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Re: 5:2 + 16:8
06 Jun 2013, 12:06
I thought it was ok to have a splash of milk.i drink it black and you do get used to it.
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
06 Jun 2013, 14:55
I ate within my 16:8 window yesterday but went over on my calories :( I fasted on Tuesday with 16:8 and stayed at 350 calories so my average calories for the two days was 1250. Today is another fast day with 16:8 and I'm going to try to keep it even lower than 350 to offset my overeating yesterday!

I entered my data on the tracker but I didn't find my TDEE so I used another website to figure it out. Thanks for your help :)
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
06 Jun 2013, 23:14
Hello, may I join in.

I'm going to start using the 16:8 to try and get me out of this rut. I call it a rut and not a plateau as I know it because I've been over indulging too much on non fast days, and weekends particularly. I have 7 weeks until I go on holiday and I would love to lose another 10-14 lbs by then.

I pretty much had a 8 hour window today, at least I did with food, but then I forgot and had milk in my tea later. Fast day tomorrow and then I'll stick to 16:8 over the weekend. Hopefully.
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 01:37
Hi Red Door - We are in the same boat! I also find myself over indulging on the non fast days and especially on weekends. I have gained 10 pounds two weekends in a row now and although the weight does come back off after a few fast days, something has to change!

Yesterday was my first 16:8 day on a non fast day and I still managed to go over on my calories :( I know some people say that they have a difficult time consuming all of their calories in an 8 hour window but for me it's not a problem getting them all in and then some! I'm trying to do 16:8 7 days a week and hopefully very soon I'll gain control over my splurges on feast days and learn to eat within my calorie limit.
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 06:40
Couldn't wait to tell you all!!! just saw that flying pig go by...... 9st 13lb this morning. I know I said it the other day but I was joking :lol: funny, because I was 10st 2lb when I went to bed last night! Must have been an active night :grin: Keep going 5:2 16:8ers. Thanks to Ballerina, Amberenchanted and you all for your encouragement and support :like: :victory:

I am way heying this weekend starting tonight. Will have a salad for lunch. Have a good day all :smile: x
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 06:42
Welcome Red Door and all the other new 5:2 16:8ers. Keep the faith
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 06:47
U were up early Wendy darling! Great news. Have a great day :victory:
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 07:19
Morning! Yesterday was my first 16.8 alongside 5:2~ due to very warm weather (yes in the UK!!) and various appts that involved me walking 5 mikes during the day I didn't have very much food at all, some lunch and a sandwich for tea with soo much water. Anyway, my question is... Is it ok to do 16:8 some days but not all? I'm starving now and need to eat but tomorrow can easily be 16:8?? On the plus side I weighed and I was 11.9.2 yesterday and I'm now 11st 8.4 today! X
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 08:10
I have read some of the 16:8 posts and I promise I will read through them properly but can someone tell me if there is a calories target for 16:8? I have seen a few references to going over and wonder what that target is based on. I am referring to Non-Fast days btw.
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 08:26
I am new to this but the book seems to indicate eating normally in the 8 hour window so I am assuming eating to ones TDEE & on fast days up to 500 calories for females & 600 for males.
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 08:33
Hi Isis
That was what I assumed too, the danger of skim reading through posts as I did was you pick up key words and focus on them. Still it looks like a good idea, I wonder if a splash of milk in my morning cuppa counts as the start of the eating window ?
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 08:40
It is well worth reading the whole post but SianS i am trying to be under my TDEE on feed days and to achieve the fasting window without calories in the time of the fast period eg 16 hours. Ballerina as you will read in all the posts actually reduces her eating vwindow to less than 8 hours which in turn extends the fast. She doesn't count calories.

I can only give you my take and that is I eat healthily moderate amounts but restrict myself to 5:2 + 16:8 on 2 day a week. So that is a double fast really of 36 hours. I can tell you it is for me so far either a cruise day or I have a severe headache. I find though I prefer 2 small meals on my 5:2 fast day and the stretch from waking to 1pm after 5:2 is hard yakka.

I am doing this to find what suits me, gets me out of my stall and take me to my healthy BMI goal loss onwards to maintenance formula. That is the plan
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 08:54
Hi SianS
I'm sure that somewhere in all the info Ballerina said that she had been looking at some of the other fasting sites and that it was considered that a splash of milk was OK. That as long as you keep the calories to under 50 you wont undo your good work. She doesn't do it herself as she has got used to drinking it without.
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 08:59
Well done Wendy Darling - I am really happy for you! Great to hear 16:8 helps 5:2 along.

I am doing 16:8 today after fasting yesterday - and I am SOOOO hungry! Can't believe it's only 10 am :-( I do insist on having milk in my coffee, but I am going without sugar, which I don't normally do on feed days. I think I'm going to do a big roast chicken for dinner, with extra potatoes (I coat them in semolina before putting them in hot oil - they are AWESOME if I say so myself). It's a Friday tradition and it makes my kids happy. Makes Mommy happy too, especially if Daddy is pouring a chilled Sauvignon Blanc at the same time :-).

So far I haven't ever worried about counting calories or staying within my TDEE on days I'm not fasting. To me, that would defeat the whole point of doing 16:8 - if I was going to count calories I might as well eat them whenever I want. I can't sustain a diet where I have to count calories, but I can (or believe I can) sustain one that simply requires me to look at my watch. I believe (and Ballerina's experience seems to bear this out) that restricting the eating window ultimately reduces your appetite and naturally restricts the calories you consume. You may do some short-term bingeing but it balances out and then some over time. That's my theory - I hope it's right!

Have a good day everyone!
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 09:24
Yeah, I think that after awhile you just get used to ignoring the hungry feeling and lose the tendency to snack. I really wanted to get out of the habit of counting food as I seem to have spent most of my life counting something be it calories, carbs or various units!

I'm just doing the 16:8. I find the fast days make me too hungry and I feel generally off colour all the time on 5:2 so I'm more likely to go off the rails. 16:8 with treats saved for weekends is manageable. As someone said on another thread, we are supposed to be looking at a way of improving the quality of our lives so really it shouldn't matter if weight loss is slow. The problem with the various commercial plans is that people see them as a fix with an end point. This has to be a WOL.
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