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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Re: Do You Tell People?
24 May 2013, 23:59
No, I'd rather not tell, I put diet talk in line with religion and politics, there are so many strong opinions out there and some people are determined for you to know their opinion.
Do not like confrontation, its none of their business.

Some women, note I said 'some' do not like it when you lose weight. If I must, I'd say watching what I eat and drink. :smile:
Re: Do You Tell People?
25 May 2013, 00:13
If my weight loss comes up in discussion or someone new joins a conversation where I'm moaning about clothes no longer fitting* then I'll tell them what I'm doing. Anyone who knows me will also know my background and that I'm really not one for fads or extreme diets or any diet actually. Anyone who doesn't and tries to warn me off this gets a summary of the Horizon documentary. This is the only diet that I've managed to stick to for longer than a week and I love it.

*What I've saved on food is being spent on clothes that will actually fit!
Re: Do You Tell People?
25 May 2013, 00:16
Welcome to the forums, Newoldme!

I agree, it's best to look at it as weekly totals. And I think it's less extreme too :-)
Re: Do You Tell People?
25 May 2013, 00:27
I don't tell people because I don't want them jinxing it. My parents know, a few close friends and my diet buddy (who isn't on 5:2, she is losing weight her own way very successfully) and that's all.
If I wanted to tell more people, I wouldn't worry about what they think, I don't really care if I know I ma doing the right thing.
Re: Do You Tell People?
25 May 2013, 01:11
I am two weeks in too and have not told anyone but my husband. My work colleagues and friends don't need to know, and it stops those "friendly" diet saboteurs plying me with cake.
If I get a noticeable weight loss and people ask (fingers crossed), I will certainly spread the word on 5:2.
Re: Do You Tell People?
25 May 2013, 01:51
I regard this as the way I eat now so I have not made any big announcement. I see no reason to. I have to say no one has noticed the difference in how I eat. Not even my husband and we are in the same house.

I have gone periods when I skip meals or eat reduced portions so he has not picked up on what is happening.
I see no reason to put myself the additional stress of explaining this WOE. You either get it or you don't. It works for you or it doesn't. If I am asked directly about 5:2 or IF I will tell the person what I am doing but so far that has not happened.
Re: Do You Tell People?
25 May 2013, 02:08
I have told those closest to me, my husband (well yeah, because he has to hear all my jubilant :"I lost 2 pounds! and he shares my fast day dinners) and my daughters, who are 100% bhind me. I go to my mother;'s for lunch when I work (I bring my lunch) and haven;'t told her - when she noticed that I have lost weight, I said that I am really vigilant 2 days a week. No need really to tell anyone else, but eventually I will probably tell my closest friends. Who knows, it may help them as well.
Re: Do You Tell People?
25 May 2013, 03:12
I started a new job at the end of March and hadn't told anyone on the office about it. I have now discovered that there are two others doing it and everyone wants to quiz me about it even asking me to talk about it at our Team meeting! A few friends have been a bit negative through not understanding but lots of people have asked me lately how I have lost weight so I do tell those who are interested.
Re: Do You Tell People?
10 Jun 2013, 18:55
when i first started I've told friends and family some have been supportive others skeptical.

mostly instead of telling them how to do it i just tell them to watch the documentary because that can give a example allot better then me trying to tell them myself.
Re: Do You Tell People?
10 Jun 2013, 19:10
I've been doing this diet since mid Feb and have only told my husband. If people were to notice that I've lost weight and wanted to know how then would explain. I'm very careful to hide it from my 3 daughters in case of the eating disorder issue and they see me sharing family meals with them on feast days.
So far the only people who have commented on my weight loss are two very obese women at work and they said it in quite a negative way. One of them even said I should stop as I was getting too thin. I would never tell her to lose a stone or 4! Makes me cross.
Re: Do You Tell People?
11 Jun 2013, 15:09
I still haven't told anyone besides my husband and one close friend. My parents came and stayed with us for a few days and I managed to keep it from them through one full fast day and part of another. I fasted on a Friday when they were here, but they spent the whole day at my sister's house with her family and I encouraged them to get dinner before coming back to my house. Then my next fast day was the Monday they were leaving, so I just didn't eat anything while everyone was scrounging for their own breakfasts before they left.

Yesterday I was out to lunch with my husband's extended family and only ordered a hot tea and no one said anything or asked any questions about me no ordering any food. They do know I'm trying to lose weight by tracking my food, so I think they assumed I just didn't order any food there because it would be impossible to track.
Re: Do You Tell People?
11 Jun 2013, 15:34
Yep, I tell anyone that asks or notices. I've done WW and SW in the past but I'm definitely not a fad dieter - but when I try something I usually go in to it heart and soul. Having lost a total of 4stone over the past 20/24 months it's now well noticeable and people are bound to ask! I've obviously got proof that for me it works, so what can they say. I intend to do this for life and I'm feeling and looking soooooooooo much better. On top of which if they became negative about it all then they'd get my opinion straight back at them. On top of which those that matter to me don't mind and those that mind, don't matter :grin: But you have to do what's right for you, as with everything. There was another thread a while back similar to this and a lot of people were expressing really quite harsh negative comments they'd had about 5:2 etc. So go with your instinct - besides, we all know what you're up to and we certainly don't mind ! :smile: Good luck with it all :clover:
Re: Do You Tell People?
11 Jun 2013, 15:39
I haven't been shouting it from the rooftops - I tried it for 3 months from August last year and it didn't work with me then and I don't want another "I told you so" - but my DH, our au pair, our kids, a good friend of mine and one of my co-workers all know I'm doing 5:2. None of them know (or have realised) I'm doing 16:8 on my non-fast days. I think they generally think it's nuts, but once they see that it can really get results they will come around.

It's funny, but the only one who has ever tried to talk me out of it is my husband - every fast night he asks me if I want a glass of wine with dinner (I always say no) and he doesn't just let it go - he keeps saying "are you sure?" and once or twice he has even poured the glass and had to drink it himself. I am very happy to drink wine every other night but on my fast nights I refuse - I'd rather spend the calories on food, thank you very much!
Re: Do You Tell People?
11 Jun 2013, 15:40
I have discussed it with open minded people and my kids and husband know (hmmm does that suggest they aren't open minded lol, I hope not).

When I did start to mention it to said open minded people, I found out about others doing it too.

Re: Do You Tell People?
11 Jun 2013, 15:52
I've told my family & friends.. In fact my Mum started before me & my sister has just started! I've only had one negative comment from a colleague at work who refers to 5:2 as 'a stupid, bloody ridiculous diet'!! She has never had a weight problem & totally disses the health benefits but heyho!! I've not mentioned that I've added in 16:8.. Only hubby knows that part and he's also doing 16:8.
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