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Re: *Marvellous May*
16 May 2013, 13:16
awww debbie- I am so jealous of your horticultural feets. :mrgreen: Love Irises and peonies. My balcony things resemble sad crisps now...too hot :melt:
Re: *Marvellous May*
16 May 2013, 14:07
Hey Everyone,

Today is going really well, quick look at the clock and only have 2 hours left in work. I have not had any calories yet, saving them up for dinner. But in truth not even hungry. Today is just a good day I guess.

Wow I love all your garden talk, I am jealous as well and I will have to walk in park this weekend to make up for it.

I have not planned any exercise in for tonight, but I try get out for a walk later. :grin:
Re: *Marvellous May*
16 May 2013, 14:29
Hi Team marvellous!
Hailstones here yesterday and cold and showery today. My grass looks like a prairie! Legoman I envy you being able to visit the parks in London (and the bonus is you don't have to cut the grass or do the weeding!), one of my favourite things about London is the parks. The buses are way up on the list too - I love them, especially the front seats upstairs! Limiting myself to short walks at the moment with my dodgy knee. Managed to gain a pound, but not upset as I have lost much more weight than I thought I would when I first started. I hope to reach target weight in about 6 months, so a bit of a journey ahead. Have a great day tomorrow, particularly if you're fasting!
Re: *Marvellous May*
16 May 2013, 14:40
hope your knee decides to behave dhana and the stairs areny geein' you gyp.
Re: *Marvellous May*
16 May 2013, 15:09
Yeah I do hope your knee starts to feel better soon. I love your positive attitude, and its only a tiny gain (and could just be down to the swelling in your knee).

Yeah I haven’t forgot that I have to take pictures of the parks either. Cool yeah I hope to get to my target weight for my birthday - two months away. But I might reduce my target weight – it all depends how I feel when I get there.. :-)
Re: *Marvellous May*
17 May 2013, 07:13
Good morning Everyone,

Happy to say I completed a 36h liquid fast. I made it till 8 yesterday without even thinking of food and just thought why not skip food altogether. Super proud of my self - I was not even grumpy :-)

I hope everyone is having a good week. I am watching rugby tonight, but my friend is off the drink so won’t be drinking either. It’s the lenister Vs Stade Francais final. I am originally from Dublin, hence why i support Lenister.

Anyway I hope everyone is having a Marvellous Mid May :-)
Re: *Marvellous May*
17 May 2013, 09:03
Morning all,

Bit late today, but had some stuff to sort out first. Rainy and cold morning here, but went for a lovely wee walk anyway. Fast yesterday and as per usual had gained 1 kg this morning. But that's part of my normal pattern, so I don't worry, in the long run it will come off again. All in all I am very happy with my weight loss so far. Enjoy your rugby game Legoman! I'll have to look up Leinster, don't know anything about sport and not a lot about geography either, I'm afraid. Anyway, a great weekend to all of you, josie50
Re: *Marvellous May*
17 May 2013, 09:24
Good morning Team Marvellous :)

I'm fasting today but my stomach is already rumbling which really isn't great (I'm not normally hungry until about 6pm)! The temptation to give in and eat keeps coming back! Hopefully with some fruit tea and herbal tea pit stops dotted through the day I'll get through.

I really do think that eating a sweet and fairly high carb dinner the night before a fast leads to me being hungry much earlier the next day. Last night I had dinner with some friends and, whilst the meal itself was pretty balanced and healthy (if you can call halloumi healthy :s) we had a really sweet, rich dessert, which I'd not normally indulge in!

I hope you all have a lovely day! If you're eating today then I hope you thoroughly enjoy every mouthful *dreams of tomorrow*

H x
Re: *Marvellous May*
17 May 2013, 09:38
Well done with your fast yesterday :-)

I will enjoy the game (We are having pizza while watching the match . To save you a Google. Ireland is split up into four regions. Basically - North(Ulster), South (Munster), East (Leinster) and west (Connaught). Each of these regions have a rugby team.

Dublin is in Leinster, so they are my local team. I have found since I moved away from home I got more patriotic. I never really followed rugby until I moved to London. It does help that Leinster are one of the best teams in Europe... :-)

Any weekend plans josie50?

Oh Hummingbird sorry to hear that you are struggling. Looks like your having a tough one today. But you can do it! Remember that jog in the rain earlier this week!

I always find that drinking loads of water helps and try get a walk in too.

Oh and how are your shins? And what was the house like?
Re: *Marvellous May*
17 May 2013, 10:03
Hi guys,

Legoman: thanks for explaining the Leinster mystery for me. My weekend plans depend on the way the weather will develop. Some more tending to my veggies, a visit to the market to pick up some veggies, herbs and spices, a walk to the botanical garden here, or otherwise a visit to one of the museums. If the weather is really lousy: snuggling up on the couch with a book. Another fast on Sunday for me, as I'm doing 4:3.
Hummingbird, hang in there. We're here to support you. All the best to all of you! :clover:
Re: *Marvellous May*
17 May 2013, 10:06
Hello everyone,
Well, I though Mon/Weds had been good fasts this week, but found I'd only lost 300g - yes, I know it's a loss, but I've been averaging over 500g so I was a bit disappointed. Maybe it's making up for last week's big loss of 900g. Anyway, today I'm doing a half fast as I mentioned earlier in the week to see if it helps these weeks when I do Mon/Weds. Going fine so far, but I don't intend to calorie count this evenings meal and I will have a glass of wine after the boys are in bed, so not sure if I will weigh tomorrow morning or not - might just leave it until my normal weekly weigh in next week.

As for rugby, being a Yorkshire lass I have to express a preference for league. Especially as I grew up in the only city in England without a football team, so league was big (Wakefield if you are really interested - useful pub quiz fact).

All you gardeners impress me. Our's got very neglected over the last few years, but we're trying to get a bit more on top of it now. The only part of the garden we've really looked after is the fruit patch (rhubarb, gooseberries, currants, damsons, strawberries)

My mother is a very keen gardener, so when we moved here she gave us lots of lovely shrubs so the structure of the garden is fine, just it's all got a bit overgrown. We've just completely dug over two of the beds a couple of weeks ago as they were very weed infested. If we get a dry patch this weekend I hope to get out and pull out what's now sprouting, so hopefully we've got most of them out. I've got peas and broadbeans sprouting in the minigreenhous so intend to put them out in the cleared beds. I don't want to put in any permanent planting in there this summer so that we can make sure any dormant weed seeds are dealt with as they come up. Once the peas and beans are over, then I'll look at planting some more permanent plants in autumn.
Re: *Marvellous May*
17 May 2013, 11:50
It’s good to hear from you No_More_Mrs_Michelin,
You guessed it – I have to say - It’s still a loss. I find that after a big loss the next one is normally a little disappointing. But keep your sprits high and I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised. I might do a sneaky half a fast too over the weekend. Interesting to see if that works.

Oh I flew past Wakefield last weekend in the train last week. It’s very green, looks like a lovely place to live. Thanks for the tip on the pub quiz question – I won’t forget that now.

I hope you get a nice gap so you can get out to the garden.

Oh Josie 50 – similar weekend as me planned, plan to go to a park or a museum depending the weather. Oh let us know how you get on with 4:3.

One thing for me that I have not really got into yet is eating loads of fruit and veg. I don’t hit my 5 a day often enough. How are you doing, has your diets changed? Do you eat “healthier”?
Re: *Marvellous May*
17 May 2013, 12:16
nomoreMsMichelin: weight loss is very unpredictable, kencc had a lovely graph a couple of weeks ago, with Dreaded Plateaus, 'Teeth of Terror', I hope I recall all his lovely terminology correctly. The graph was a depiction of his day-to-day weight from which he derived some sort of 'trend line', if I remember correctly. The most important thing was that the general trend was downwards. So if you stick to it - even if it is difficult at times, you'll win in the end(or rather: lose - weight that is). And remember we're here to support you.
Legoman: I've been doing 4:3 right from the start - for me that was the 1st of April. Reasons: I wanted (and want) to kickstart my weight loss, initally I wanted to lose 12 kgs in total, I might adjust that to a total loss of 14 kgs, but I wanted to set a realistic target to start with. No need to organise your own disappointment and all that, life will take care of that as it is. Another reason is that I've been wanting to cut down on my drinking a little bit as I thought I was drinking a bit too much and too often. Obviously I don't drink on my fast days, so there you go. Fasting does me the world of good, on days after a fast I feel very energised and cheerful, while the fasts themselves become easier all the time. So now you know Everything.

Did you look at the NEAT that kencc posted? Interesting stuff!

Wishing you all a great weekend, I'll probably be in again on Sunday (fast day for me) if not sooner. nomorems Michelin, you're halfway through, so hang in there! :clover:
Re: *Marvellous May*
17 May 2013, 12:53
Thanks Josie50,
You have been very honest with us there and I might as well return the favour. I started 5:2 on the 18th of February. I had just hit the 90kg mark and that was the turning point. I was aware of this way of life from the BBC doc and had been looking it up on the internet. My goal was to get to a healthy BMI and then a little lower. I actually wanted to lose 12kg in total. Although I might adjust that to 18kg – once I hit said goal. It would be great to get near my my first goal by my birthday in mid july.

I have been doing 5:2 the whole time. This way of life is certainly working for me. I had a really good April and May is off to a great start (thanks team). I can also relate to you about the drink, I more than fond of a pint of Guinness (Yum).

Have a great weekend and good luck with Sundays fast :-)
Re: *Marvellous May*
17 May 2013, 14:16
Hi all, fast ended just fine yesterday and had a little difficulty getting to sleep - and I'm still revved up a bit this am! I had pizza with ice cream for dessert night before fast, it seems to have affected my fast most in the morning. Once afternoon came around, I was fine.

I did a little exercise last night, but since I had mowed the lawn Wed and my bad foot was sore, didn't do much else. Really looking forward to the weekend. I need a new raincoat and new tennies. Want to hit the farmers market, send a package to Mom, shop, cook, EAT...

Happy mid-May weekend all!
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