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Re: 5:2 + 16:8
03 Jun 2013, 11:24
I stuck with 16:8 all last week as it just seemed to fit in better with the things I had to do and with my mood in general. One thing I have noticed is that I seem to have lost that urge to overeat much better than with 5:2.

I did struggle with 5:2. Even though I managed the fasts I used to dread that the next day was fast day and seemed to have to fight off the urge to eat while I could. Then the day after the fast I would be OK forst thing, but as soon as food hit my lips I just wanted to go crazy and eat forever. It seemed to be a constant battle to be sensible and thats not what the plan is about is it?

By the end of the week doing just 16:8 all that seemed to have gone. I had a treat of icecream for dessert on Saturday and Sunday but didn't feel that I was going out of control on the sugar and this morning I find I can happily postpone my first meal while I get busy with the house stuff.

Thanks for all the advice Ballerina. I think you've helped me sort out a way to make it work!
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
03 Jun 2013, 11:45
I am finding this thread most interesting & on a couple of days have accidentally been 16:8ing without realising it had a name! But I am wondering about TDEE should that still be eaten during the 8 hour eating window?
I would like to give my weight loss a pep up & because I am an owl I find that my digestive system takes time to wake up anyway so missing breakfast is no hardship. I do prefer milk in my morning coffee though :frown: & I think my weekends will also be wa hey ones.
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
03 Jun 2013, 13:17
Isis wrote: But I am wondering about TDEE should that still be eaten during the 8 hour eating window?

Hmmmm, I was wondering the same thing Isis - if I 16:8 I'm not sure I'll be eating my TDEE & that is the whole idea of 5:2
Not too sure what to think of that :confused:

Feedback please peeps
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
03 Jun 2013, 17:43
As I don't count calories, although I am calorie aware, I never worry much as long as I stick to my window. That said, there are days when I'm naturally not very hungry and other days when I could eat a scabby dog and then have his mate on toast so, for me it varies but then I just go with what my system wants. I obviously eat and drink less than I did before I started 5:2 but I WANT to eat and drink less now because it feels right, it is no hardship. If I was to eat like I used to then I would start to get as heavy again as I was, so, no point in that, is there?

I always point out that 16/8 is not for everyone,my husband really cannot understand how anyone can NOT have breakfast, he thinks I'm a strange cove and he could never do it, but, that said, he is about 3 or 4 st overweight. I rest my case m'lord!

Nothing is set in stone, nothing is guaranteed. It is all a matter of trial and error, go with your gut instincts, pun intended, and them modify it if needed.

Good luck,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
03 Jun 2013, 19:18
Hi Ballerina, Wendy, Miffy and all.

After reading all of your thinking and experience with 16:8, I am going to do the 5:2+16:8+way hey! this week. Today's a fast day--not sure which day this week will be my next one. I walked 2.5 miles + 45 min. zumba today and will do another zumba tonight, so I'll see how I feel--whether it wipes me out too much or not on a fast day. I do the saome on Thursdays so I'll see whether to plan my fast for then, or not. :confused:

Very jealous of your holiday in France, ballerina--I'll just have to enjoy it vicariously! :wink:
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
03 Jun 2013, 19:58
Thank you Bordergirl,

I will try and keep logging on in spite of sitting in the sun, drinking wine and cooling off in the pool as I cannot imagine not being an active part of this forum for long.

I hope your week goes well, I shall be thinking of you all,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
03 Jun 2013, 20:05
Lol Bordergirl, I like it. I am going to do 5:2 + 16:8 + way hey too :lol: I did 5:2 today.

What a brilliant, informative, hilarious thread this has turned out to be :smile:
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
03 Jun 2013, 21:18
Hi there - I'm new to all this and started the 5:2 three weeks ago - but for half term was in Paris (sorry another France trip) so it all went out of the window. Today though I've done the 5:2 to get back into it and am defo going to to the 16:8 on the other days....

I was wondering though - does anyone else have major weight gain before they're due on? I became really despondent when I weighed myself this morning and it's as if I'd not had the previous 2 weeks of the 5:2 under my belt, before my bad week last my weight was back to where it was 3 wks ago...(I came on today too)...

Just thought I'd ask.....Anyway really find this thread useful and I'm determined to stick to this as I've got a good stone to lose and I'll be happy once again....
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
03 Jun 2013, 22:08
Well, I'm past all that now but in my youth I could easily gain 7lbs plus the week before a period. Wait a few days before you weigh in again.
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
03 Jun 2013, 22:28
I'm with Miffy49--I'm past it, but used to vary wildly with time of month. I wonder what they do on Biggest Loser? Do all the women take something that suppresses hormone swings and fluid retention?
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
03 Jun 2013, 23:11
gillymary wrote: Hi Ally I am pretty much doing same as you

Well day one is about done, and apart from being so hungry that I broke my fast an hour earlier than the the plan today went well for me. Having just completed 6x36hour fluids it is lovely to get back to those small but precious morsels of food on a fast day. With this I am constrained by time. Anyway here is hoping this way works for me. Came in under 500

How are all my other buddies going doing 5:2 +16:8, well I hope?

Hi xx
Well I finished my first week and lost 400 grams this week. Happy with that I have been on the 5:2 diet for 7 weeks now . I have lost 3.1 kg all together, however I was dieting a few weeks before that so I have actually lost 6.8 kg since I first started about 12 or 13 weeks ago , so to still be losing is good.
I still struggle with wanting to eat all the yummy foods on my normal eating days . I don't find I am eating better on this diet like other people , some days I do well other days I feel like I am almost over eating but I am still losing most weeks. It still surprises me when I lose weight after some days of not so 'healthy diet days ' and the fact that I don't have a lot to lose now.
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
03 Jun 2013, 23:43
After 3 weeks on 5:2 I realised that my eating habits got worse on feast days, especially the 2nd day after fast. I have a crave for stronger tastes, like salmon, peanut butter, really sweet stuff too. I have been experimenting with shortening my eating period, as I found on my fast days, If I eat enough at once, I don't get the cravings.
So here I came accross the 16:8 over the weekend, and I'm happy to give it officially a go.

My aim is to shorten the gap from 8 to 4 hours like ballerina is doing.
I felt in the past like miffy49 said in a post, you can fit quite alot of calories in in 8 hours.To loose the weight, initially you have to reduce calories too.

The reason why I started doing it was because after fast days, when I have breakfast, I felt so sleepy and tired. And I decided early breakfast is not for me...after a lifetime of believing it is the healthiest thing to do when it comes to food.

Lizziebing: MOST DEFFINATELY! I would say at least 700g. Emotionally best not to weigh then. :neutral:

I am in that position at the moment, where I don't weigh but keep working on doing the right things, and change the habits that cause a pitfall for me, like too many carbs, and rather eating protein first before carbs (ballerina suggested that too in one of her posts).

I want this to be a way of living for me and my family. So best to work on creating new habits. They say it takes 21 days doing something consistent, to create a new habit.

I love good food, that is NOT going to change. And I don't want it too, because we were given this great food, why shouldn't we enjoy it??
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
04 Jun 2013, 00:36
I used to be a big breakfast fan,waking up hungry and enjoying my cereal but then being starving by 11 am.since doing 5,2 I have been skipping breakfast occasionally on on fast days too and feel so much better....more energyn,less starving
I am reding the 8 hour diet and have decided this is the way to go,so will give it the 21 days to change the habit but will stick to two fasts a week til I have lost the weight.
Has anyone read the book?
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
04 Jun 2013, 07:25
Sarah what book links to this? Thanks.
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
04 Jun 2013, 09:50
:( Feeling sorry for myself as have a stubborn headache which has not moved with increased fluids, caffeine and foods. Hope it shifts with a good night sleep.

Have made good use of my eating window, :pig2: :pig2: it was so good after yesterday's fast and so nice to have another similar day to follow.

How is everyone else faring, Well I hope :?:
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