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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I'm not sure if it's physical or psychological. I have a headache, my stomach feels totally empty (although it's not) and I feel like I can't get up from the couch.

I'm practically waiting for my aunt to die (sorry for the miserable tone of this post) and I think that all my sadness is hitting my body as well as my feelings and I just can't concentrate into not eating, although I don't feel like eating. Mad or what?

I had veggies with balsamic vinegar for both lunch and dinner and any other day I would be OK. I ended up eating a couple of boiled eggs (my grandma used to say that they are good if you feel weak) but I still feel like cr@p.

At least this was a 4:3 week so I've already fasted twice. I always thought that I was strong when it comes to dieting but I guess, after all, I'm only human. Or just weak. Or both... :confused:

I think I'll eat something salty and see how it goes. Sorry for the sad post...
Sorry to hear that you're feeling so down :(
I feel like that sometimes, but for me I guess it's psychological. I end up doing a half fast :)
I hope you feel better <3
Sorry about your Aunt TML, I'm guessing that its a bit of both~ no wonder you feel out of sorts. Thinking of you. Xxx
Thanks so much girls! As I wrote in another post, it's my first "failure" after 20 successful fasts and that's not that bad, right?
Hey TML you are being very hard on yourself. Difficult times always mean you have to be a bit kinder to yourself. It's very hard when there is actually nothing you can do, especially in the situation you mention. If you carry on then that's great. But equally if you decide not to complete today's fast, that's fine too - you have your reasons. And tomorrow is another day ...
I confess, I quit! I need alcohol... I won't even try to fast tomorrow. Monday, probably, or when I feel I can do it.
... Very nearly did the same myself earlier on - my dad has been quite ill and I found it was preying on my mind ... Luckily I heard he was a bit better, so gave me the impetus to carry on. I do think that when fasting the emotions seem to go more to extremes - one or the other. Wonder if any research / info on this ... Any nerds out there?.
I guess some of us can handle one crisis at a time. (Yes, I do feel that dieting is a crisis, LOLOLOLOL!!!)
Hey TML13 don't beat yourself up about it, your aunts situation is obviously stressing you out. 5:2 will still be here for you when you're ready, to get you back on the straight and narrow *hugs*
Sorry to hear you're having a tough time. Sometimes it's best to just postpone the fast. I've done that a couple of times when I'm still weak after a weekend drinking a lot of alcohol. It's a long term thing so a day or a few days won't matter much!
Thank you all for your kind words and support. The more I think of it, I realise that there is no point stressing an already stressed system. My cortisole is probably sky high anyway!!!
Time for a bit of TLC, TML - be nice to yourself; after all, you're nice to everyone else (this I know). The Buddha said:

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire Universe,
deserve your love and affection.

Give yourself a couple of days off Thalia. Sending you virtual hugs x
TML, you are such a huge presence on this site that it hurts to hear you feel so bad. I really hope, actually I know , you will come through this and come out the other end safe and sound. Sometimes situations just overwhelm us but, you know, you will be fine, just be kind to yourself and don't stress about things which, in the short term, are unimportant, like weight loss, you'll get back to that when you are ready,

Much love and big hugs, :heart: :heart: :heart:

Ballerina x
TLC? Triple Level Chocolate? ;-)

Aaawwwwww thanks so much! I'm always harsh to myself, I know I should stop!
Awwww Ballerina, thank you too! You're right, weight loss seems now so unimportant. Although my aunt's problems started from excess weight (she had insulin resistance and the doctors missed it)!

Thank you all so much, I feel much better now!!! This forum is the best diet buddy ever, especially now that my real-life diet buddy is on holiday!
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