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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi jacksati, thanks for pointing that out I have merged the posts into the 'other' topic so they are all in the same place (here, that is) now...
Well, nearly half seven here. Am a bit hungry but not too bad. But I am in a rotten mood! Very irritable!
Hang in TonytheFish - you're doing well, not long to go, hopefully you'll feel more relaxed soon.

My day has gone well. In from work now, and having a slimline bitter lemon, and a catch up with TV before helping my son with his homework.

My mind is moving to tomorrow's food now. ....

I went clothes shopping at lunchtime - great alternative to the star canteen, but didn't buy anything, as i dont want to invest till I'm at my goal size.
Hi tonythefish, I do two 36hr fasts a week, but have done three before, I found it speeded up weight loss the first few weeks and now losing about one and a half pounds a week which is slightly more than 500 cal 5:2, but not by much as was 1.2lbs a week then. Had a gain this week, but been overindulging on normal days and the trend overall is downwards. Saw your scales thread and sounds like you are in 'the zone' for losing weight at the moment (I am too), I have to be mindful that I don't get too greedy and expect too much or push myself too hard because I'm feeling impatient! The weight will go, but it's frustrating when you have lots to lose! Keep going through the evening and get an early night, I found at the beginning I woke very early after a 36hr fast with loads of energy, seems to have settled a bit now. Do drink lots as I get prone to headaches when I don't and I still have to constantly push myself to drink enough when I'm fasting! Good luck all newbies
Arrgghh!! I can't seem to do it here. I'm staying with my mumm and blatantly told her I wasn't eating today but she insisted I sit at the table at tea time and then proceeded to serve me food.

My six year old daughter does not know I fast as I have made a point to never mention it in front of her (don't want her to inherit the same food issues most of my family has) so could not make a big deal out of it.

I am within the 500 calories, so still a fast day but not a liquid one as planned. Staying here and keeping to my usual routines is much harder than I thought.

Hope everyone else is doing well. UK peeps, you haven't got long to go at all :)
Sending hugs Umleila - so irritating when you don't have control over your routine. Good luck
mcd1 wrote: Good morning! A complete newbie here - to both 5:2 and this forum as of today. This 36 hour thing sounds great. Just what i need to kick start my new diet (especially after a rather indulgent weekend!) Can anyone tell me or point me in the right direct of what this entails? (I'm secretly hoping it's a little more than just water). Thanks in advance! x

Hi :grin: most of us started with the 500/600cals on fast days, but moved to liquid fasting for various reasons. I found very early that eating triggered hunger, so had all my calories at dinner. Then after a few months, I moved to not having dinner, and going through to breakfast the next morning. This way my hunger wasn't triggered until the next morning. I have water, green tea and sometimes rooibos or crio bru. Sometimes I'll have a regular tea with milk. There are no rules, it's just what works for you. I think some people have clear soups or juice, so if you go that route, just make sure they're under your daily allowance 500cal).
Sorry...reporting in late. There just don't seem to be enough hours in the day and I'm not working today. Housework this morning, gardening this afternoon, the usual pilates class at 6pm and back into the garden, ironing needs done, need a bath and I've not had time to think about food. Easy peasy lemon squeasy. I wish Thursday's were as easy as this.

I am beginning to think about what I want for breakfast and at the moment I fancy homemade wholemeal t***t with real butter and jam. For the new liquid fasters, it isn't a good idea to mention t***t on this thread because you'll get into trouble (can you smell it yet).
Oh no, you've mentioned the t*** word, that's it, I'm finished - will have to resort to another mug of veg stock to avoid the smell of the t**t :grin:
It's the morning after my first 36 hour fast :smile:

Thank you to you all for this supportive thread. I'm also doing 16:8, so I think I'll continue with that and make this a 40 hour fast, as I'm not really hungry.

I have to agree with what a lot of you are saying, 0 kcal fasting is easier than having to plan a well-rounded 500 kcal meal, and I liked not having to think about when I could eat. I did get a bit fuzzy in the head, and unfortunately I had a very lazy day because the thought of doing any activities felt a bit overwhelming. But I think that'll get better now that I know I suffered no ill effects, not even a head ache.

Right now I'm imagining never having to count calories again! It's a seductive thought. At first it was fun, putting together meals was like a game and I even enjoyed counting calories on feed days. Now it's just my routine and there's no novelty, so I think I'll probably like either not eating anything or eating whatever I want on a given day more.
I am on my 36 hour liquid fast today. Just having a lovely cup of depurative herbal tea, followed by a bit of cardio and then off to do the ironing. I am in a positive mood and I have decided that my post fast day is going to be a no carb day, as I have felt really bloated of late. Have a good day anyone who is fasting today.
Good luck today Emsy44

I feel great after yesterdays fast - have had my (low carb) breakfast. I picked up some size 12 white cropped trousers from the charity shop last week, to be "aspirational" and tried them this morning, and they fit perfectly :grin:

I'm not going to sit down again till dinner time, I'll work at my standing desk (laptop on the kitchen surface) :wink: , and will walk out for some errands at lunch time.
Wow, your aspirational trousers from last week already fit? That's great :smile:
Yeh that is brilliant. I am still not quite fitting in the next size down!! The day I do will feel so good even though they wont be my slim trousers!!! I think it will be months before I get in my slim ones!!!!
I was in the same size for ages, then suddenly there's been a woosh, and I'm wearing things I never thought I would. I think the combination of the liquid fasting and NEAT is very effective for me.
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