The FastDay Forum

General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi there, wanted to get some feedback from those who have been doing this more long term....I keep reading how fasting is getting easier for lots of people, sometimes people report more energy. Then there are those who move on to liquid fasting! Is there anyone like me who still finds fasting manageable but difficult. I still feel tired and flippin hungry a lot of the time. I also feel hungry during the night and wake earlier VERY hungry.... I can cope with it, but am starting to think I am the only one! :frown:
hi everybody- it is so good to see so many "oldies"- both january starters as well as more mature members or both!! All your comments are very valuable and helpful both for fellow oldies as well as newbies who are just looking in to see what it's like for us who have been doing this for a while. It does not seem like it but my partner and I have been enjoying this WOE since end of january and we look forward to fast days every week, we fit them round everything else we have to do so they are not always on the same day but it works for us and we have both had a steady weight loss and happy with it.
Mrs H-R - you are not alone!!! As much as I manage quite well during a fast day till dinner time, the night following a fast day always seems very long and I could easily get up for a midnight feast but don't because I tell myself that it's only a few more hours and having a midnight feast would undo all the good the fast day brings!!! so I have a good and early (about 6am!!) breakfast the following day and really enjoy it- and the satisfaction of knowing that I AM IN CHARGE!!
SMOKEY MTNS- love your quote!!! that's what it's all about though!!
Hi all,
I've been on the diet/ following this way of eating since end of September last year.
Although fasting has got easier I still feel really hungry sometimes. Find myself really aware of food smells when I am out and about while fasting. Changing to one meal on a fast day seems to make me slightly less hungry and seems to be better for weight loss (although it might be due to dropping my cals below 500 on fast days).
It depends what I have eaten the day before - if I have been quite good and careful sometimes I feel really hungry on the fast day. Sometimes if I have eaten loads of carbs the day before then I feel really hungry on fast day despite having eaten well the day before!
I do feel more energetic and I feel more like moving and exercising so that in turn helps me feel more energetic. That is a massive bonus for me (Sorry if I am rubbing it in!).
Hope the fasts get better for you Mrs H-R.
Thanks ursula and rachel, I have pulled myself together a bit and feeling better though have gone over 500 cals but not much. Rachel, I think I might have to look at what I eat the day before. Particularly for the Monday fast as I usually over eat a bit Sunday. Not feeling the energy yet, but I live in hope thanks for posting!
Have been on 5:2 since Feb 2013 and have losing slowly but steadily apart from last week which was my first gain. I think this was down to being a bit too relaxed on the 5 days but otherwise I'm fairly happy and don't see myself giving up any time soon. Unless the weight continues to rise and then I'd have to reassess. I find Mondays easier than Thursday probably due to having three days of good eating so Monday feels like a rest.
I'm an oldie, I joined the forum in March but I've been doing 5:2 since January - I'm an oldie in age too.
I've lost about a stone but I've been stuck on the same weight for several weeks, I'm not worried about that as I'm in for the long haul. I try to be relaxed about this way of eating, I don't always count calories on fast days unless I eat something different, I know roughly how many calories are in my meals and if it goes over or under a bit then so be it. I aim for about 400 calories so I'm usually under the limit. I don't weigh myself often either, my clothes are looser and I can't wear some of them at all, they fall down!
I like the idea of having a separate section for the 'oldies', it saves trawling through so many threads. :wink:
I'm still feeling very cold on fast days though energy levels are mostly better. I shall need to be lively tomorrow as I'm spending the day at Chelsea Flower Show with my eldest son, my birthday treat from him and his wife. I am VERY EXCITED and as it's a feed day I'll be eating and warmer.
I'm a long timer. Mid jan joined forum and started diet. At maintenance now but fluctuating on weigh days so still 5.2img till I settledown at 10.2co consistently

Total loss 25lb. Ish
started in Dec 12 but didn't find this forum til March 13...had already lost over 30 lbs at that have lost ~45 lbs and continuing...hopefully to my goal of under 200 lbs....that is still 'overweight' for me according to the BMI charts but haven't been at that weight since my 20's. At that point I will see where I want to go from there.
I'm so jealous of you. Have a wonderful time at Chelsea.
ooooops- I got a bit too confident this week and for the first time put on what I lost the week before!! I know what did it so it can be remedied but with the bank holiday and visitors we shall see!! How are you all doing?
On any previous "diet" this would have happened earlier so I am well impressed that the "loss" even if very steady carried on.
have a good weekend everybody!! ursula
ps. the first person noticed that I have lost weight- somebody I hadn't seen for a long time- how good does that feel!!!
I'm really ancient then as i started in August 2012 straight after the Horizon programme altho i didnt join this forum until 2013. I think this is a great idea for a thread. I went down 3 sizes in the firts 8 months but have maintained weight loss since April. Still enjoying 5:2, saw the negative comments in a link where someone said 5:2 wasnt sustainable. After 9 months on this WOL i feel it IS sustainable over the long term. Its been a bit expensive lately tho - had to have my rings made 3 sizes smaller, in addition to the new clothes ive had to buy!
well done chris!!! thank you for sharing your good news- just what the doctor ordered- I am sure loosing weight is one thing but maintaining quite another- you seem to be managing both!
Keep sharing your good news- ursula
Been here since February and have been losing and gaining the same kilo for a few weeks now ( entirely due to my more relaxed attitude to this WOL ). Feel as though I am on the verge of a breakthrough this week though and will duck under 66 kg for the first time in ages. I really enjoy my fast days, especially Mondays. It is great to see how many people have been around for several months and I can see myself continuing with this for the long haul.
My husband and I started 5:2 in Jan. We fast Mon and Thurs. We don't count calories the non fast days. I have lost 11 lbs and he has lost 17lbs. It is so simple to do - we fit it in around our jobs - I work night shift, and different dinners for kids. I do think it is an advantage to be doing it together though.
We have talked about maintenance fasting as we are pretty much at goal weights - maybe 6:1 or 3 fasts a fortnight. Family and friends have been mixed in their support and criticism but no one can dispute the results and a few are looking at starting themselves!!
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