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I can't use Libra. First time ever that I wish I didn't have an iPhone. I am beginning to believe that if I weigh every morning I can see the number bobbing around a bit and not get too upset about it.
There are similar apps for the iPhone! True weight and Monitor my weight are two of them. Plus calorie count offers a trendline option on your weigh ins if you use their website (the app doesn't seem to as yet though).
This is an interesting thread. I hopped on the scales (again!) after promising myself that I wouldn't, and had gained 1 lb - the lb it took me two weeks to lose on ADF. Hmmm... And yesterday was a fast day with a lot of walking. I don't think I have actually gained weight, because yesterday I wore a pair of jeans I haven't worn for four years.

So, do I put the scales in the loft or start weighing myself every day?

I know I'm not going over on calories on the Feast Days. If anything, for the past month I've been following this regime, I've had a tendency to under-eat.

Maybe the loft is the best option? :)
I am very interested to hear what others think,moptop
I didn't weigh for six weeks and thought I was being pretty good but found i had lost nothing
This week I have weighed twice a day,yup that's me ,all or nothing
I noticed i lost after a fast and then after a day of normal eating ,most of it at dinner ,I put on
So I weigh more in the morning than before dinner
I am trying to do 16.8'on nonfast days.
I posted this in a thread recently but will repeat it here as it's relevant. My fluctuations can be up to 1.4 kgs so the app is very helpful!
I don't have an iphone, I don't even know what an app is. All I have is a little notebook and the forum's tracker.
Every morning I weigh in and write it down and once a week I do the same with the tracker.
What did people who dieted 20 years ago do? Used a piece of paper and a pencil, probably. ;-)
I used to weigh myself more than once daily, then I decided to give up and put away the scale and to weight myself once a week.
OK, so this is my first 2 weeks on the libra app. Only the last 3 days I have charted them on daily.


I am really pleased tbh..I can see that I am actually heading downwards, even with my weight seemingly up and down between the same 4lbs!
I couldn't get the graph to work on either of the 2 iphone apps. Shame the libra one isn't available!
I'm with TML13 and find the only way to keep my weight stable is to weigh in every day too. I've never had a problem with weight gain since doing this.
Libra is very sensitive to the recent data points, so more points is better, gives a smoother result.
I am a serial weigher and I had a shock of my life. A 2kg gain this morning. A gain of all the lost I had achieved the past 3 weeks. I would have died if I was not sensible enough to say it was probably water gain as the last time I weighed myself was Saturday morning and I had a lost from my weeks fast. I am scared to hop on the scales later or tomorrow to see if I have managed to rid some of the numbers!
yes, I am hoping the more I add the "better" it shows my weight trends.

I have only had the app for 3 days, but added my other weights from the last 2 weeks, from what I had charted on the tracker here.
Aina, after starting 5:2, I discovered that my PMS starts a week before my period comes (it usually started 3 days before).
Today, it's one week before my period. I woke up in the morning and I was 61 kilos. I didn't eat any food all day but I peed a lot and when I came home I weighed out of curiosity and I was 60! Which means that water retention will be the guest star if this week, LOL!
In my opinion, scales are unreliable. Having said that, I weigh myself 2 or more times a day. Go figure! The reason is this: I weigh first thing in the morning and it's sometimes up, sometimes down. I go about my business, whether it's a fast or feed day. Get on the scales before bed and it's sometimes up, sometimes down. Doesn't make a difference what kind of day it was. I believe it ALL depends on how much water I'm currently retaining. Like Carolees has said, I can have a really full eating day, and my weight will be down that evening. So whenever I see the scales hit a low number that I've never seen before.....I count it as a loss! Doesn't matter what time of day I see it, I'm counting it! I notice the the 'high' numbers on all of my multiple weighins have are getting lower and lower until I never see them again. So I know this is working, it just fluctuates so much. It's almost impossible to get an accurate weight every weighin. People fret about a 1/2 lb. gain, when in most cases, it will be gone in a couple of hours! Even if you eat a candy bar. :) That's what happens with me anyway. We all know if we're losing weight by the way we feel and the way our clothes fit, so everyone should stop getting worked up over the reading on their scales and how often they should weighin.
According to some data I saw compiled by NASA and read in the Hacker's Diet book, water weight and food in your system (being digested etc), can account for fluctuations of +/- 12 lbs at any time.

I also use Libra and track it daily. With the daily fluctuations it does present a pretty accurate trendline and is the only way I could keep my sanity with daily weigh ins.

With that being said, I am a bit stressed today after a bad 3 days of weekend eating (Father's day), where I am currently up 8 lbs from my lowest weight last week after a fast.

Since I am fasting today and drinking a lot of water, I need to trust that it is just a minor setback as there is no way I ate that many calories in 3 days - At the most I may have added a pound.
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