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Re: *Marvellous May*
31 May 2013, 07:55
Good Morning,

So here we are, last day of May – This could be my best month on 5:2. I even think it will show on the scales. As I only weigh myself once a week, I won’t know for sure till Monday.

So yesterdays fast went pretty well. Saved all my cals for dinner. I did not do much exercise as my hamstring is a little stiff (Just needed a little rest). So I went on big food shop (I know on a fast day) and cooked a large separate dinner for my gf.

This week I have been getting loads of comments about losing weight. Before this week, no one in work had noticed and now I have had four different people at different times comment on my weight – I still have a little more to lose / tone but I think I am reaching my ideal shape.. (if that makes sense).

So how are you guys doing? Is anyone trying to tone up more rather than lose weight?

Oh hummingbird I will have to give that blog of yours a read. I feel that you are doing something quite interesting and using your body as part of the experiment.. I certainly would not enjoy trying vegan for a week, but like you, I respect all points of view about food (even if I don’t agree with them). I do love the fact that you really want pizza (that made me smile!) – And well done on living healthier this month, if nothing else you have created a really good platform for June.

As today is the last day of May – We need to decide what we are going to call June.

I think the best two options are

Joyful & Jubilant

or maybe Juvenile (Hehe)...

Well done everyone and I hope we all finish the month strong!
Re: *Marvellous May*
31 May 2013, 09:31
Good morning all :)

We've made it to the end of Marvellous May :D Hurrah :D

My final MM-day has started with some pilates and, as it's such a beautiful day, I think I'll go for a walk in the sun at lunchtime. I also have a quick dance rehearsal this evening, so I'll be finishing May off nice and energetically!

I hopped on the scales this morning and, as suspected, I've only lost about 1lb since the start of the month, but I do feel like I'm getting the hang of things now. I think for June I'm going to shift my focus from losing weight to taking good care of myself by eating healthily, fasting (surprise!) and making sure that I do some form of exercise every day. If I end up a little slimmer by the end then that's great, and if not, at least I will be leading a more healthy, active life.

As for names... I feel that whether we go for 'jubilant' or 'joyous' depends on whether we anticipate a 'July'... as I think that Jubilant June and Joyous July sounds better than Joyous June and Jubilant July... but I'm easy really :) I got to choose this month so I'll let someone else choose this time :)

Thank you all so much for taking part in this thread, it's been so good hearing how you're all doing, having people to come to if I've attacked the granola jar and having people to share any achievements with :)

I feel like we're a little 5:2 family now :)

H x
Re: *Marvellous May*
31 May 2013, 11:32
Hello all marvellous may amigos
been reading and supporting but not posting much
Still doing the shred thing and hoping that I'm toning up
doing 4:3 this week successfully and intend to continue for the next two weeks before my holidays
will weigh and measure as usual on Sunday- my official stats day for the month
please let there be a proper difference...
hope you are all enjoying the end of may and are looking forward to a scuccessful and Jublialnt June - prefer that to Joyous as well hummingbird
Re: *Marvellous May*
31 May 2013, 13:41
Oh, let's be Jubilant in June, please!

This month has flown! My weight is going down steadily - waist measurement is NOT! :frown:

But I will persevere! I'll be turning in my measurements in the morning and look forward to Carorees magic.

Take Care everyone!
Re: *Marvellous May*
31 May 2013, 14:05
Hi everyone,

Well I'm fairly happy with my Marvellous May results, even if I haven't achieved everything I wanted.

3.5lb down on the start, which isn't my greatest month but is still good, and an inch off my waist again. I actually do have a defined waist now and my tummy is no longer bigger than my boobs :lol: That's the first time that's happened since having children!

I have completely stopped the snacking and comfort eating, and that is the biggest and best achievement ever - I never ever though I could conquer those sugar cravings. :victory:

I started out intending to start proper regular exercise, but I'm afraid that hasn't happened for me. I started with the best of intentions, but I really need to get on with toning up. So that's my main goal for June - I do hope you'll all help get me going with that.
Re: *Marvellous May*
31 May 2013, 14:47
Wow it’s great to hear from everyone :-)

I think it’s safe to say that we are all in agreement and that we go for Jubilant June.

I won’t be on much tomorrow but I am looking forward to seeing a Jubilant June Section, when on log.

Well Done Hummingbird on your new way of life - far better than a one off weight loss. I hope June is kinder to you and your shins get better too!

No_More_Mrs_Michelin - of course we are here to support you. It looks like we are all thinking of doing more exercise and focusing on toning up a little bit more. I have committed to doing light exercise for 30min 5 times a week – I am already thinking that I will need your support on that :-)

I second your family comment Hummingbird.

I do like my quotes and this just poped into my head –
“If have have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”. Not that I think we are giants (lol) but I believe it to mean that any success I have, was made possible by all the Team support!
Re: *Marvellous May*
31 May 2013, 15:49
Jeepers1 Jumping Jacks! It's Jolly well almost June. Jings..the jabbering jackdaws have been juking and jostling my jeely jars and jeopardising my jam jellying and Jessie's just jested that she's going to jouk me if I don't juggle up a juicy jujube - I hope she's joshing. My joints are jugged and my jowls are jibbed !Just joking, jackaroos and jillaroos. Jubilant June here we jaunt, and no I haven't had a jarful!! :lol:
Re: *Marvellous May*
31 May 2013, 15:51
Thanks for the laugh Dhana! Is this the result of that extra sleep you're getting???
Re: *Marvellous May*
31 May 2013, 16:37
Joost jalousing dhana, jings you're a right jackanapes
And you make me laugh
And feel homesick
Love it
Re: *Marvellous May*
31 May 2013, 16:53
Jings, I'm richt jiggered noo!! :lol:
Re: *Marvellous May*
31 May 2013, 21:50
Farewell Marvellous May *sniff*, you have been a wonderful month in which we've all hopefully become slimmer/trimmer/fitter and all round healthier.

That's another month of fasting behind us and hopefully a longer, healthier life ahead of us as a result :)

Onwards... to Jubilant June!!

H x
Re: *Marvellous May*
03 Jun 2013, 07:52
Hey Everyone,

This is my last post on this tread, I will also join the June tread and Look forward to our team growing.

As promised, I will give my months stats.

As I thought May has been my best month on this way of life. From the 6th of May to the 3rd of June I lost 3.9kg. I am shocked by that figure...

I have been doing 5:2 the whole time, with the odd liquid only fast. I have cut back on drink and been exercising loads (was not to hard as I had no holidays and my best friend has not been drinking either). My body is becoming a well oiled machine.

So today I have also hit my original target weight of 78kg. I am super happy about that, I never would of thought that I would be here after starting this way of life in Feb. Anyway I have now adjusted my target weight down to 72kg.

I know that my success was enabled by the support of this marvellous team. There were days that I thought I had no motivation and I came on here and you guys inspired me.

Anyway - off to Join the join team.

It’s been Marvellous Team :-)
Re: *Marvellous May*
03 Jun 2013, 07:59
Great news Lego and well done getting to target. Good luck getting to your revised target- you can do it!
Re: *Marvellous May*
03 Jun 2013, 08:20
Thanks Janeg :-)

I will do it :-)

All I have to do is stick to this Way Of Life, which I really enjoy doing. I always find myself getting more active in the summer months, which can only help :-)
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