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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Pilchards wrote: have been losing and gaining the same kilo for a few weeks now

:grin: :grin: I've got that same kilo problem LOL

My only concern is not going back above 70kg, I'm so pleased to be back below 70 for the first time in a couple of years :like:
After my post on May 17th Carorees pointed out that I claimed to have seen the Horizon programme in May 2012 when it wasn't shown until August. Well I am an idiot and she is right. I checked my records and I started the diet on 13th August 2012. OK well this thread is for Oldies and I had a Senior moment. On the bright side it means I attained my target weight after 3 months instead of 6 months. About 1.5 stone shed. Shows how good it is. And I am still at my target weight now and considering going down a further 0.5 stone. Cheers keep it going.
I too am one of the January starters. I found the fasting days hard to begin with and was very tired, cold and my brain felt foggy. However after a few weeks this improved and I am fine now and actually enjoy those days, although still feel the cold. I find it best to save all my calories for my evening meal.

I am thrilled with my weight and inch loss to date. I found that it stalled after the first few weeks until I started tracking what I ate on feed days.
I am sure that I will be able to continue with this WOE as it now feels so easy to me and I enjoy food so much more.

I have gone down two dress sizes and half a shoe size so far. I have very little that I can wear at the moment but don't want to buy much until I reach my target. I am looking forward to a shopping spree!

This forum has been the key to my success as the support of fellow fasters and the nerds is invaluable. I am not a prolific poster but I am on the forum every day. Thanks to everyone. :smile:
Lovely to see how everyone has progressed over the last five months. I feel like I am getting my life back after a decade of falling over the cliffs of doomed-old-age and oh-so grim menopause. I suppose I shall have to carry on doing fast days to the end of my time, though if I drift away from it I know what to do to get back now, unless the senior moments join up to fog the memory. I really want to reach the 10 stones area and hover there, only 3 pounds to go!
I thought this thread referred to age too, and although I'm 48 in November and probably could qualify on age, I don't feel like I'm nearly 50. Thanks to 5:2 I'm in better shape now than I was in my twenties. I was lucky to find this forum as soon as I decided to do 5:2 (my brother had done it successfully) and although I shifted the 6kgs pretty quickly I still like this forum and it is great for help on maintenance too. I still haven't found the ideal fixed maintenance plan, but weigh myself daily and on the basis of that decide my fasts for the week (in addition to the fast I always do on Mondays). 4 months from when I started fasting now, and it really has become a way of life.
It is so brilliant to see this thread carrying on- lovely to hear from you all- franglaise it does not matter that you are not 50 yet- enjoy the 40's!!!!and isn't it great to be able to say that you feel better now than when you were in your twenties!!
It is also happening here- I have a long way to go to get to some "normal" weight but it is soooo good to feel the changes as they happen- looser clothes, easier movement, not so many aches and pains etc etc.
we have just had consecutive fast days again this week as we are having visitors and they are not used to our way of eating- will see what the scales say tomorrow, weigh-in day!!
I just cannot believe that I have lost 5 in round my waist already!! my belt looks soooo good!!

I hope you are all having a good week- keep in touch- ursula
at long last I found a picture of myself that I like- can anybody tell me how to upload it please??? have looked everywhere.....
Hi Everyone

I started 5:2 in Jan and found this forum mid Feb. I have stopped 'dieting' after 40 years of trying every plan going. I was one pound off losing my first stone with 5:2 a couple of weeks ago but hols got in the way and I now have five pounds to lose to reach my stone, but I know it will come off eventually so no stress. I lost 4 stone previous to starting 5:2 and have 2 more to lose to reach my target making 7 stones in all. With the help and support of this forum and its lovely members I know I can do it. :grin:
I too feel better now at 57 years old than I have done for many years, I wish I had known what I know now when I was younger.
Chris x
ujs wrote: at long last I found a picture of myself that I like- can anybody tell me how to upload it please??? have looked everywhere.....

Click click Post reply under Quick reply.
Click upload attachment and browse for the photo....
I read about the mouse experiment in New Scientist last June and naively thought oh! Wonder if that would work on human beings? Started on 16/8 in June 2012, then toyed with the Warrior diet for a while. Did 16/8 all week and fasted 24 hours 3 times a week. I would not eat during the day and then ate what I fancied for dinner in a very short eating window. It's called the Warrior or Des O' Connor diet depending how old you are. I' m afraid I fall into the latter category. I saw Eat,fast and live longer in August.and thought good at least it's not just me and the body builders. In February I found this forum and started 5:2, more often 4:3 and haven't looked back. Don't weigh but have lost 5 inches off my waist and gone down 2 dress sizes. I feel that fast days act like a reset button, I couldn't imagine them not being part of my life. That's the big difference between this and any other diet or way of life.
AnnieD wrote:
Pilchards wrote: have been losing and gaining the same kilo for a few weeks now

:grin: :grin: I've got that same kilo problem LOL

My only concern is not going back above 70kg, I'm so pleased to be back below 70 for the first time in a couple of years :like:

I find that I hover at one place for a few weeks, then it slowly dips down and I hover there for a bit, very very slow loss, but very much a downward trend. I'm now hovering between 68 and 69, but a few weeks ago it was 69 and 70, and I remember when it was 70 and 71 too. So as long as it keeps trending down, I'm happy. I could get strict on my non fast days, but that would then turn this into a diet, I would be obsessed for a while, and then just fall back into my old eating and the weight would creep back on. Instead, I am relaxed and don't think about it on non fast days, I enjoy my two liquid fast days, and think I'll keep doing this for the rest of my life. Pretty sure once I get to my goal weight (end of the year, even beginning of next year at this slow pace) I'll maintain it with the 2 fast days. Most of the food I eat is unprocessed good food, I just have a sweet tooth so bake a lot, enjoy chocolate and obviously just have too many calories going in over a week if I don't throw in a couple of fast days
ujs wrote: at long last I found a picture of myself that I like- can anybody tell me how to upload it please??? have looked everywhere.....

If you want to post it as your avatar, I wrote some instructions here.
<<waves>> Nice to see all the familiar user names.

I started on Dec 31 after having some horrible bp readings.

Lost nearly 2 kgs every month except April, where the loss was 200g total for the month However doing high-intensity exercise & weights so getting stronger and more functionally able.

Find fasting pretty easy and have even got over the bowel issues with the aid of some chia seeds. They work really well!

Very happy! :-)
hi BBT053,
can I ask how much, how often, you take the Chia seeds? Although I have tried lots of things, lactulose, fibrogel, mineral oil etc, they all worked at first but then stopped being effective. only had this problem since 5:2, so might try Chia seeds. which sort would you recommend, there are loads
There was a chia seeds thread ages ago and so I got some. I started off soaking them overnight and then putting them in smoothies. Now I sprinkle them on porridge and have been known to put them in chocolate milk.

Not sure of the amount you are supposed to use but I stick to a sprinkle. I got them off Amazon, will last ages.

I think I eat more now too, possibly, not sure but things are definitely better.
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