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Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 09:39
Absolutely Miffy, hope just 18:6 works ok for you, as mummybunny said, it's so easy to lose weight just by looking at your watch. It doesn't matter that its slow (the weight loss, not the watch!)

Thank you Mummybunny, I am hungry too but nothing I can't handle with a few cups of green tea. I am gong to have a HUGE salad with prawns for lunch then curry tonight with a few glasses of red and maybe even some chocolate :like: Your potatoes sound awesome, going to try those on Sunday which is our traditional roast day. I agree 100% that its so easy if all you have to do is eat by the clock. I hope it works out for you. It's so good to experiment, see what transpires, then change it a bit if necessary. I was so pleased this morning to log that new weight into True Weight. My true weight still says 10st1lb but that's ok. It's all gone back into the green now.

Hi Amberenchanted, the suspense was killing me, I had to get up and weigh, then share my good fortune, hoping that it will spur you all on :smile: are you having a way hey weekend? :lol:
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 09:49
I'm off for a WAYHAY holiday soon so woohoo and let the good times roll!
I think it will be a sort of 16/8 as OH expressed a deep desire that I didn't 5:2 whilst away (a bit grumpy possibly :0)) but there may be the odd cream tea as it would be rude not to when in Dorset.
I may try not to eat until noon but if a lovely cafe latte should come my way, well, thank you kindly!
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 09:52
I'm tempted to try this and incorporate it into my 5:2 wol but just scared I might be tempted to over eat and cram it all in in those eight hours!!
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 10:26
Hi Mizo
1 week in I am very pleased with how 5:2 and 16:8 can dovetail. Now one week of it under my belt I realise when ballerina said try 18:6 by itself first. I suppose it was advice to get used to 18:6 in its own right.

Anyway the week has been good overall and it is extremely doable. I like it and I can assure you the eating window just flies, as Wendy and everyone will probably onfirm as well.

Hey the good thing is you can just give it a go for a week and see how you go. My results are my weight is right on target gain :)
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 10:41
Thanks gillymary that's encouraging to hear! I might try it for a week and see, then carry on with 5:2 and 16:8 after that.

I just fear the weekends maybe a different story...!!
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 12:31
Gillymary is right, the eating window flies by if you can keep busy. I thought I would struggle today as I had to get up very early for an appointment but I got stuck into the various jobs that needed doing and a couple of black coffees saw me through quite easily.

Weekends seem less of a problem now. Maybe its the relaxed attitude of knowing I can eat things if I want to so that means they are no longer a forbidden fruit. Theres nothing like having someone tell you not to eat something for triggering an immediate craving! :lol: I know that now,even if I think I've binged, if I add it all up on MFS I find I haven't really gone over my TDEE. I seem to be more easily satisfied.

You need to give it a few weeks to really settle in and work out what suits you and your lifestyle. A lot of the problems people come up against seem to be down to wanting fast results and its not really about that. Its primarily a plan for on-going health and the weight loss was actually a bonus side effect. :smile:
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 13:15
Hi miffy49, I was thinking earlier that I could probably manage it, I'd quite easily wait until 1pm and then that gives me until 8pm on weekdays and should also be fine on weekends thinking about it but often if we go out for meals, bbq's etc eating normally goes on til later not to mention drinking! But then I can be flexible on weekends.

You're right about the craving when someone says you can't have something you immediately want it!! :)

Thanks for the tip, I'm hoping by incorporating daily excercise I should start seeing better results!
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 13:37
Hi Mizzo
I am planning to be relaxed with my weekends and eat freely. I don't usually overheat and also like to catch up on my nutrients I feel I may have missed like some fruit, yoghurt. think I will do up a big slow cooker casserole lots of veggies, turkey not sure what sauce yet.
Ready then to return to fasting Monday not feeling deprived. We will see

All the best with what you decide.and miffy you are so right about forbidden fruit
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 14:01
Thanks gillymary enjoy your weekend! :)
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 16:42
Opinions please - Is the book by Zinczenko worth getting?
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 18:21
I'm reading it at the moment. Keep dipping into it. It mentions doing 8 mins of exercise before u start yr eating window, or was it when u get up? Sorry it's on my kindle so have to wade through if I want to find it. This is to kick start the metabolism and could even be a short walk of 8 mins. It also says you should incorporate 8 PowerBooks but I sort of skimmed past that as I know I won't eat them. I'd recommend it, if only for motivation. Also says you only need to do this 3 times a week to lose weight.

Wendy darling, got eldest lad and girlfriend coming over to join us all for Chinese takeaway so yes, survey weekend and fasting Sunday now :) Shelley x
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 18:22
Survey weekend??? Isn't the kindle predictive text great. Meant weyhey!!!
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 18:31
I opened my window at 1:30 and had a huge prawn salad. Chai all afternoon, curry with a little rice and salad for dinner. Am foregoing the wine tonight just because I'm not that fussed :bugeyes: have got some chocolate for later and might even have a G&T. Here, get this...... I might even keep the window open a bit later than 9:30 seeing as its Friday :lol: just off to bake some bread for the weekend now.

Have a lovely meal Shelley. Weyhey to you and Azureblue too :grin: x
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 19:00
Thanks Amber,
I'll maybe download the book, I have a lot of time on trains in the next few weeks,
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
07 Jun 2013, 19:41
hi sians. just seen you are in kent. I know kent is a big place but wondered whether you were near me, whos near sunny old margate, or north kent like chatham??

sorry, just being nosey! shelley x
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