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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Thanks! Will order some on Amazon and see if they work for me too.
I qualify as an oldie on both counts having started this WOE in January this year and being 62 (although I don't feel old)!
I lost for the first few weeks and then hit a two month plateau but I didn't change anything as I started this as a simple way to lose weight at the same time as enjoying the health benefits.
Hey presto! for the last two weeks I have lost a pound each week so feel very pleased. I think it is important not to get too hung up on the calorie counting/weighing thing as it seems to me that the whole point of this is to keep it simple and now I know that it does work in the long term, you just have to be patient.
I am loving this thread as although it is great to know that lots of people are trying this, I do like to keep up with what I call "old friends" i.e. names I recognise from when I first joined as it is good to compare notes when you have been following the plan for a few months and hear other people's experiences!
I have been doing it since January. Barely losing any for the last 2 months really. I think maybe 50 grams a week!! Still I consider it a kind of maintenance as I am not far off my goal and some people have made the 'face or figure" remark. I am doing more of a 16:8 3 days a week (at work - very busy). I rarely do a 'proper" 500 cals only as I did in the first 2 months.
It doesn't feel like a diet anymore - it is just how I eat. We are heading into winter now so it will be interesting to see if I can keep it off
And another one, started January, who is 73 feeling young,(I can't believe the septuagenarian bit - see breadandwine's post). I am still school teaching, go to the gym, and joined our forum in late March. I read the posts to support, inspire and amuse especially if there's time on a fast day like today. (Half term break from school). It's wonderful to read widely among all the thousands of different experiences. Finding I can't resist responding.
My husband also started 5:2 and that's a revolution too.......Both of us successful and more positive overall with energy and joie de vivre. I have steadily lost 1 lb a week, clothes hanging off, down 2 sizes at least. Most important of all is that sense of well-being in spite of some of the world around us!
We celebrate our golden wedding this year, although I wouldn't fit into my wedding dress, but my secondary and vanity-driven goal of about 9 st seems possible by then. Revolutionary!
All I learned about 5:2 (helped immeasurably by this forum) will be a natural WOL for sure. :grin:
One of the many great many things about 5.2 has been finding this forum, and reading so many great stories and learning so much. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but I would beg to differ! I do feel quite relaxed about the weight loss now, confident that I will get there eventually. A very common reprise with the newbies is help, I gained a pound back this week, but I know if they can be patient they will start losing. I am so looking forward to my shopping trip at the end of June with the personal shopper in Debenhams. I have hated shopping the last few years as I was so shapeless. I'm no sylph but I look so much better than when I started. 5.2 FOREVER!! (Note to self, stop acting like a teenager!)
I started in Feb 2013. I am not progressing too well on the 5:2 as I keep going abroad. Trying to weigh food or get calorie contents of foods is impossible in some places.
In March I went to India for 2 weeks (6 different towns/cities in 2 weeks). Did walk a lot, especially hundreds of steps up to temples and forts!!
April - tried to get back on track
May Bank Holiday - Southern Ireland for a very long weekend.
!7th May - Long weekend in Barcelona. Tapas, cocktails. Although I did walk 8-11 km each day.
Dreading getting on scales and don't own a pair but I will get weighed at my neighbours house. I prefer looking at losing the inches off my waist as I am apple shaped and have a history of heart disease in the family. So far, due to walking and doing a bit of exercise the inches are being whittled away, slowly.
I fast on Mondays and Wednesdays but yesterday the stress of taking dad to hospital was too much and I didn't fast. Have fasted today. Lots of green tea, black coffee and water and 1 small Benecol drink. Looking forward to eating my baked salmon fillet, green beans, peas and sweetcorn.
The 5:2 would be easier for me if I had some routine in my life. I think I need a 5:2 buddy :-) xx
Routine does help. We had people here last w/e and my graph is all over the shop. :-)
hi everybody- it has been a while but then we are all busy or on holiday!!!
Just wanted to share something with you that might help those of you who put on some weight while on holiday....
We went away for over a week and basically ate what we fancied but the more important thing- we did not fit in our usual 2 fast days!!!! so when we came home and weighed ourselves we put on some 6-7lb, I was devastated!!!All the hard work and then it goes back on that quick???? Just like any other diet I ever tried- so I thought.
We then had two fast days pretty close together- with a feed day in between and found that all the holiday weight had come off again!!!! MAGIC!!
So the moral of the story is?
Even if you do forget yourself you can pull it all back together again!!


I agree with Miffy, I have just noticed this post so came in late. Its so busy on here I can't keep up. :confused:

Chris x
Good morning all oldies.
Ursula, you post came just at the right time! We are lucky that we go away a lot and at the moment we are in Portugal. I have not managed any fast days though have thrown in the odd 8 hour window of eating. All the good intentions seem to be getting weaker by the day, and the cold wine and white port are rather tempting. I hope that when we get home I will get straight back on track like you have.
Happy eating
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