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I need to stop weighing myself!

I cannot help it, it is like a compulsion.

But my weight is all over the place, I can go down to 15 stone 5lbs..then up to 15 stone 10lb and anywhere in-between in a day it seems!

But I get all disappointed when I am 15 stone 10lbs, as that was my last weigh in value, then happy if I am down, then upset again when it goes up.

It is not doing me any good!

Anyone else a serial weigher?
Yes, morning and evening, but the morning results are put into Libra, an Android app that produces a trend line which points in the direction that things are changing despite all the noise of fluctuation. Other apps on other platforms are available, I find it invaluable for maintenance.
Me too but also use Libra. Invaluable for working out the trend. If you weigh daily, it's best to observe it rather than stress, easier said than done but otherwise it messes with your head & you'll end up comfort eating.
I am serial weigher too! I wish I didn't do it, but I can't help myself - it's like a compulsion! I then have the highs and lows emotionally when its good/bad. I try and behave myself but then end up unsure as to when is best to weigh? should I just do once a week the morning after a fast or after a regular eating day? all I know at the moment is I have definitely lost half a stone and am on my 6th fast today.
I chart only a Monday morning weigh in at the moment. I chart that one as it is after the weekend..and I do not fast on a weekend, so in my mind, if I have lost weight after 2 "feed" days, then it seems more real.!

Will check out that Libra app. Thanks. :like:
TBH, with the app, it makes the weighing quite fun...

See KenCC posts for annotated ones, I know I can quite clearly see the weekend with the takeaway. I also know I'm undereating this week, which is also helpful.
BBT053 wrote: TBH, with the app, it makes the weighing quite fun...

See KenCC posts for annotated ones, I know I can quite clearly see the weekend with the takeaway. I also know I'm undereating this week, which is also helpful.

thanks, i found the post about his logs...that was very interesting. So I have downloaded Libra, and will start adding my weight every morning starting tomorrow....will be interesting to see and will at least let me know I am on the right path.
kencc wrote: Weighing weekly is about the worst method because day-to-day weight fluctuations make it a lottery whether you are weighing high or low. Concentrate only on the trendline you get from Libra etc ... no need to get stressed about the daily fluctuations you inevitably get with 5:2.

Yes that make sense. And by concentrating on the trend line I know it will make me feel better and motivate me to keep going. As opposed to the " am I 4lbs heavier than yesterday! feel sad now, must have a dairy milk, this is not working" :grin:
I've read all the comments and now going to find out about libra. As I am also a serial weigher And I can see that I'm up and down all week and that hopefully it's on a down when I do my "official"Friday weigh in.
Weighing every morning (after loo and before coffee, lol, water is VERY heavy) and logging into a trend line is the best. Thank you again Kencc for posting about weighing and trend lines. I've been logging into libra for a bit over a month and when I saw the trend line heading UP :shock: I re-evaluated my eating/drinking and NEAT activities and have had a real boost in my weight loss with the result that my trend line is very sharply heading south. :)
I am a daily weigher and it is the only thing that kept me thin(ish) all my adult life.
No reason to weigh more than once in the morning within the day though, since everything that we eat and drink has its weight. 6 glasses of water weigh 3 pounds, for example.
Having said that, if one suspects that they retain water, there is a logic in weighing twice daily.
I used to be a daily weighed but decided not to weigh for the first 6 weeks of 5.2 and then was most disappointed
Anyway ,after all my reading here I am. Ow back to weighing and have noticed a few interesting things
Firstly weighing every day keeps me on me being honest about what I eat and I AM loosing when I stick to the diet
However ,I weigh twice a day and because I am doing 16.8 and 5.2 I notice that I weigh less at end of day but befire dinner then in the morning
What is my real weight? Am I eating too much at night?not happy
Me too. I know what a cup of coffee and my average stool weigh. I blame it on heavy clothes.
Most of the changes in weight are water weight. Your best estimate of your true weight is what the trendline's important to use an app like Libra if you weigh daily.
I weigh every morning before I get dressed and put it into the libra app. I use the weigh in the day after a fast as the one I rely on and then delete the ones on libra that are in between.

I have noticed that since starting 16:8 as well my morning weight fluctuations are much smaller or weight can even be the same as the day before and has even been less. And the good thing about the libra app is if you hit the - button to make the graph thinner that downward trend line is even steeper :)
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