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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I am going to try this liquid fast thing again today. I had such a good time with it Monday that it has made me adventurous, and I want to know if I can do a 4:3 with liquid fasts.

Backup plan is I eat some of the healthy lettuces and veggies I have ordered for today, so I won't be tempted to go to the store and get something fatty and sugary.
I'm fasting again today, might even do a 4:3, my weight seems to be very odd this week and I feel very bloated out, wondering if its linked to the tummy bug I had over the weekend or whether it's that time of the month again already! Either way, I need to do something. Fasting has been easy today as been in meetings all afternoon, kids have been fed by other people as its my late day home so only my partners dinner to smell later, don't think it'll bother me though as I'm just not hungry!
How's it going glassmarble?
Going great, mariposa :grin:

I enjoyed a long walk somewhere beautiful, trying to get out before the thunder storm hit, and got caught in the rain on the way home. The weather is warm and muggy so I wasn't cold, but I did long for something hot and food-like, so I had a mug of miso soup.

That was probably a mistake, as it flipped my hunger switch. But I distracted myself with chores so I'm okay now. I've been having fun imagining going to a sushi buffet on my feed day tomorrow, and it has taken the pressure to eat completely off me for today.

I hope you are doing well too. Looks like we are in this ambitious endeavor together this week.
Yes, I did do a 4:3 liquid fast once before, but more by accident than anything else as I'd started with a half fast and then it got to dinner and I wasn't hungry so continued on. Had good weight loss that week too, but hard to tell if it was the three fasts or not as I tend to lose weight in a sudden drop and then go up and down for a bit. Will start Friday with a half fast and see how I go I think! Glad to hear you are finding it relatively easy too, it is only the cold that bothers me on fasting days and I'm finding the warmer weather today is making it easier. See you in the morning for breakfast! :grin:
Good morning everyone
the light and birds woke me at 5:30 :doh:
I am in for my second 36hr liquid fast of the week. I have never tried 4:3 mariposa; but feel 3 36hr fasts would be too much for me. More like a normal diet and hard work :frown:

At my Wednesday usual weigh in I met my objective :victory: but I will carry on to lose a few more pounds; as maintence does not seem striaghtforward; I need to give myself some leeway to find a method that works for me.
I think I will carry on to Bmi of 20 ; its likely to take to September or even October as we have four long weekends away and a holiday coming up where I will put on pounds :razz:

Good luck all who are fasting today :clover:
Morning all. I think I'm in today - but maybe going out tonight so I'll liquid fast at work, and play it by ear.

Bit hungover this morning, so will be drinking gallons of (black) tea.

I'm wearing a trouser suit today I bought last year, in the hopes I would one day fit into it - its snug, but looks great - I'm really pleased,
Brilliant Jacksati in reaching your objective - congratulations - and good luck with maintenance - I guess it's something else we'll need to experiment with a bit
Yay for wearing clothes from the "maybe oneday" pile!

I've had a couple of teas with milk today, it's been really really cold and I needed my "real" tea (rather than usual green or rooibos with no milk). But other than that, fine for a liquid fast. Plenty of work to keep me busy until bedtime in a few hours.
Congratulations Jacksati :) As I'm nearing my target, I'm wondering what to do on Maintenence and also wether to stop at my goal or to go a few pounds under.

And congrats too to you, minumonline. What a great feeling to get into clothes that didn't used to fit :)

Good luck to everyone fasting today. I intend to do my last fast day of the week tomorrow. After thinking I had lost a pound or maybe even two this week, the scales on weigh in day are exactly the same as last week.
I'm definately in to day as I was out last night. It was a 40th birthday at a local Indian restaurant and it was buffet night. I'm still full up this morning.

Well done jacksati, what an achievement.'s a really good feeling getting into those clothes. I decided I wanted to wear something summery last night and tried on quite a few things that hadn't seen the light of day for a while. Wow, they fit with great ease and I had a choice of nice things to wear. I ended up in a pair of lilac slim leg jeans, a flattering striped vest top and purple cardi. For once I felt quite good going out.
Sounds lovely Suchard - bet you looked gorgeous.

I've just marred my new look by spilling tea down my white top. I may be slim one day, but I'll never be sophisticated ....
Minumonline wrote: I've just marred my new look by spilling tea down my white top.

Oh no!

Good luck to everyone fasting today. It feels weird not to be fasting on a Thursday, but at the same time I feel pleasantly surprised every time I remember that today is a feeding day :wink:

I'm opening my window an hour early with what I hope will be a delicious croissant with homemade rhubarb compote (too sweet for my taste, it was a recipe I hadn't tried before) and cottage cheese, because they were out of canned whipped cream :cry: But I think the cottage cheese will work well to cut the sweetness, and it has some good filling protein anyway.
I think I've ducked dinner out tonight and arranged to go out for a solstice breakfast tomorrow (but not at dawn! )

Fairly easy fast so far, had a nice shopping trip at lunchtime and bought an almost-fits outfit - hopefully not too ambitious

Lovely sunshine through the window on the train tonight - I'm feeling happy :)
In from a busy day at work but finished for the weekend now. Its my birthday on sunday so we are going to a B & B near Silverdale for a long weekend.
I had hoped to do the Morecambe bay walk but it is not on this weekend; maybe due to the tides. We will have a walk in the dales, maybe the three peaks if the weather is OK.
Fasting day going OK so far, hope the same is true for everyone.
Well this evening is down for packing and planing the weekend. Likely to come back a few pounds heavier so will need Monday's fasting day.
Have good evening everyone
Fasting again today, Friday. I look forward to evaluating how this week went during the weekend. So far I've liked it. I did end up going to an all you can eat sushi place yesterday, and it was a lot of fun. I had worried about overloading my digestive system, but it was not a problem at all! Then again, I naturally gravitated to the veggie-packed summer rolls, and probably ate much less than I would normally have stuffed myself with before getting into the fasting habit.

Is this too good to be true? Will I love eating not only what I want but also how much of it I want on alternate days so much that I will grow dependent on three liquid fasts a week? Is dr. Varady happy and content? :?: :bugeyes:
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