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4:3 for me too this week by the looks of it, managed to avoid the canteen today so have just got home and not eaten anything or even had a black coffee! Just water so far so having a diet coke now and then feeding the baby tea, then my daughter will get home and then I'm off out to collect some rats as a surprise for my daughters birthday which isn't until next week but she's getting them early! The cage is all set up so hopefully I can sneak them in while she's asleep so she can be surprised by them in the morning! Not hungry although think I haven't drunk enough again so trying to get more fluids in before I go out again!
Hi all, this is my first liquid fast (am doing 4:3) and I noticed I hadn't particularly felt hungry so decided to go for it! Have had tea and water so far and feeling good :smile:
I successfully completed another liquid fast yesterday. I weighed myself this morning and I'm still the same weight - 7 weeks now. So I have lost one and a half stone since the new year and maintained that loss for 7 weeks! Today, tomorrow and Sunday I am doing the Dukan Attack that TML has been doing, just to get the next phase of losing weight going again.

Go for it chickvic. It's worth it if only to say you've done it but most of find it easier as the hunger switch doesn't get turned on.

Mariposa, I hope your wee girl like the rats. When I was young (a long time ago) I would look after the schools rats during holiday time. They were great.
Woohoo!! I've managed my first liquid fast in two weeks. I feel so much better than on the 500 fast days.

Good luck chickvic :)
Well two new additions to the family (Ralph and Tom) are settling into their new cage. Don't think my daughter is likely to sleep anytime soon and my partner looks slightly afraid as he hasn't realised how big they would be! Ha, ha! No time to even think of food and off to bed soon, so 4:3 done and hopefully set the weight loss trend back downwards on Monday! Good luck all fasters and well done all those feeling great
Aww - any pictures of the rats? We have 3 (girls) and I love them, they are so friendly and cheeky! :wink:

Don't feel hungry and haven't found it difficult at all. Will be interesting to see how I feel tomorrow!
Hope your daughter enjoys the rats :) are they nocturnal? If so, it will be a long night!
They aren't nocturnal, and all sounds quiet so hopefully they won't wake her with their scuttering around! No pics yet, but hopefully will get some tomorrow and if I figure out how to put them on I will! Well done chickvic sounds like you're well on your way to completing your first liquid fast!
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