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Calling all oldies (to 5:2)!!!
17 May 2013, 05:23
What do you all think to a thread that is just for us oldies? I seem to loose track of all the members who have been here as long as myself- and as lovely as it is to welcome newbies every time I sign in, it would be good to keep up with people who have been here for some time to see how we are all doing!!! Are we all still here- how is it going for you?
Hope to hear from all of you - ursula
What is the criteria for being in the gang though ?
GOOD QUESTION ANNIE- you definately qualify!!!! I started end of january, just a month or so before you. Shall we say anybody who started in jan or feb 2013?
how are you doing- you have had a good weight loss!!!
maybe you should have picked a different subject name, like " calling all long timers".

I felt you ment over sixties :lol: thinking it applied to me and was a good idea had a look. Iam only coming up to two months so not a oldie yet.
Good luck with the thread
HI JACK- OF COURSE YOU ARE WELCOME TOO!!! stick with us and you will be an oldie soon!!!
I just think it's a shame that we loose all the old members- or I just go to the wrong threads???????
anyway- let's see how this one goes- have a good day- you are loosing nicely- what is your secret?
Thanks ujs
I just keep it simple, have two fast days a week mondays and thursdays where don't eat anything from dinner the evening before (about 7pm) to breakfast the day after (about 8pm). Drink what I like and have not changed my eating on feed days.
Can't be bothered with calorie counting :smile:
I tend to weigh myself each morning out of interest. Iam finding I lose about 1.5lb a week with an 2lb daily variation during the week.
It looks like I may meet my first objective by my birthday 23rd of June - its BMI of 22.5.
Will then decide what to do; either maintain at 22.5 or continue to 20 by christmas time. Its a weight I was most of my life 20's to mid 40's.
Anyway thats enough about me how are the rest of you getting on
I think I qualify on both accounts - joined last February and am definitely an oldie at 66! (Though I am 46 in my head)

I like the idea of "talking" to the long timers/old timers, as losing weight is very different if one has been trying for 50 years!!
Can I join? I started 5:2 in January but didn't join this forum until March? I am in the 'over 60 club'!(but not quite a pensioner!) :smile:
Hi hilaryjane, I think ujs's idea is related to how long you have been doing 5:2 (two months or more, say) rather than when you joined the forum, so you qualify! Anyway, we are not being cliquey here, anyone is welcome to put in an appearance IMO if they feel themselves to be an oldie however described. :smile:

Anyway, if two months on 5:2 makes one an oldie then what am I, having started 5:2 in September 2012? Not so much 'old' as 'went to heaven' - that's maintenance for 5:2ers!

You young whippersnappers you...

Maintenance isn't quite as heavenly as I hoped - see my progress tracker. I am still trying to find a formula that works and after two good weekends (that is, bad weekends for the scales) I have a bit of lost ground to make up. So fasted Monday, half-fasted yesterday and plan to fast today (as my diary happens to be empty).

More generally I hadn't dieted much before trying 5:2, I did do Atkins briefly long ago when it was all the rage, and as is usual with diets (I gather) it worked well but it wasn't sustainable and I put all the weight back on and more. This time I am determined that isn't going to happen.
thank you dominic- that is just the kind of thing I was after- the experiences of people who have been 5:2ing over a long period of time or like you try to maintain a goal weight. many thanks- keep your comments coming!!!
have a good weekend- ursula
Hi there! I started at the beginning of the year (diet and forum) and have tacked down from 12st 10lbs to today's new wonder weight of 11st 4lbs or 71.6kgs. I am a very happy faster! From having to buy size 20 clothes I am now flitting round size 16 which makes me feel enormously good about myself. Various friends and family have also had a go at 5:2 but the busy young 'uns find it hard to stick to it seems.
Glad we're all still here, good encouraging company :0)
I think this is a great idea for a thread. I joined the forum in January, when there were so few members it was really easy to keep track of everything. I look at the forum every day, but there is so much happening I struggle to keep up. I remember threads like "Are you 5ft 4 ?" and "Who will be here in 3 months" which I really enjoyed.

Anyway, I'm still here, still 5ft 3, still fasting successfully, and absolutely delighted. This week, I got into size 12 trousers, and my weight has just dipped below 10 stone. I have not been size 12 for about 25 years.
I missed the last mass weigh in because I was away with no internet, but I expect to take part in the next one.
Hi Folks
I started 5:2in Feb but didn't find the forum until March. I also qualify in the age stakes and agree that we do seem to come at it from a different perspective than the young uns. :smile: I also have trouble keeping pace with all the new posts. :confused:

I haven't lost a massive amount. I followed the same pattern weight-wise as with previous diets, a good loss to start and then down to a trickle. Still, the trickle continues and the plan is so much more sustainable.

I may be a late developer, or maybe its just that I've had a lot of complications from life issues, but I've just started to notice that I'm sleeping better and that my energy levels are improving so I have hopes for the repair side of things. :smile:
I'm not a forum oldie, but am an ancient :razz:

This 5:2 WOE works for us ancients, one month gone and half a stone gone with it, feeling good :heart:

Some reckon the weights harder to shift when you get older, but the nurse @ the hospital yesterday was rather impressed :wink:
dominic wrote: Anyway, if two months on 5:2 makes one an oldie then what am I, having started 5:2 in September 2012?

Hot on Dominic's heels comes Caroline...6 months on 5:2, but sadly still a long way of maintenance.

dominic wrote: More generally I hadn't dieted much before trying 5:2, I did do Atkins briefly long ago when it was all the rage, and as is usual with diets (I gather) it worked well but it wasn't sustainable and I put all the weight back on and more. This time I am determined that isn't going to happen.

My story too...Atkins, fell off the wagon, determined not to regain this time.

So far I've lost 20kg. I was doing really well losing at a rate of 1kg per week for the first 5 months but it has suddenly slowed down :-(, but I shouldn't had only slowed to the average. I guess that reflects my reducing TDEE.
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