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Re: Do You Tell People?
25 Jun 2013, 12:29
To tell you the truth, I didn't go on a scale for more than 5 years. Even with my GP it was impossible. Nobody, not even me, knew how much I weighted. I still don't say it because it's nobody's business and, as I don't ask people their weight, I expect that nobody will ask me.

For now I found a compromise, going on a scale once a month but just for me. Even when I will have reached my goal, nobody will now how much I weight
Re: Do You Tell People?
25 Jun 2013, 14:47
My hubby & kids (18 & 20) know but I'm not telling my Mum. She thinks I'm mad as it is!!
Re: Do You Tell People?
25 Jun 2013, 15:54
Hi if you tell someone you're on a diet then they're waiting for you to fail
and like someone else said don't want it jinxed. But truly think the F word would freek most people out, so with me its calorie control, well I'm not lying am I now + yes madness as well LOL we know were sane (ish) :clover: Sue
Re: Do You Tell People?
26 Jun 2013, 12:36
I've not told anyone other then the 3-4 I regularly have lunch with because one of them started me on this WOL through his own success with it.

Though my wife knows I'm doing "5 2 something..." and must by now have noticed a difference, she hasn't asked and I haven't said anything. Gonna breech that gap one of these days.
Re: Do You Tell People?
26 Jun 2013, 13:02
I happened to say to my Mum that my daughter occasionally is so wrapped up in what she is doing that she forgets to eat. (She is 20 and has a healthy appetite). Mum says " oooh she shouldn't do that , its bad for her". So I definitely will not be telling her!
Re: Do You Tell People?
25 Aug 2013, 21:39
I just tell people I eat about 300 to 400 cals less a day, on average... :wink:
Re: Do You Tell People?
26 Aug 2013, 05:43
Nope haven't told a soul, and as we both work hubby doesn't even know 4 months on!
Re: Do You Tell People?
26 Aug 2013, 08:14
Now,as I already lost a lot of weight, I begin to tell people around me because they asking a lot more questions. It's easier now because I have nothing to prove anymore, the results are here.

My best friends are divided about it. My female best friend will try it after her operation next month. My male best friend, on the other hand, wouldn't try it because he just can't miss a meal without feeling sick :razz:
Re: Do You Tell People?
26 Aug 2013, 08:24
I was at a BBQ at my sister's home at the weekend, and I mentioned that I was trying to watch my eating (I had to justify why I wasn't having my usual massive portion of food). The conversation turned to methods of weight loss, so I explained that I am doing 5:2. My sister and BIL said that they had considered doing this themselves, but were not convinced by it. So I explained what I know about it and suggested they download the book (which they have now done).
They are now planning to start next week!
Re: Do You Tell People?
26 Aug 2013, 08:38
Now that I have 'lost the weight' I tell strangers who comment on how slim I am. Was buying some clothes yesterday @ the arty market and Grandma of the sellers was there, commenting on how slim I was - told her about 5:2 - she was motivated and off to look it up. In fact it's easier now since people can see it works.
Re: Do You Tell People?
26 Aug 2013, 09:25
I told my closest friends and siblings. DH and DD know of course, but I will never tell my mom and dad. They will give me an earful...
Re: Do You Tell People?
26 Aug 2013, 11:34
I've told and tell everyone and his brother. Making a "public" committment makes you accountable and increases motivation. Most people have already heard about 5:2, and quite a few around me and my girlfriend have joined in and others are thinking about it.

I do similar things with my exercise, Runkeeper posts my running and rowing sessions to Facebook, as well as my weight and fat percent. I'm sure many of my FB "friends" thinks it's a bit nutty to post your weight, training and fitness level like this, and maybe it is. But it works, I run a little longer, works a little bit harder because of it. And I definately would find it embarrassing to actually start gaining weight.
Re: Do You Tell People?
26 Aug 2013, 14:17
I have only told my hubby for now with the hopes to do it together and support each other but that didn't work. He is happy to see that I am doing something about my health and weight but he wants to wait at least 2 months to "approve" this method so I can't imagine having to explain 5:2 to other people. Will see when I start losing weight (I started last week). I may tell my mom and my brother when I see them in December since last time they came to visit, they were very critical about my weight, I know they care about me but they are so not diplomatic. My mom wants to lose weight so I hope to surprise her and inspire her.
Re: Do You Tell People?
26 Aug 2013, 16:09
SO and I are doing it together; four months on thus far. We weren't going to tell anyone until the results began to become obvious. I told my brother, who inadvertently blabbed it to my mum. Now her and step-dad are on it. Mum's lost over 6kg.
Now that people are noticing and we see that 5:2 works, we have told friends and neighbors. Some jump on board, while others don't.
Re: Do You Tell People?
26 Aug 2013, 17:04
I have replaced "fast day" with "lean day" when telling anyone about this. As in, 2 days a week, I eat extra lean, only some lean protein and vegetables, and maybe a piece of fruit, and the other days I eat regularly.

Actually, I call it "lean day" in my head too. I like the positive reinforcement.

I don't get any static from anyone when I describe it that way. If they're really interested I'll refer them to this website.
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