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Re: Do You Tell People?
24 Jun 2013, 02:24
MaryAnn wrote: I've wimped out so far on telling my family, partly because no one has commented on my weight loss ( they've not seen me in two years, and compared to then I probably haven't lost that much. And both of my sisters have coincidentally lost a lot recently--one of them nearly 50lbs! Anyway...I'll have to come out with it at some point since I'm going to try to fast on Sunday. The upside: I think a fast will be easy here. All the meals I've had here so far have been really healthy.

I finally told my mom and luckily she didn't freak out. I promised to send her a link to the horizon show.
Re: Do You Tell People?
24 Jun 2013, 08:28
Hi all I've only told my sister and coz of calorie counting (2days) she doesn't fancy it : told my hubby I'm calorie counting (well I am for 3days for a week) don't think he's ready for the F word yet.
But now its starting to become very obvious, and I'll say health/plan:-) calorie reduction, there's always someone who looks down on you when something is working for you and considering my size + bmi I think they should be pleased that you've''found'' the motivation to do it so for now I won't be telling Her.
My hubby is very supportive but has noticed me skipping breakfast + then so confession time is looming, and this last week has said to me it's working for you and beginning to show, I am really pleased with All results so far but for now it's my ''secret'' :heart: :like: Sue
Re: Do You Tell People?
24 Jun 2013, 08:44
I tried to talk about it to other people than my partner and my parents. My partner is happy with it because he can see how much better I feel since I bagan and my parents are very supportive because they see it works but with other people, it's another story.

The only other person with who I have a real conversation about it is a friend of mine I have since high school and who says "it seems really tough" which I understand, we talk about it, a lot and she doesn't judge, which is great.

With other people, it's the endless talk about "you'll starve yourself, become anorexic" and it's crazy, really. At the beginnong I tried to explain but it comes a point where you realise that for your own sanity you must stop talking about it.
Re: Do You Tell People?
24 Jun 2013, 09:10
I have told my husband and daughter and they are so supportive, it's great. I have also told my staff who I work closely with as they picked up on the fact I wasn't eating lunches etc and looked skinny so quickly! Interesting that I haven't said anything to close friends as I want them to notice and bring up the subject rather than the other way round. Silly? Maybe, not sure really.

People are amazed about the 2 days thinking about calories and then the rest of the week eating normally (although as other members have said, you do end up eating differently anyway!)
Re: Do You Tell People?
24 Jun 2013, 09:52
I outed myself when the program aired here on TV - emailed telling everyone to watch and put Horizon link on FB 'for anyone interested'. Very soon I had a stack of people doing it - some I don't talk to about it - my Bro I do, him and his wife are bordering on goal weight. Clients who saw the show are doing it and one is the lightest he's been for I think he said 20 years and loves it. Another friend stopped, cos she was bingeing, another has lost 5kg & says it doesn't work ;>)- plateau - his daughter-in-law saw me yesterday and thinks I look great, she is giving it another go, with some tips from me...and yet another emailed today saying she is starting and asking for tips, oh yeah and another client/friend saw me and is now starting...AND another one is thinking about it! So yes I tell some people, but if they don't seem interested I brush over it, if someone comments on how much weight I have lost, I tell them. I have some friends who are struggling with weight loss but don't seem to be able to get their mind around it...yet. But really the best way to convince anyone is to show them success. I wish the best for them and I know it isn't difficult, so hopefully the ones who really need it will do it and help their health
Re: Do You Tell People?
24 Jun 2013, 10:06
Even when the results are visibles, there are always people who says hurtfull things I won't repeat here. Let's just say that some people thinks it's a dumb thing to do, that I will stop eating or binge. I think the best thing to do is to have an intelligent conversation with intelligent people and leave the other onee who will always find something nasty to say even if you show them positive results.
Re: Do You Tell People?
24 Jun 2013, 10:17
Do u think it's not the French way? one of my French friends was interested but she is not overweight so wasn't interested that much
Re: Do You Tell People?
24 Jun 2013, 10:21
I don't think it's the French way, I think it's the closed mind way or "the ones who think they know better" way and I that kind of people are from all over the world, unfortunately
Re: Do You Tell People?
24 Jun 2013, 14:22
I've told three people so far, one of whome is currently following this WoE and quite enthousiastic. One is considering it and the third one had me explain the 'diet' in great detail, followed by a great big sigh and then she said 'I don't think I could do that. I've had no comments so far and I don't intend to discuss it with anyone. If people turn out to be interested, I'll give them a link to the Horizon programme and to this forum. As TML said (maybe in another thread) I don't want to jinx it and I can do without negative feedback from anyone. I think many other people with weight problems do not want to see overweight 'colleagues succeed. For what it's worth (or perhaps isn't). :clover:
Re: Do You Tell People?
24 Jun 2013, 19:59
I still haven't told anyone besides my husband. We are going to visit my parents next week, but we aren't driving down there until Thursday and we're coming back on Sunday. Since my fast days are Mondays and Thursday, the only potential issue is on Thursday and I figure as long as we don't get there too early, we can just have a 500 calorie dinner with my parents and they will be none-the-wiser.
Re: Do You Tell People?
24 Jun 2013, 20:56
Thank you manderlay and there's plenty of those close minded people in all walks of life!! So when they do notice I shall talk calorie counting which it kind of is ( 3days per week anyway) But for now I've just got a little extra room in all my clothing now, sewing machine has been out already on trousers + skirts.
When all said + done its our own business :clover: Sue
Re: Do You Tell People?
25 Jun 2013, 01:46
I've told people at work once they asked what I was doing to lose weight. After about a month, they asked, then one girl asked for information and I emailed her links to this site and to Dr. Mosley's documentary. She started it, and then another person asked and another and another, and now I think there are five or six nurses in my department besides myself who are doing it.

I'm surprised how hard some of them are finding it. I have decided that this is like anything else - you have to be ready to adopt a new way of life and be dedicated and it has to be a good 'fit' for you. I'm finding this woe the best thing I've ever done for myself - hubby is struggling.

So. Yes. I've told people. I answer questions if they ask. But I don't "wax poetic" as someone here aptly said. And I understand why some people would be nervous/concerned about the idea of 'fasting'.

If it's working for you, I suggest that you don't be afraid to share with those who ask/genuinely want to know/you feel comfortable telling - but don't feel obliged to explain to those who don't inquire.

Just my .02. :)
Re: Do You Tell People?
25 Jun 2013, 02:14
only as necessary, tried so many before and failed, trying to consider this a life time way of eating
Re: Do You Tell People?
25 Jun 2013, 10:30
Sue, I am learning to stop caring what these idiots say. I seem to recognize pretty quickly now who I can talk about it and who I can't. My best friend, who is a man, was a bit worried at the beginning, because he had all the clichés in mind but he trusted me enough to not tell me that I was wrong to try it.

Now as he sees how proud I am of myself, how much more confident I am, he still is a bit concerned, as we all are when we love somebody, but he is happy for me. He just reminds me from time to time to not ge overboard...
Re: Do You Tell People?
25 Jun 2013, 12:09
Hi manderlay you've hit the nail on the head ''Proud + Confident'' that's exactly how I'm beginning to feel. My main problem is myself absolutely No One in my life knows how much I weigh, I've always been bit ashamed to admit it so my hubby knows this and won't ask, But he is yery supportive + even he can tell now, but Sometime soon I'm going to confess all to him at least. If someone asks who I feel needs help then I will quietly give them details :clover: Sue
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