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*Marvellous May*
01 May 2013, 07:12
May has arrived once again *hurrah* and, for me, the first of the month meant one thing - weigh-in time!

April was a very busy month, with 2 weeks of holidaying and with every weekend packed with trips to visit various friends and family, leading to rather more eating and drinking than normal and one week in which I didn't fast at all. This morning my suspicions were confirmed, when I stepped on the scales and found that I'd put on 4lbs, which means I now weigh 1lb more (!) than when I started 2 months ago! *sigh*

SO, I've decided that May shall be the healthiest and most exercise-filled month yet, in order to try to turn things around and start losing again!!

I guess this is more of a blog-style post to keep myself motivated, but I feel that writing it where everyone can read it will keep the pressure on me a bit and hopefully I'll achieve more :)

So far, marvellous May has begun with a quick pilates session this morning and today happens to be a fast day - So far, so good!

If anyone else feels like going all-out 5:2 and fitness this month it would be cool to hear how you're doing along the way too :)

H x
Re: *Marvellous May*
01 May 2013, 07:14
I am with you Hummingbird - heading out to play golf this morning and I feel wonderful - my first fast day was yesterday
Re: *Marvellous May*
01 May 2013, 07:25
That's the way girls! Be positive. :lol:

And welcome Rhonda.

Hope to hear great things from both of you. :clover:
Re: *Marvellous May*
01 May 2013, 07:29
Thanks Jaffer!

And Rhonda - *Go team marvellous* :D we can do this :)

H x
Re: *Marvellous May*
01 May 2013, 07:37
That's the spirit girls - wishing you a Marvellous May indeed and will keep an eye out for updates :clover:
Re: *Marvellous May*
01 May 2013, 08:23
Marvellous May - I'm so in! I've been on 5:2 for about a week now and I would like to be down 2 kg's by the end of May. Let's see what happens!
Re: *Marvellous May*
01 May 2013, 11:39
Hi Hummingbird and everyone else,

As it's a sunny Spring day and some of my veggies have started germinating, I'm feeling quite optimistic. Just finished cooking a lovely vegetable soup for tomorrow (another fast day). Have been on the 5/2 (well, 4/3) for 4+ weeks now, which deliverd a net weight loss of 2.5 kg. (I weigh in every day, yes, I know.) Anyway, I feel very positive about this way of living. Wishing Humming bird and all the others all the best and may Spring be with you!
Re: *Marvellous May*
01 May 2013, 12:32
Hello Hummingbird & everyone else,

I have to say that the title caught my attention "Marvellous May" (Love It!)

I was in a similar situation when April started. In merciless March I had been away loads (Florence & Portugal, along with some weekend breaks). I still managed to lose but I knew needed to make April a really good month - and it was. So it’s possible.

After Aprils success I am well up for it again and I think I can beat it in May. So If you’re still recruiting for your group count me in :victory:

Marvellous May here we come!
Re: *Marvellous May*
01 May 2013, 15:52
I've had an awesome April - the month I started! I've had some trouble with tiredness, but am looking forward to a Marvelous May! Take care all y'all!
Re: *Marvellous May* - Day 1
01 May 2013, 19:13
Reporting to 'Team Marvellous' (and the rest of this lovely community) :)

Day 1 has gone well... I've been fasting, have done 15 mins of pilates and walked 10km... leaving me with (very roughly, and assuming you believe any of the various calorie counting and fitness apps)... *drum-roll*...

Food in: 511Kcal
Energy used: 1850 (ish)
Deficit: ~1339Kcal

Now it's time for a mug of (super low calorie) hot chocolate and a chinwag with a chum :)

I hope you've had a good 1st day of Marvellous May too, it would be great to hear how you're all doing :)

H x
Re: *Marvellous May*
02 May 2013, 07:35
Wow... Just wow - I have to say you smashed it yesterday Hummingbird!

Okay - so here is how my day went - Day 1(Feed day).
I skipped Breakfast as was not hungry had a small lunch and a couple mid afternoon fruit snacks.
Then as a reward for an awesome April (I like that term Debbiejgb) and on reaching my first intermediate goal (1 stone Lost – Boom!) - I went shopping. I bought myself a nice pair of polarised Ray Bans (with a blue tint lens), and went out for a meal in Byron Burger (Yum with a capital Y!)
So I had a really good day.

But Day 2 has started and I am back to business, it’s a fast day and after reading your post I am going to smash it too. I will hit the gym later and see what I can get done, and as it’s a nice day I think my lunch will be spent walking around in my new sun glasses.

Happy Day 2, team marvellous!
Re: *Marvellous May*
02 May 2013, 07:52
Morning Team Marvellous - had a great round of golf yesterday and a lovely salad with grilled chicken for my lunch at the clubhouse. So had a great day yesterday. Today I am off to have a walk then a cup of tea without milk with a pal and a nice long chat. I have a whole chicken ready to roast later for dinner and will have some nice veg with that.
Go Team Marvellous - together we can do this !!!
Re: *Marvellous May*
02 May 2013, 08:14
That's the spirit :D well done Rhonda for all the exercising and good luck for today, Legoman :D I'm looking forward to hearing how your gym sesh goes!

Today started (at 6am... it's so nice waking up with the sun now!) with my 'Week 2, Day 2' run with the 'Couch to 5k' programme and then a 1.6km walk to work.

Very much enjoyed my breakfast this morning!

I hope you all have a brilliant day :D

*Go Team*

H x

P.S. Legoman - I love that you're taking your Ray-bans for a walk!
Re: *Marvellous May*
02 May 2013, 08:27
Hello! I wanted to write a post to let you all know that it is worth it, and it does work! I am 9 weeks in, just about at my target weight, having now lost 13 pounds, and feel full of energy this morning and light! It is the best feeling, even better than cake, which is quite unlike me.. So my tips are:

- try doing some 24 hour fasts where you don't eat from 7pm to 7pm the next day.
- notice when you overdo it on your feast days.. yes I ate copious amounts of cake and chocolate some sunday nights before my fasts on monday.. psychological i think! It helped to watch my tdee (how many calories you actually need daily) on those days.
- try doing 3:4 some weeks too - it's not that hard you'll find.

Before you know it, you'll have strangely lost your appetite, and at mealtimes won't be able to eat nearly as much as you used too, but you still get to eat what you like at other times.

Good luck everybody :)
Re: *Marvellous May*
02 May 2013, 13:46
Thanks for the advice Caro and welcome to the forum!

Okay so as planned I took my Ray Bans for a walk (2 miles). Was a lovely afternoon for a walk. And I must admit I love these sun glasses. I think I need to plan a sun holiday for them....

Anyway Just having a green tea at the min as I am saving up my cals for dinner.

Hummingbird - Great start to your day by the way! I am looking forward to joining you with some May exercise tonight.

Go Team Marvellous!!
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