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Re: *Marvellous May*
22 May 2013, 11:51
Thanks Legoman :) your post has really cheered me up!

I've been thinking about starting to swim again - I haven't been for years and years. There are lots of pools close to where I live (I'm surrounded by prep schools and have a uni union down the road that has a pool, so lots of choice!)... so I might start going a couple of times a week. I definitely need to buy a swimming costume though... not sure the world will be ready for my polka dot bikini at 7am each day!!

I guess you're probably right about ADF. Especially as I don't have a vast amount of weight to lose. Maybe that's me starting to take things too far. I was supposed to be fasting today but my step mum sent me home with some left over granola (disaster!) and I ended up having some for breakfast. Damn granola. I'm re-banning it from my life! So I'm going to fast tomorrow and Saturday instead.

You really have made me lift my chin up again, so thank you!

How is everyone else doing today?

H x
Re: *Marvellous May*
22 May 2013, 14:05
Hello all! Yes Hummingbird, just do what you can. We will all stumble and get down in the dumps every now and then. Just remember we are here to support each other and check in whenever for a pick-me-up!

Life is going well. I really don't have much to add. Just as an aside, I am a daily weigh-er because it amuses me. I've never been one to diet, so don't have a fear of the weight going up and down - which it has A LOT - by as much as 2 pounds in one day!!!

Tonight I have a potluck to attend, so will be eating plenty I am sure. Fasting tomorrow!

Take Care!
Re: *Marvellous May*
23 May 2013, 07:31
Good morning everyone,

I had a lovely pizza take away on Tuesday so did not feel like breakfast yesterday and was working outside the office and truth be told it was easier just skipping breakfast.

I had personal training yesterday evening, It started off really well, then all of a sudden the weights got heavier... I was really shattered by yesterday evening.

I have a health check tomorrow morning, I will get my blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels tested. I am very interested to see what these figures are, sadly I have nothing to compare them against.

I am glad my message helped you Hummingbird, How did your day go yesterday? I am joining you for a fast today :-)

Happy fasting for those of you that are fasting!!
Re: *Marvellous May*
23 May 2013, 09:08
Morning All!
Out in the potting shed again this morning - I love the smell of nicotiana , they release their fragrance in the evenings, and it takes me right back to childhood! Funny how smells are so memory laden, isn't it? Anyway , I'm planting out the nicotiana, (tobacco plant) near the patio so I can enjoy the perfume on summer nights...(hope that is not wishful thinking!). Hummingbird, I bought myself a new swimsuit yesterday, jut a cheap and cheerful one from Tesco as I am going to swim again too, after years away! Great minds and all that! You're at the most difficult part of weight loss, near the end, so don't be daunted that it will be a bit slow now, Focus on toning up and getting fit and healthy and the other parts will slot into place, I'm sure. Legoman, my youngest daughter lived in Dublin for a couple of years a while back. Clontarf it was, so lovely! She loved it. She still says "grand" at every opportunity - love it! Ok, had my cuppa, now back to the potting shed! :smile:
Re: *Marvellous May*
23 May 2013, 10:41
Hello everyone,

Having a busy week, so not had much time for posting. Today is a fast day for me and feeling very glad of it, as last night was bookclub and there are always tasty nibbles and wine, so I was grazing until about 11pm. I'd been good in the day and skipped lunch and only had a light evening meal as I knew I'd be indulging, so overall I don't think the calorie count for yesterday will have been too bad, but I don't normally eat that late, so my digestive system is glad of the break today.

I had an unofficial weigh in yesterday morning so that if anyone asked at bookclub I could tell them how I was doing. Very pleased to say I've now lost 10kg, which is a third of the way to my target! :victory: I'll update my stats on here tomorrow when I have my 'official' weekly weigh in.

However, I'd been hoping someone last night would say how good I was looking and not a single comment. I know it's silly but I would have liked someone to have acknowledged I was looking slimmer. Does anyone else find it frustrating that there are fewer morale boosts in 'real life' than here in the virtual world? Those boosts really help to spur me on.

I'm debating swimming again too, but will have to check if my costume fits first. :crossed: I used to go to aquafit sessions and always enjoyed them - if you get a good instructor they can be great fun - especially the ones where they make up dance routines to the music.
Re: *Marvellous May*
23 May 2013, 13:00
Hello everyone, went to a potluck last night and overate a bit, but not as bad as I thought I would. Woke up in the middle of the night, though, with an upset tummy. Wonder if I overdid the carbs - had a lot of fruit and 2 cups of soda. Jumped on the scales this a.m. - gained .2 lbs.!

Anyway, fasting today should fix me up! Take Care all.
Re: *Marvellous May*
23 May 2013, 18:19
Good evening Marvellous May'ers :)

How have your respective days been? How has your fast been Legoman?

I've had a much better day today and feel much more chirpy - fast days always make me feel like I'm back in the drivers seat again re my diet - if only I was so controlled on all of my normal days!! Maybe I'll try that tomorrow. Today has felt like a really easy fast which is always a bonus. I was so involved with work that I didn't even realise I hadn't eaten until I got home!

No significant exercise again today, sadly, due to shin resting... might do a spot of pilates later to make up for it. Although I do feel like curling up in bed already and it's only just past 7pm! It's such a cold, rainy day!

Tomorrow is my last day of dairy products/animal products of any kind for a whole week! I've taken up the 7 day vegan challenge and will be starting on Saturday! If any of you are interested/fancy challenging yourselves too --> I've considered having a vegan week before - I don't buy butter/eggs/animal milk normally anyway so it's just a matter of giving up cheese and chocolate really - but both times I've completely forgotten on day one and eaten free chocolate!! This time I'm making it more of a 'thing' so hopefully I won't forget! Also hopefully the world won't sabotage me by offering me free chocolates by complete coincidence on the first day!

I clearly have verbal diarrhoea this evening :)


H x
Re: *Marvellous May*
24 May 2013, 06:25
Morning Marvellous May Amigos
I've been working and had no interwebs but have been able to catchup with you all at night, just before bed time.
Hopefully the work has greatly added to my NEAT stuff and will help. I managed to do the shred thing twice in the morning before going out and had a fast day too so kept reasonably on track. HAd to have a day off from the shred yesterday- I just couldn;t bring myself to do it, but will get back to it today. So the 30 days is now 33- I seem to manage 6 days out of 7!
I met a lot of people I haven't seen for nearly a year and more than one commented that I have lost weight- YAY! But maybe it was because I had to wear black and I only wear black under threat of execution!
I'm thinking of 4:3 for the next couple of weeks just to boost things before I start travelling. I keep putting it off, but it is preferable to counting calories for me. I'll weigh on Sunday and decide then.
So that's me.
Dhana, I am so loving hearing about the potting shed (and the espresso) and how your verbena bonariensis and nicotiana are coming on. My friend in Milngavie (you know where that is!) grows it (VB) successfully so you should be fine depending on your soil type and drainage!
Legoman, your dedication to 5:2 and fitness is inspiring.
No-more_mrs_Michelin and Hummingbird - I love swimming and the water. We are very fortunate to have access to pools here, and I'm ashamed to admit I really don;t make use of them. I used to swim every day, but have got out of the way of it. I always feel so much more relaxed and happy when I've been swimming. I'm regularly in the water diving but that's different. Note to self to get to the pool!
Debbie, I'm sure the increase in weight is temporary.
HOpe i haven't missed anyone - I'm over the page and keep losing re[lies when i go to check things - not very computer savvy!
So, not many May days left. We can all plough through the last few days and look forward to a joyful June :D
Re: *Marvellous May*
24 May 2013, 07:18
Good morning everyone :-)

Its really good to hear from you all. Yesterday was a bit of a tough fast day - about 5 i felt week and was in a meeting, but it soon pasted (Phew) but happily I made it to the end of the day :-)

I did zero exercise yesterday and had a bit of a recovery day. I am just getting ready to go for my health check. I will post my results on here when i get them.

Oh Dhana - That's not very far from where i grew up. I grew up in Malahide (Its a lovely coastal village). I always say grand too, and over here people are amused at how I say three....

Well done No-More_Mrs-Michelin 10kg is a huge weight loss you must be extra happy :-)

Oh Hummingbird - well done yesterday! As long as you keep with the fasting I am sure your eat day over eating will fix it self. The 7 day vegan challenge sounds very hard. No milk in tea (Madness I say). But good luck with it and keep us posted on how you are doing :-)

Janeg - it is good to hear from you again. Well done keeping to the shred! Are you noticing any improvements or is it too early to tell?

Anyway I best get ready :-)
Re: *Marvellous May*
24 May 2013, 10:44
And the Drum roll......

Here are my results straight from my check
Total Cholesterol - 4.18mmol/L (On the lower end of normal)
HDL cholesterol - 1.30mmol/L (Room for improvement but in an acceptable range)
Systolic Blood Pressure - 128mmHG (in the good range)
Diastolic blood pressure - 70mmHG (in the good range)
Blood Glucose - 4.4mmol/L (In healthy range)

I must of not been standing up straight as I was 1cm shorter :-( so that put my BMI just above 25... but all my other ratios etc were in a good range.

Oh and my resting heart rate is 57bpm which is really good, all my exercise must be working.

I am quite happy with these figures, although I did do not have tests from before I started this way of life to compare. I know these are way better than they would of been at the start of the year.

I still have some weight to lose, But I know with this way of life I will get there sooner rather than later!

I wanted to post my results as you guys have really helped me along my way and given me motivation and support when needed. I think that my results show some of the other benefits of this way of life not just the weight loss stuff. So even if you’re not losing weight you may still be getting some health benefits.

Anyway I hope everyone is having a great day!

P.S - On my way to work from the health check as i was in a good mood I bought a new pair of chinos... I am looking forward to wearing them over the bank holiday weekend - it’s the small things in life that makes you happy..
Re: *Marvellous May*
24 May 2013, 11:42
Yay, Legoman- that's a good set of results! ENjoy the chinos :D
Re: *Marvellous May*
24 May 2013, 15:04
Thanks Janeg! I sure will already treated myself to a lovely lunch. I hope your having a good day :-)
Re: *Marvellous May*
24 May 2013, 17:49
Glad to hear from everyone! Everything is mostly fine here, but...I went to the dentist today for what I thought would be a filling on a chipped tooth. Because so much of it was filling already, I have to have a crown - bummer.

Anyway, I have a long weekend to look forward to - it is Memorial Day on Monday (where we remember those who have died especially the military). I hope to get a little extra gardening in. It is a beautiful day today and coolish (60 F at lunchtime), so I WILL get the lawn done tonight (was raining last night). I have tomatoes to plant and some flowers to put in pots and weeding and... I think I am tired already! Hope it doesn't rain much this weekend!

Take Care all!
Re: *Marvellous May*
24 May 2013, 21:44
Good evening all :)

That's great news about your results legoman! Sounds like you're super fit and healthy! Did you ask for a health check or do you have them regularly? It would be cool for you to go back in 6 months or something and see if anything has changed! I'd love to have a health check like that - all these numbers fascinate me (standard scientist...).

We've got a long weekend over here too which is good - although I'll be working most of it, as I took Monday and Tuesday off this week, but at least I get a one day weekend instead of no days!! Have you got someone close to you in the military debbiejgb? My other half is military and I have a massive amount of respect for those in the military and also their loved ones... although I guess most people do to be fair :)

I've had my final non-vegan meal! It was a bit of a random mismatch of food (to get my non-vegan stuff used up) - soy protein meatballs in homemade tomato sauce, greens and then... halloumi?! It was that or the bin though! Not a combination I'd do again in a hurry, I have to say.

I'm looking forward to my vegan week, it will be interesting to see how different it is to normal. I'm starting with a fast, so I've only got to worry about one vegan meal tomorrow. I'm probably technically cheating - I imagine that they don't take fasters into account with the 7 day vegan challenge, I'm pretty sure they don't expect people to just not eat :p

I think I'm going to blog about it... my rather empty and sporadic blog can be found here --> if you're interested. I really won't be offended if you're not :)

Only one week left of May now!! Let's give this last week all we've got, before Jubilant June begins :)

Time for some green tea, peruvian dark chocolate and a spot of blogging...

H x
Re: *Marvellous May*
25 May 2013, 23:30
Hi all, just an update. While it was cloudy most of the day, I got a lot (not all by any means) weeding done, repotted some flowers and veggies I wanted on the patio, and put others in the garden. Just so happy to have gotten that much done! And rain is forecast overnight.

I also did about 45 min of exercises for arms, back/abs and legs this am - not sure what got into me! I am starting to stiffen up now, so I think I'll be paying for all this activity tomorrow!

Hummingbird, I have a nephew who was in the reserves for a while, not sure he still is. Got sent to Afghanistan, but came back fine. No family members in currently. Memorial Day here, people put flowers on relatives' graves (military or not) and flags are put by the military graves. When I was growing up, we'd have a parade to the 3 cemeteries in town (my house was close to all 3, so not a long parade!), play patriotic music, have prayers, then taps and a 21 gun salute. Some places have speeches as well.

Hope everyone else is having a great weekend! :heart:
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