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Re: Do You Tell People?
15 Jun 2013, 01:18
I only don't tell people I dislike. :)
Re: Do You Tell People?
15 Jun 2013, 02:42
I tell absolutely everybody even if they dont seem to care.

I even tell clients in my business meetings, which i know sounds unprofessional but most women are interested in the subject.

Once i tell them and they show some interest then I really get into all the details and if they look like they need to lose weight I try to convert them.. So far 3! though one stopped but i will try again.

I tell them i can now fit into jeans and skirts that i couldnt before which seems to be more appealing that just x kilos lost

Happy to 5:2 and 4:3 evangalise. If I improve the health and happiness of people I meet in life all the better.
Re: Do You Tell People?
15 Jun 2013, 05:12
I tell people freely because it is such a great WOE but the last person (not without reason, mind you) to whom I said "you should try it" there was a pregnant and uncomfortable pause ... So I thought mmmmmmm maybe that wasn't received well or tactful of me.

So rather than telling everyone I think I actually need a new line so I wouldn't mind some help from the forum. Don't want to upset people but do want to tell :)
Re: Do You Tell People?
15 Jun 2013, 06:37
"You should try it" is a piece of unsolicited advice that may not go down well, but talking about the benefits beyond weight loss should be enough to persuade, if that's what you want to do. I think that one of the surprising, and liberating, things about 5 2 is that it gives permission to skip meals. The idea that not every meal needs to be present and accounted for is a powerful one.
Re: Do You Tell People?
15 Jun 2013, 06:46
I've wimped out so far on telling my family, partly because no one has commented on my weight loss ( they've not seen me in two years, and compared to then I probably haven't lost that much. And both of my sisters have coincidentally lost a lot recently--one of them nearly 50lbs! Anyway...I'll have to come out with it at some point since I'm going to try to fast on Sunday. The upside: I think a fast will be easy here. All the meals I've had here so far have been really healthy.
Re: Do You Tell People?
15 Jun 2013, 06:49
I tell everyone that my weight loss is due to 5:2, and if they express interest, I give them the link to this forum. I have never appreciated anyone 'preaching' to me about weight loss so would not do it myself, but if someone wants to know, I tell them all about 5:2 and how fabulously it works for me! :grin:
Re: Do You Tell People?
15 Jun 2013, 08:38
I tell absolutely everyone about 5:2 & my weight loss - can't help it - even strangers in shops. Think I'm a bit obsessed but its made me feel so much better health wise. Most are supportive but if I had a pound for every time someone's said

"oh I couldn't fast or skip meals" - I'd be a rich lady :wink:
Re: Do You Tell People?
17 Jun 2013, 08:52
Scotty wrote: I tell absolutely everyone about 5:2 & my weight loss - can't help it - even strangers in shops. Think I'm a bit obsessed but its made me feel so much better health wise. Most are supportive but if I had a pound for every time someone's said

"oh I couldn't fast or skip meals" - I'd be a rich lady :wink:

same! I guess if we all stand back and look at it, skipping meals you could say is actually "radical" We all probably dont think so now as it comes so natural and generally speaking is easy. I guess too, the nutritionist always took of 3 balanced meal a day (every day)

But i guess ive always considered myself radical. So dont care as long as it works (which it clearly does) as putting on a skirt that i bought 10 years ago is good enough proof for me.
Re: Do You Tell People?
18 Jun 2013, 01:20
I have only told my brother, and only because i've been to his house on a few fast days around lunchtime and refused lunch.

Havent even told my fiance - we still eat a normal dinner together, so it hasnt affected him at all, so i dont see the point of telling him im on 'another diet'.

The fact that this WOE is so versatile and I can work it around my social schedule means nobody really has to know ;)

Once i've lost a substancial amount and if people ask me how, I will happily tell them to look up this forum :)
Re: Do You Tell People?
18 Jun 2013, 02:01
I haven't told too many people, unless they ask what I'm doing or I have to explain why I'm not eating that day - but that I will eat the next day. I didn't want to tell my mom because I thought she'd freak out (she thinks I'm still a little kid, not a 45 year old woman!), but when I sort of told her (I just said I skip meals, which is kind of true), I reassured her that my doctor cleared this, that he didn't think I needed 3-5 meals per day and, and I also reassured her that I felt fine.

I'd REALLY like to tell everyone at work, especially those struggling to lose weight; however, I doubt they'd think this was something sustainable. It seems like in the US people believe they MUST eat all day no matter what, that fasting is dangerous and impossible for everyone (when they've never tried it or discussed with their doctor), or they only believe in "juice cleansing" (which is even more extreme than 5:2) so I don't bother...
Re: Do You Tell People?
18 Jun 2013, 02:58
I only really speak to my sister about it, as she was the one that got me on it.

I was doing this 5:2 with a friend at work, but she isnt very good at it and has more or less stopped doing it. She keeps talking to me about how it's putting my body into starvation mode and my metabolism is slowing down and thats why I shouldn't be doing it.

(I mainly do a 5:2, I have done a 4:3 when i have pigged out all weekend. Ive lost a stone in weight over 10 weeks, I don't really think that is extreme.)
Re: Do You Tell People?
18 Jun 2013, 04:00
I tell some of the people; some of the time. I definitely don't broadcast it on FB or anything like that. If asked how I have lost, depending on the person asking and my mood at the time...I might say anything from "the usual way, eating less and moving more" to a full out detailed description of IF, ADF, 4:3, 5:2, etc.

You can tell by their response to a vague answer whether they genuinely care and want to know more. I'm not opposed to telling people. It's just that after 15 months I've had enough of the "I could never do that" type responses and/or the advice that I should just try calorie counting or Weight Watchers. Do people really think most of us who are challenged in this area haven't already tried those things?!
Re: Do You Tell People?
19 Jun 2013, 02:40
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
Scotty wrote: I tell absolutely everyone about 5:2 & my weight loss - can't help it - even strangers in shops. Think I'm a bit obsessed but its made me feel so much better health wise. Most are supportive but if I had a pound for every time someone's said

"oh I couldn't fast or skip meals" - I'd be a rich lady :wink:

same! I guess if we all stand back and look at it, skipping meals you could say is actually "radical" We all probably dont think so now as it comes so natural and generally speaking is easy. I guess too, the nutritionist always took of 3 balanced meal a day (every day)

But i guess ive always considered myself radical. So dont care as long as it works (which it clearly does) as putting on a skirt that i bought 10 years ago is good enough proof for me.

Juliana and Scotty - Well said! Had to chime in to say that I agree 100% with both of you. I truly think more people with weight to lose should at least try this (after checking with their physician of course), especially if obese. I'm the first to admit - not every fast day is easy, but I've come to learn that I can do this (which is VERY empowering). I now have an insight into my hunger/appetite that I NEVER had before. I'm doing this with my doctor's support AND with great results, so it's all worth it! I can't decide which I love more - being able to fit into the clothes I couldn't wear last year OR the great feeling the morning after a successful fast! :lol:
Re: Do You Tell People?
19 Jun 2013, 03:19
I've only told so far my husband and college age daughter. My husband has noticed my weight loss, and is loving my new found energy!

I was able to get into a pair of jeans that I haven't worn in two years, yeah! I tried on shorts that I wore last summer and it was way too big :cool: . I'm so looking forward to a whole new wardrobe!

Love the 5:2 way of life, love the flexibility it gives me :like: :like:
Re: Do You Tell People?
19 Jun 2013, 22:08
My wife and I are both about two 1/2 months into a 5/2 schedule and both like the effects we're experiencing. I don't generally tell people about the diet as I'm waiting until my mass change is noticed. My wife, on the other hand is a practicing dentist who has told everyone about the plan, no mater what size they are. I have asked her to tone it down a bit as some are possibly offended that the subject is raised, them assuming she is a normal sized person wanting them to loose weight. She is careful to explain the other benefits such as blood pressure, blood sugar and the others but she is really gung-ho and in to making all her patients healthy. She has found other 5/2 dieters by raising the subject who appreciate a peer in the plan.
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