthier but I can;t be doing with feeling this way. It's like starting all over again when I could hardly move from lack of energy.
As my loss is so slow, I was thinking of trying 4:3 fro a couple of weeks to try and kick start stuff until my holidays. Now I'm not so sure as I know if I fast with just one feed day in between I find it tough.
Anyway, enough moans from me.
That sounds like a great day of play in the garden, debbie.
What news of your house Hummingbird?
Any extreme frisbee this weekend Legoman? How's the verbena dhana? What's your new book for the bookclub No_More_Mrs_Michelin?
Need to give myself a shake and get day 16 of the shred thing done when I stop being dizzy
Re: *Marvellous May*
27 May 2013, 09:45
Good morning MMayers!
Rainy and a bit grey here, but the garden is blooming. Unlike me, I feel a bit lethargic today. I was going to fast today and so far have only had a cuppa tea, but I may postpone fasting for another day - will see how I feel later. House is in a state of chaos since my youngest daughter has decided to quit the rat race (London) and is heading off to live in France for a while, and has brought a vanload of her stuff from her London flat to be stored in my house. Hmmm...!! Since I started fasting just one day a week I am sleeping a bit better, so hopefully that will keep improving. Janeg, hope you are feeling brighter, think your weight gain is shred muscle, which is a positive gain, more muscle less fat! Have a lovely holiday Monday everyone and btw what are we going to call ourselves in June? Joyous, jumping, jabbering (no!) - actually not that many words to choose from, or is this just my brain fog today?
Re: *Marvellous May*
27 May 2013, 14:19
Hey everyone!

What a weekend. I had a quite night on Friday, Than played Frisbee of like 6 hours on Saturday - four hours training and then as it was nice had a few beers afterwards, got take away that night too. So Sunday I did alot of walking and picked a few things up in the shops too, than got a call late in the evening and ended up drinking again (ugh). Safe to say I am a little hungover today. As today is my weigh day i got up and weighed myself a 700g loss. Well happy with that.

I even went for a jog today 8km and I am on a fast day even though its a bank holiday..

One week left for me (I will end Marvelous May when I weigh myself next Monday. So I will give it one last big push and hopefully I can get near my originally Goal weight.

Sorry for not replying to everyone's mails but just running out the door.

Keep up the good work everyone! :-)
Re: *Marvellous May*
27 May 2013, 23:52
Hi everyone! This is my first fast on a holiday and I wasn't sure I could do it. Have an adult son at home, but he was going out tonight. So I made a stir fry for lunch, then for supper, I had a salad and some raspberries over (don't tell) low fat ice cream. I kept myself busy with laundry, house cleaning, and the cooking -- and it all worked out. Nearly time for bed now, so I'm in like Flynn! Didn't do much for exercise except getting up and down and moving around (like kencc's NEAT).

I'm on my own for the rest of the week, so will be going to a walking track and mowing the lawn for exercise. It's finally getting warm here, today was 85 F and I think it may end up in the 90s by the weekend.

Hope all are well -- and getting ready for Jubilant June???
Re: *Marvellous May*
27 May 2013, 23:57
I don't think my May has been quite as Marvellous as it could have been, but considering that it's been been the most stressful uni term and I've been having a tough time personally, I've decided that I'm not going to let it bother me. Bring on Jubilant June and the 58kg I hope to weigh by the end!
Re: *Marvellous May*
28 May 2013, 00:29
Fredi, hang in there! I hope the next month is better for and kinder to you. Are you on school holiday yet? Most of the schools here just got out for the summer. Take Care.
Re: *Marvellous May*
28 May 2013, 00:39
Thanks debbiegb! I have 2 weeks of classes and then a week before my exam, then four glorious weeks of holidays! I'm looking forward to sleeping, but I also have 4 major assessments due before then... Time is definitely an issue but I guess it will just have to work!!

Re: *Marvellous May*
28 May 2013, 07:42
Good morning everyone!

Yesterday was a strange day for me. Despite being hung over and a bank holiday I was still able to get a liquid fast in. For me that’s a real achievement as normally when hung over I eat anything and everything but for some reason yesterday I had will power and I even was able for a jog. This way of life is changing me for the better!

Good luck with the exams Fredi! I know how stressful and time consuming they can be. I am sure that once you get through the exams and your current work load, you will be able to focus on this way of life and you will reach your target in no time at all.

Debbiejgb, on that sounds lovely here in London we had a good weekend but back to rain today – safe to say that I am jealous of you!

Dhana – I think people seem keen on jubilant, but don’t think its decided, we could have a vote...

Sorry to hear that you had a tough fast yesterday janeg – I hope you got through it. I have found out that weekly fasting gives more of a trend and that it is still effected by normal body changes. I am sure it was only a blip and that the scales will behave themselves next week!

Hummingbird – How was your weekend? You picked a hard week to start your 7 day vegan eating plan. All weekend my nose was being attacked by BBQ smells... And to answer your questions I got a cheap health check through my health care plan, I will definitely get my results done again when I reach my goal weight. Which I currently don’t know where that will be. My first goal was to get to 78kg by my birthday in July, but things are going quite well, so I think I will change that to 75kg and my end goal will be a little lower than that – yet to be decided.

Anyway Team, it’s the last week now and we have all been challenged, some more than others. So let’s give it one last push!

Gooooo Team Marvellous!
Re: *Marvellous May*
29 May 2013, 11:18
Hello Team!

I hope everyone is doing well! Yesterday was a goodish day for me.

I forgot my shorts for training and I had to wear my work slacks – but it was a quite training, as not many people turned up due to the weather.

Food wise I was below my target, as was not that hungry after training.

So how is everyone else doing? Not long left in May – be great to hear how we are all getting on?
Re: *Marvellous May*
29 May 2013, 11:42
Hi everyone,

I've got a very busy workload at the moment so not been on to post over the last week. I was disappointed by my loss last week - after the second fast of the week I actually put weight on - so disgusted that I didn't even post it as an official weekly weigh in on my tracker here :confused: I couldn't work out why at the time, but I realise now it was a combination of not getting enough sleep and water retention. I had a couple of late nights working last week, which always leads to bloat. Then I could feel the water load increasing over this weekend. Trousers definitely got tighter and my ankles were swollen. Not sure if it's just hormonal or just an unexplained phase, but I will not let it get me down. I didn't eat to excess over the weekend, so I don't think it was excess calories, nor do I think I had a higher than normal salt intake.

Anyway this Monday's fast was very welcome and all the water retention had gone by Tuesday morning. :victory: I had a particularly shivery Monday night's sleep and I do think when I have a 'cold' night on a fast day I seem to lose more weight.

I feel like I'm back on track today. :cool: Fasting today too, as the kids are away at their grandparents for the next couple of nights so I can work during the school hols. That does mean that we have a rare night out as a couple for a meal tomorrow night, hence the fast today.

Anyway, must get back to work, I have a deadline looming...
Re: *Marvellous May*
30 May 2013, 07:36
Good morning Team Marvellous,

Yesterday was a good day, I had a meeting the other side of the city and I ended up skipping breakfast (Something I longer worry about). Had a good lunch and despite the weather, personal training went well. Had a nice dinner to finish the day well.

Today is my last fast of May. Overall it has been a good month for me, I hope I can make it through the weekend and post another loss, come my weigh in on Monday. I will write a summary of my month before we move into Jubilant June.

Thanks for the update No_More_Mrs_Michelin, good luck with your work deadline. And your disappointment on the scales does seem more like water retention rather that excess weight, I hope the scales behave themselves on your next weigh in.

Nearly there Team... :-)
Re: *Marvellous May*
30 May 2013, 09:52
Well only 200g lost this week, but I'm OK with that as my fat% and waist measurement have moved down quite nicely, so that's a good result. I had a good start to the month followed by slower weeks, but everything is heading in the right direction.

It's good being OK with skipping breakfast isn't Legoman. I was always taught it was good for you, but I was rarely hungry first thing on a morning. I now just have it when I feel like it, and often much later than before. Out for the curry tonight, so not eating to excess during the day. I won't be drinking with it,so that should keep the calorie level down - I've never been great mixing alcohol and spicy food so usually volunteer to drive on a curry/chinese/thai outing.

Hummingbird, do let us know how the vegan week is going. I'd be interested to know how it's working for you.
Re: *Marvellous May*
30 May 2013, 12:10
Hello :)

Vegan week is going... ok. Only 1.5 days left now...

In some ways it's easier than I thought it would be - e.g. eating out has been more easily accomplished than I had assumed and I've really enjoyed hunting out new recipes and ingredients and making things that I wouldn't have thought to make before. I'm making a lot more of an effort and taking more time over the cooking process which can only be good! I've also thoroughly enjoyed most of the food I've eaten so far.

In some ways, however, it's also been harder than I thought; constantly checking ingredients on the back of packets is pretty hard work. Not being able to just indulge in things with my friends and not being able to eat what I actually would like to eat has been a bit of a pain too. But then compared to the animals who have to go through nasty-ness maybe it's a small burden to bare? I've blogged about it a bit here if you're interested in reading more: *Slight disclaimer regarding my blog... Having re-read some of the things that I've written I do sound a bit like a crazy activist and I guess I just wanted to say that I'm really not :) I'm very laid back about what other people choose to eat and really have no problems with anyone's choice of diet from full on carnivore to vegan. For me this whole veggie thing is purely a personal choice and I use my blog to try to better understand myself I guess and play devils advocate a bit. It was never meant to be a very public blog, more just an online thinking space.

I'm not sure whether it's an artefact of vegan week or pure coincidence, but I'm feeling pretty rough this week! I'm constantly exhausted, finding it hard to get up in the morning and finding that I have very little energy to play with during the day. I've also found that when I exercise I'm taking really deep breaths but don't feel like I'm managing to get enough oxygen - a bit like when I've been at high altitudes before.

I've bought some iron/b12 liquid stuff to take a couple of times a day in the 'hope' (?) that this is just an artefact of not getting enough of either of these (I use myfitnesspal to keep track of iron and protein intake, as well as calories, and I pretty much consistently get less than 20% of my RDA for iron :s).

Honestly... I'm really looking forward to eating a cheese-laden pizza, or something similar on Saturday. Worst vegan ever :p

Only 1.5 days left of May now!! I'm popping into the local pool later to see about setting up membership for Jubilant June :) I think I've probably only lost about 1lb in total this month, but I've definitely been living a much healthier lifestyle so I guess that's a good outcome :) I'm looking forward to hearing how everyone else has done over the course of the month and I'm looking forward to seeing who is going to join in with Jubilant June (or whichever variant we go with :) ).

Apologies if this all seems rather disjointed! The tiredness is giving me some serious brain fog!

H x
Re: *Marvellous May*
30 May 2013, 12:59
My last fast of the month today. Weight has been going down, wish my waist size was doing as well! Oh well, I knew that would be the hard part as big tummies seem to be genetic in my family! Otherwise all is well. Will be doing measurements this weekend. I didn't do much last night. Hope to mow the lawn tonight - that'll take time and calories!

Take care all.
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