The FastDay Forum

General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I feel as though as I've been in this forum for much longer than I actually have. I post most days and try to keep up with various threads and it is amazing how many newbies are joining every day. I think I'm going to be doing this for life now, although I may go onto 6.1 for a few weeks, or an eating window of 16.8 even though I still have a lot of weight to lose. I'm trying to sort out my sleep problems which I am pretty sure fasting is exacerbating, possibly linked to thyroid issues, but I have lost enough weight (about 20 lbs.) that I feel comfortable if it slows. It will also give my body an opportunity to adjust to my lighter weight. I like to see posts from people who have been doing this wol for a while - they're a mine of information and inspiration!
If we start to categorise people, it would defeat the object of having a forum.

There's nothing to stop those who have been members for a long time from adding comments, to keep in touch.
:cool: Hi to all,
I'm in too! Started in January, and I'm a BusPass Babe agewise. Still hoping to lose some more inches so persevering, but very pleased to have lost half a stone. My OH has lost a stone, fits into his old trousers (never throws clothes away) and is the trim size 32" waist he was 40 years ago. Now that Moogie has added data to the progress tracker I can see that I should be aiming to eat under 500 to lose weight, so let's see it works.
I dip into the forum most days too. Love the idea of a coffee club with a small slice of cake, or how about a glass of chilled white wine on the patio?
I don't think any of the oldies want to alienate people who have started more recently - as far as I'm concerned, the more the merrier. What I do find more useful though is searching out people in a similar peer group who I can benchmark myself against ie. female, > 40, BMI >25, > 3 months on 5:2 because those factors can make a difference to rates of weight loss. Having said that I've got nothing against having a nice forum chat with a 25 yr old male with normal BMI :grin: :grin:

I started 5:2ing at the end of February and have just turned 60, so think I qualify on both counts.

I see where you're coming from, tomtank; but I don't see it as categorisation - as your weight/BMI etc drops and your age increases your TDEE goes down and the challenges you're facing change.

I think it's a good idea to have either a thread or a section where longer-term fasters and/or the *ahem* more mature amongst us could compare notes.
You're right, basketcase. Had another think, and it would be a good idea!!
I want to ask TheEngine how you managed to watch the Horizon programme in May last year? As far as I know it was broadcast for the first time in August? I wonder if you saw/read something else or do you work for the BBC and got a preview?! It certainly is great to hear from someone who has been 5:2ing for a year. I am starting to find the same thing about every day being a fast day...I don't seem to feel hungry in the same way these days. Very handy!
thanks to all of you for your fantastic replies- it's good to see so many of you still here and as some of you said it is brilliant to have so many new members- of course- but the needs and interests of us oldies are slightly different. And by saying "oldies" I was not trying to be "exclusive" or ageist at all- just trying to draw a line between "newbies" and older members both in age and attendance.
But most of you understood what I wanted to do anyway!!!
Yes- I agree also- we should have a regular get together- coffee and cake is not a bad idea!!!- and keep encouraging and jollying eachother along!!
Have any of you met up with other members yet? What happened to the idea of seeing where people are from and trying to form local support groups? I seem to be the only one from ceredigion for example- or is there somebody else from this part of wales??
Have a great weekend all- hope to hear from you all again soon- ursula
I'm still here. Started beginning of January and still losing. I find I do this 5:2 automatically now and treat it as part of my life.
Think I qualify (just) feel like i have been doing 5:2 longer than I have (but in a good way). I agree its useful to read posts from people who have a lot of experience and therefore advice. It's great that there are so many newbies joining every day, but it is a bit of a journey and it's nice to here from people who are at a similar stage.

I am not an oldie, but hope this thread continues. It is very helpful to hear from 5:2ers that have been doing this longer than I have.

8 weeks and 8 pounds - patience :grin:
I could possibly be the oldest on here on both counts - given that I began IFing 15 months ago and I'm in my 76th year.

I lost around 10kgs up until November last year, when I began maintaining my weight at around 9.1-9.4. Since then I've been trying different ways to maintain that weight: 6:1 on its own; 6:1 with a mini-fast later in the week; 6:1 and a consecutive mini-fast, etc.

Whatever I've done, my weight has stayed within those limits. I'm also conscious of the three new holes in my belt, and I don't intend to surrender any one of those!

As was said up-thread, this WOL gives us control! For the first time in my adult life I'm in complete control of my weight - and if I do over indulge (as this evening, for instance, eating more than half of some leftover Thai curry which was intended for the freezer), I simply do without breakfast, or breakfast and lunch on the next day, and I'm back on track.

The best thing about this WOL (apart from my blood test results-more about that in a mo) is the increase in energy I'm experiencing. I'm no longer content to go from A to B by walking - skipping and running/jogging are now called for - even across the living room! I came out of Morrisons the other day, with two heavy bags and skipped to the car - well, I skip then break into a jog. The other day I got home from Somerset cricket ground in 35 minutes - walking and jogging - when it always used to take me 45 minutes.

I had some blood results after a year on IF which my doc was very pleased with - which I've posted here on my blog:

I feel like a 45-year-old, not my real age at all - a fit 45-yr-old! :smile:

Cheers, B&W
Another qualifier on both counts,age 66 and joined 13th Jan, husband and I have been doing 5:2 since the Horizon program.

We both love this WOL, neither of us are that much overweight but we both are doing it for the health benefits as well.
I had managed to get to 8st 7lbs prior to a trip to Australia in 2011, purely by doing lots of exerciser and eating sensibly however 7 weeks away and the rot set in. When we returned my clothes were tighter and I was pushing 9st. From the until last summer it gradually crept up to 9st 7lbs dispute still doing lots of exercise, yes it was the eating and wine that did it. The Horizon program made sense to me scientifically and in the first month I dropped down to nearly 9st by being very strict. Then we went on a two week holiday staying with friends in France and yes back up to 9st 6lb when we got back. however having done it once I thought I'll give it another go and it worked again. Basically since then I have carried on in the same way, not worrying when we are away or celebrating and following 5:2 when we are at home. My weight is now 8st12lb of Wales next week then France again at the end of June then after that its 5:2 all the way till our son's wedding in mid October.
For us the joy of this WOL is that we can fit it around our lives rather than being a slave to it. We also both feel lots healthier than before we started.
Best wishes to all other 5:2 followers. :victory:
Started November 2012, joined Jan 2013 (that's when it started right?) and am definitely still here all these months later. My loss has been reasonably slow - but it's a steady downward trend which I'm happy with. I've given it a bit of a boost in the last few weeks by joining the 36h liquid fasters (and really enjoying it). It's fantastic to see so many people on this forum but, without being unkind, we still seem to see the same thread topics repeated over by newcomers. But never mind - they've found the forum and I'm sure eventually they'll find their way to the FAQs and it's more important that they're here and wanting to be a part of the community. There are certainly 2/3 dozen names/avatars that I look out for to keep track of what they're up to etc. :smile:

This is certainly now a WOL for me and one I'll sustain for good - weight loss and health benefits are far too great to ever go back to the way I was. Keep in touch everyone - it's great seeing how everyone's progressing.

Talking of progress - I've just gone on to Dominic's progress tracker - WOW - how good is that - love the way the blue lines sunk below the red - well done Dominic - a lot of us are waiting for the day when we can emulate that :victory:
Great thread. Hope it continues. I joined 5:2 in April but I'm 65 and like what I read here . . . encouragement from long-timers and issues that are more pertinent to those of us who are older. Will be reading more posts since these really are helpful and apply to me! Thanks!
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