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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Minumonline wrote: Any time I put something on and its unflatteringly loose I take it straight round to the charity shop. Any favourite clothes that are starting to get baggy I wear frequently to get as much pleasure as possible from before I move them on. Starting to see some space in the wardrobe!

That's exactly what I'm doing...running out of bras now though!
I always used to put my too small clothes in the attic. No more though! I've just taken 5 pairs of fairly new size 16 trousers for alteration (cheaper than buying new!) and have put the rest out for charity.

If that doesn't motivate me to keep at this weight, I don't know what will!
I am really looking forward to having a get rid of day. I will do this when I have lost 5 more kilos. I dont when that will be though :?:
According to Murphy's Law, the minute you throw away something you will need it it again. So, IMO, never. I will just let them be.
BTW, please don't throw them away. I'm sure that there are people who need them...
I have been getting all too serious lately re health issues!!!
So this morning I got up early in the beautiful sunshine, and started to read many fantastic stories by the contributors on the Forum.
Well.....isn't everyone just so amazing? All the weight that has been lost this year? All the nice new clothes to be enjoyed now that summer is peeping round the corner? All the friendly chat from like-minded people encouraging one another?
I am loving my slimmer body, but it is the achievement of seeing just what is possible by the simplest of regime, i.e. 5:2. that is so amazing. The thought that me and my husband can truly clear out the wardrobes this time, knowing for certain the big clothes don't need to be kept 'just in case', or, as in the past, ' in all probability' , that they would be needed again.
My husband has been on my journey with me, and is doing incredibly well, having lost 8 inches from his waist, so the charity shops round our way are doing great- they all tell me that men's clothing is not brought in nearly as often as women's, well, they are having a bonanza now, as he has had to give away nice suits and shirts that he will NEVER need. I am still working my way down through the sizes that have accumulated over the years, but even I don't have clothes left from 40 years ago-- which will be the size I know I will be able to reach. So it will definitely be a totally new wardroble for me, hopefully by the autumn.
140lbs wrote: they all tell me that men's clothing is not brought in nearly as often as women's,

That's because the vast majority of men wear their things until they are utterly threadbare.

But, in keeping with the theme of the thread, I'm throwing out or altering my clothes as soon as they are too big. If I keep larger sizes around the house and I gain weight, it will be far too easy just to slip on something larger, instead of dealing immediately with losing weight.

I'm fortunate in that I have a stunning wardrobe full of classic clothing, 75% of which no longer fits me. Losing weight is like getting a whole new wardrobe at no extra cost.
That's the one!
I am hanging on to a few larger clothes because as a yo yo dieter, & I hope that by 5:2ing that will change to was a yo yo dieter, when I put weight back on I sadly had to buy new larger clothes again. So I am hedging my bets slightly but also it means when I have lost all my excess weight I will have an example of what size I used to wear. But lots of my clothes have gone to charity because when I tried them on they were an out of date style or just looked ridiculous & too big. I have however already bought new clothes two sizes smaller than I currently wear for the autumn because they were good quality & very cheap & I just liked them & they do give me something to aim for :lol:
Love clothes and improving my wardrobe. I move along my clothes regularly anyway if they don't fit well, aren't flattering, or don't work along with my existing wardrobe. i find I am buying less store clothes as I seek out tops - vintage and natural fabrics and have made some wonderful finds.

Thanks for planting the seed, as I have already started to pick out from my wardrobe what is too large and can be of use to someone else. Only on Saturday I popped into an Op Shop and found a lovely vintage jumper, with new buttons and some TLC it Is ready to wear with my jeans I had not been able to wear as were too tight.
Ah the benefits of 5:2 :heart: :heart: :heart:
All gone or going. I tried some "floaty" summer tops on at the weekend thinking I'd get away with it, but they made me look as if I was hiding a pregnancy or something, so they have to go too. I've kept one lovely, full length black coat that I've only worn a couple of times - if I get slim enough I think I'll be able to wear it next year with a wide belt. Maybe.

Actually, keeping other coats too, it's really nice to have lots of space in my waxed jacket for example. I'll be able to wear lots and lots of jumpers under it next winter!

Tried to shop for new tops at the weekend but failed miserably. Will need to try again, might have to brave Crawley............that shows true desperation, trust me!
It's sort of sad and confusing. I love my summer skirts but really they are too big. I always thought it was ok to wear something loose, but actually it just looks silly and makes me look fatter!

I need to find a good dressmaker!
Swedey you have a significant weight loss so I imagine you are at least a couple of sizes smaller so it is an opportunity
All the very best reinventing your wardrobe it can be fun and a stylist might be a good investment. it narrows down your search because you become a woman on a mission for what you know suits you best
While I was clearing out the too big stuff, I found a belt at the back of my drawer that I wore a lot about 20 years ago...I tried it on...umm, there's a LONG way to go before it will fit me again :-(. Leather can't shrink can it???
I started in Jan as well and have lost over 3 stone. I finally gave in last week and sorted out all my big stuff and put it in a charity bag. My trousers and jeans were so loose I was on the verge of embarrassing myself out in public and I was driving my wife up the wall constantly pulling my trousers up :-)
Still it was perfect timing as I am off on a cruise in two weeks so lots of new clothes that fit are in order. Oh wait, I mioght actually need those big clothes for when I get back :-)
carorees wrote: Leather can't shrink can it???

Sure it can. Just ask O.J. Simpson . . .
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